From Java to Kotlin (MVVM + Retrofit + Coroutines + Jetpack)

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At September 26, 2020, 4:18pm, vedy asked:

Hi Mark,

I’m trying to convert an app from Java to Kotlin, a recipies app (RecyclerView with Recipe categories , calls an API to do recipe search , show recipes and display details of recipes), I believe the issues I’m facing are stemming from using retrofit with coroutines. specifically the use of suspend fun does not play very well with the other files in Java. But I have converted the relevant Java classes into Kotlin (using Android studio 4)
To paint a more concrete picture i’m rpoviding code snippets here:

  1. Here are the related retrofit classes
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    [included in the link above] new users can only post 2 links
[included in the link above] new users can only post 2 links

  1. Here are the ViewModel and repo classes in Kotlin

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  1. This is how they looked like in Java
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  1. All seems to be well until I came across the conversion of the MainActivity, the converted Kotlin class is still giving errors related to it needs suspend function , but the MainActivity class resulting from doesn’t make sense to me.

This is the Java version of MainActivity
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and this is the Kotlin converted version
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My questions are:

Thanks in advance and let me know if you need any more details

At September 26, 2020, 5:04pm, mmurphy replied:

I am happy to try to answer specific questions that you may have regarding your code (particularly if you put the code into your question here on this site). However, I am not offering a code review service.

the converted Kotlin class is still giving errors related to it needs suspend function

searchRecipeById() in RecipeViewModel is a suspend function. It needs to be called inside of a suitable CoroutineScope or to be called by another suspend function. Your activity is doing neither.

You have two main choices:

  1. Do not expose a suspend-based API to the activity. Instead, use viewModelScope inside of your ViewModel to handle the coroutine and expose a traditional API. See for an example from Elements of Android Jetpack that takes this approach.

  2. Use lifecycleScope in your activity for calling the suspend function. In (from the same book), I take this approach for consuming events from a BroadcastChannel.

Do you recommend Java to Kotlin conversion using android studio at all?

The conversion works better than I would have expected, at least when I last used it (around 2 years ago). The resulting code usually compiles and frequently runs. However, for all but the simplest conversions, it usually needs some cleanup in order to become Kotlin that I would want to use long-term. For example, the converted code tends to use !! a lot, and that is a convenient yet unforgiving approach to dealing with nullable types.