Vector Drawables

Frequently, the app bar contains toolbar buttons, such as the refresh one shown below:

App Bar, Showing Highlighted Toolbar Button
App Bar, Showing Highlighted Toolbar Button

We could use PNG images for these. However, typically, icons like this one are implemented using vector drawables. These are drawn dynamically, so we do not need different versions of vector drawables for different screen densities, the way that we do with PNGs. Plus, Google supplies us with a library of existing vector artwork that we can use, in addition to importing SVG files from elsewhere, such as from a graphic designer.

Starting the Vector Asset Wizard

To add a vector drawable to your app — either from Google-supplied artwork or SVGs — you can use the Vector Asset Wizard. You can start this by right-clicking over anything in your module’s portion of the project tree in Android Studio, then choosing “New” > “Vector Asset” from the context menu.

This will bring up the Vector Asset Wizard on its first page:

Android Studio Vector Asset Wizard, First Page
Android Studio Vector Asset Wizard, First Page

Using Built-In Vector Artwork

By default, the wizard starts off with the “Asset Type” radio buttons set to “Clip Art”, allowing you to choose an icon from a Google-supplied library. The default icon is the Android mascot (“Bugdroid”), but you can click the button next to “Clip Art” to bring up the catalog of available artwork:

Android Studio Vector Asset Wizard, Icon Selector
Android Studio Vector Asset Wizard, Icon Selector

Here you can:

Once you have identified the icon that you want, you can click OK to return to the wizard, with your icon selected:

Android Studio Vector Asset Wizard, First Page, Showing Refresh Icon
Android Studio Vector Asset Wizard, First Page, Showing Refresh Icon

An icon name will be filled in for you in the “Name” field, though you can change that if you wish. Similarly, you can override:

You can then click Next, followed by “Finish”, to add the vector drawable to the res/drawable/ directory of your module.

Importing SVGs

If you have a vector image in SVG or PSD format from a graphic designer, you can try to use it. Android’s vector drawables implement a subset of SVG, and some SVGs will be too complex for Android to support.

To use an existing SVG file, rather than browse the existing icons, choose “Local file (SVG, PSD)” in the “Asset Type” radio buttons in the first page of the Vector Asset Wizard:

Android Studio Vector Asset Wizard, First Page, Showing Local file Option
Android Studio Vector Asset Wizard, First Page, Showing “Local file” Option

You can click the “…” button next to the “Path” field to browse for your SVG or PSD file. After choosing the file, the Vector Asset Wizard will load it and give you some idea of whether or not it will work. Specifically, if the preview does not look promising, or you get warnings, that particular file may not work well as a vector drawable:

Android Studio Vector Asset Wizard, First Page, Showing Problems
Android Studio Vector Asset Wizard, First Page, Showing Problems

Beyond that, though, you can override the size, opacity, and RTL settings, then proceed through the rest of the wizard to create the vector drawable.

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