The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development Version 7.3 Released

Subscribers now have access to the latest release of The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development, known as Version 7.3, in all formats. Just log into your Warescription page and download away, or set up an account and subscribe!

In terms of content, this update:

  • Updated the book for Android Studio 2.1, including a much larger chapter on using the emulator, covering many of the new emulator features

  • Expanded the appendix on the N Developer Preview, updating it to the N Developer Preview 2 and adding material on TileService and network security configuration

  • Expanded the coverage of consuming documents through the Storage Access Framework, including covering ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE and Android N’s StorageVolume option

  • Expanded coverage of Android N multi-window, both in the Android N appendix and in the Storage Access Framework chapter, the latter adding a multi-tab/multi-window text editor example

  • Merged the JUnit and JUnit4 chapters into one, with related fixes to the other major chapters on testing and updates based on Android Studio 2.1

  • Updated coverage of Notification to improve the material on progress notifications and custom views, coverage of Android N’s quick-reply working on the lockscreen, and the use of FileProvider over file: Uri values

  • Added an improved ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE sample to the chapter on working with the camera, using a FileProvider instead of File objects, to deal with Android N

  • Expanded the coverage of preferences to include MultiSelectListPreferences and ListPreferences with dynamic contents (generated in Java on the fly, not hard-coded as resources)

  • Added more material on StreamProvider, as an alternative to FileProvider

  • Retired the tapjacking chapter, migrating the relevant portions of that material to the chapter on miscellaneous security techniques

  • Deleted obsolete chapters on ActionBarSherlock and non-Android Wear wrist wearables

  • Removed material on ViewPagerIndicator

The APK edition of the book has a few more appinars in the Community Theater, including:

  • Doing Periodic Work
  • Consuming Content from a Uri
  • Notification Basics
  • Lockscreen Notifications

Version 7.4 is tentatively slated for early June and will include material on whatever fun stuff Google will announce at Google I|O later this month.