New Subscriber Benefit: StackOverflow Bump

First, let me be the approximately 10,394th person to welcome you to 2014!

(note: this number may be significantly higher for you if you are reading this post in the archives)

(note #2: this number may be significantly lower for you if you are reading this in 2015 or beyond (and, BTW, how are the flying cars?))

I have rolled out some new stuff for subscribers out on the Warescription site, and I’ll be posting about those this week. The first new item is the StackOverflow Bump service.

StackOverflow has over 400,000 questions, many with answers, and new ones pour in daily. Your question could get lost in the shuffle, particularly if you get an early poor answer.

If you have an active Warescription, and you have posted an android question to StackOverflow that does not yet have an acceptable answer, you can paste in the URL to the question into a form on your Warescription page and ping me to take a peek at it.

The key, though, is making sure that the StackOverflow process itself is working, at least as well as it can. Hence, only certain android questions qualify:

  • The question must be at least 24 hours old, to allow the broader StackOverflow community a chance to handle the question.

  • If there are answers on the question, but you do not believe that those answers truly answer your question, you need to have posted comment(s) to that effect. In particular, point out where the answer departs from your expectations.

  • If there are questions posed to you in comments, seeking clarification on your question, you need to have replied to those, either by a follow-up comment, an edit to your question, or both.

  • The question cannot be closed or deleted, as I have no means of helping with those, anyway.

I will attempt to chime in on your question within a day or two of your submitting the Bump request. I may not be able to answer it, particularly if it is in areas outside my expertise (e.g., OpenGL). Hence, the Bump service is not a guarantee of an answer; it is, at most, a guarantee of getting my attention.

Note that you do not have to offer a StackOverflow bounty to qualify for my Bump service, though you may wish to consider offering a bounty to get more community attention, particularly if I am unable to help.

If you have any questions regarding this service, or run into problems with it, drop me a line.