Upcoming Presentations
My final(?) three presentations of 2017 are all scheduled now.
First up, I will be attending the third annual Android Summit, August 25-26 in the Tysons area of Northern Virginia. There, I will pound some more on one of my common punching bags: the War on Background Processing. In particular, I will focus on what Android 8.0 changes that will affect your background services and how to try to mitigate those changes.
Then, I will be attending the fourth annual droidcon NYC conference, September 25-26, in the Big Apple. There, I will be talking about Room, the persistence piece of Android’s Architecture Components.
Finally, on November 11th, I will be attending the second annual DevFest Florida, in Orlando, FL. There, I will also be talking about Room. Rumors that I will be seen wandering around Disney World wearing a bugdroid costume are completely unfounded.
I hope to see you there!