GraphQL and Android Final Version Released

Subscribers now have access to the final version of GraphQL and Android, in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI/Kindle formats. Just log into your Warescription page and download away, or set up an account and subscribe!

I am in the process of wrapping up my books that focused on the first generation of Android app development (Java and the Android Support Library), in favor of books focusing on the second generation (Kotlin and Jetpack/AndroidX). The second of the original books to be marked “FINAL” is GraphQL and Android.

This book is unchanged from Version 0.3, other than a few errata fixes. That’s… not great, as this book was written during a very odd time in Android app development (e.g., the book’s samples use Jack for Java 8 support). However, fixing the book requires a fairly substantial rewrite. While I would like to do that someday, I have to prioritize other work (read: books that are more popular).

Note that all of the “FINAL” books will not show changebars or other notations for what sections changed from their previous one. That is one of the reasons why I am not making significant changes to these final editions.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this transition from first-generation to second-generation books, please reach out!.