Step #3: Adding Some Handlebars

To generate HTML, it is often convenient to use a template language. There are lots of those, with a popular one being Handlebars. While the original Handlebars is in JavaScript, there is a port to Java, which we can use in our app. So, we will use it to pour our to-do item data into an HTML template to generate a Web page.

To that end, add this line to the dependencies closure in the app/build.gradle file:

  implementation "com.github.jknack:handlebars:4.1.2"

Then, in ToDoApp, add this single to our koinModule:

    single {
      Handlebars().apply {
        registerHelper("dateFormat", Helper<Instant> { value, _ ->
            DateUtils.WEEK_IN_MILLIS, 0

This creates a Handlebars singleton that Koin can inject into various places in our app. We configure the Handlebars object as part of setting it up, calling a registerHelper() function. This registers a “helper”, which we can refer to from templates to perform a bit of formatting work for us. Specifically, we are registering a dateFormat helper that takes an Instant object and formats it using DateUtils, as we are doing in our DisplayFragment.

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