Android Micro-Consulting

I have rolled out some new stuff for subscribers out on the Warescription site, and I’ll be posting about those this week. Monday, I mentioned the StackOverflow Bump benefit. Tuesday, I mentioned the newly-out-of-beta referral program. Yesterday, I pointed out a regular series of webinars.

I have also added the ability to request “micro-consulting”.

The primary way that I can help subscribers with their Android development issues is via the office hours chats. The StackOverflow Bump service will also work in this regard. But sometimes the help needs to be more private, or where a text interface is not the best solution. Often times, the next step up from StackOverflow is having to hire a consultant, and that usually requires a certain number of hours. There is limited “middle ground” for cases where you need a bit of advice but do not need 10, 100, or 1000 hours of consulting time.

The “micro-consulting” service allows subscribers to book some private discussion time with me, in chunks as small as 15 minutes, to keep the costs down. We can do the consulting via a Campfire chat room (what the office hours chats use), a dozeo Web conference (what the webinars use), or an audio or Web conferencing solution that you supply. The Warescription site allows you to submit a request for consulting, and I will get back to you to confirm the time for the consulting and other details.

If you have any questions regarding the “micro-consulting” service, let me know.