The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development Version 4.8 Released

Subscribers now have access to the latest release of The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development, known as Version 4.8, in all formats. Just log into your Warescription page and download away, or set up an account and subscribe!

This is a smaller update than normal, in terms of topics:

  • A new chapter was added on developing for the OUYA game console (many thanks to Al Sutton for his assistance!)

  • New large-screen samples, showing alternative ways of implementing the master-detail pattern, as riffs on the original EU4You sample

  • Expanded coverage of advanced ViewPager tricks, including using Jake Wharton’s ViewPagerIndicator and supporting “Plume-style” columns on large screens and pages in a ViewPager on smaller screens

  • Updated coverage of Presentation, including an even simpler sample that takes advantage of my CWAC-Presentation project

  • New material on creating custom views and containers, including a ReverseChronometer and explanations of the implementation (and usage) of the AspectLockedFrameLayout and mirroring classes from my CWAC-Layouts project

  • Updated everything to ActionBarSherlock 4.3.1

  • Began the slow process of replacing all fill_parent with match_parent, now that nobody should have a build target lower than API Level 8

  • Added part dividers to the PDF for the core chapters and each of the trails

The next update is tentatively planned for mid-June, though this may change depending upon what happens at Google I|O.