The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development Version 4.6 Released

Subscribers now have access to the latest release of The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development, known as Version 4.6, in all formats. Just log into your Warescription page and download away, or set up an account and subscribe!

This release… does not add quite as much as I had hoped for. That being said, it includes:

  • New coverage of “jank”-busting, including coverage of quantifying jank using gfxinfo and systrace

  • Coverage of using SSL, including trying to defeat man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks

  • Expanded coverage of Maps V2

  • A bit more coverage of locations (this chapter will undergo a series of improvements over the next few releases)

  • Fixes lots of errata and adds other minor improvements

In terms of the book formats, I have constrained the maximum image height on the PDF versions, to reduce the number of pages that have a screenshot+caption and nothing else.

Version 4.7 is planned for early April.