Default Values and Inserts

If we @Insert our entity, though, the values for all columns get specified via properties on that entity. After all, regardless of whether or not we provide text or version when we call the DefaultValueEntity constructor, the resulting object will have values for those properties, just via the Kotlin defaults. So, our resulting INSERT SQL statement will provide values for all of those properties, meaning that the SQL default values will not be used.

So, once again:

However, @Insert is not the only option for executing INSERT statements in Room. We can also do that using @Query:

    fun insert(entity: DefaultValueEntity)

    @Query("INSERT INTO defaultValue (id, title) VALUES (:id, :title)")
    fun insertByQuery(id: String, title: String)

Here we have two DAO functions for inserting into our defaultValue table. The first uses @Insert. The second uses @Query, with a SQL INSERT statement that does not provide values for text or version. So, when we call insertByQuery(), our resulting database table row will contain the supplied id and title values, plus the SQL default values for text and version.

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