The View State

Our view layer gets its ToDoModel instances from the ViewState. This class aggregates all of the data necessary to render our three fragments. It includes:

As with ToDoModel, ViewState uses AutoValue to create a more-or-less immutable object. So, we have abstract methods for each of those properties that we want to track:

public abstract class ViewState {
  public abstract boolean isLoaded();
  public abstract List<ToDoModel> items();
  abstract Set<Integer> selections();
  @Nullable public abstract Throwable cause();
  public abstract FilterMode filterMode();
  @Nullable public abstract ToDoModel current();

We also have an associated Builder:

  abstract static class Builder {
    abstract Builder isLoaded(boolean isLoaded);
    abstract Builder items(List<ToDoModel> items);
    abstract Builder selections(Set<Integer> positions);
    abstract Builder cause(Throwable cause);
    abstract Builder filterMode(FilterMode mode);
    abstract Builder current(ToDoModel current);
    abstract ViewState build();

We have a builder() method that returns a Builder with a likely set of default values (e.g., no current selections):

  static Builder builder() {
    return(new AutoValue_ViewState.Builder()
      .selections(new HashSet<>())

Beyond that, we have a series of helper methods for common scenarios, such as empty() for returning a Builder set up with no items:

  static Builder empty() {
    return(builder().items(new ArrayList<>()));

…and a toBuilder() method, which creates a Builder pre-populated with the current values from a ViewState, to be able to revise those values and create a fresh ViewState from the Builder:

  private Builder toBuilder() {

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