Step #9: Adding the Notes Field

The other widget is another EditText, this time for the notes.

Switch back to the graphical designer in the layout editor. In the “Palette” pane, in the “Text” category, drag a “Multiline Text” widget into the design area. Using the grab handles, set up constraints to:

Android Studio Layout Designer, Showing Added EditText
Android Studio Layout Designer, Showing Added EditText

Then, set both the “layout_height” and “layout_width” attributes to match_constraint:

Android Studio Layout Designer, Showing Big EditText
Android Studio Layout Designer, Showing Big EditText

In the “Layout” section of the “Attributes” pane, give it 8dp of margin on all four sides, via the drop-downs.

Next, switch to the “Code” view, and change the android:id value for this new <EditText> to be @+id/notes. Afterwards, switch back to the “Design” view.

Click the “O” button for the “hint” attribute in the Attributes pane. Create a new string resource using the drop-down menu. Give the resource a name of notes and a value of Notes. Then, click OK to define the string resource and apply it to the hint.

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