Android Programming Tutorials Version 4.1 Released

Subscribers now have access to the latest release of Android Programming Tutorials, known as Version 4.1.

The only changes in this edition of the book are to update the Eclipse instructions to match the latest edition of the Android Developer Tools plugin.

For those of you who have purchased the 4th Edition in print, pretty much everywhere you see references to a “Properties” flyout in the context menu for the drag-and-drop GUI editor, it is now “Other Properties > All by name…”. There have been other changes too, mostly to the window formerly known as the “SDK and AVD Manager”. The good news is that the tools keep improving; the bad news is that it means print books get out of date rapidly.

This book will be revisited in early 2012. Current plans are for a substantial rewrite, to get newer techniques (e.g., fragments) into the project at the outset, rather than grafting them onto the application later on.

If you encounter any issues with the samples in the book, please post your problems to StackOverflow with the commonsware tag, and I’ll get back to you ASAP.