Which Do You Use?

On the surface, it seems like interfaces can do nearly everything that abstract classes can do, and you gain the flexibility of being able to use more than one interface on a class.

So, why would one ever use an abstract class? Or, to put it another way, in what scenarios would you use abstract classes, and in what scenarios would you use interfaces?

State Management

The biggest thing that interfaces lack is any form of state management. They cannot have concrete properties, the way abstract classes (and regular classes) can.

So, if you want to have something that manages state but requires implementations to fulfill some contract, an abstract class is the better choice.

In principle, you could use interfaces and simply force implementations to do some of the state management themselves. For example, you could have abstract getFoo() and setFoo() functions declared in the interface, plus have concrete code in the interface rely upon those functions. In principle, this can work. However, the interface has no control over exactly how that state is maintained:

If the interface truly does not care and could handle any of those scenarios, fine. Otherwise, an abstract class would be a better choice, so the concrete code knows exactly how the state management is being handled.

On the other hand, if you have some code that is more of a “mixin” and does not need any particular state, then interfaces are fine.

Consumer of Contracts

Another subtle limitation is that interfaces cannot have protected functions. The abstract functions on an interface are intrinsically public, though their concrete functions can be private if desired.

Hence, if you want to require subclasses to implement some functionality, but that functionality should not be accessible to arbitrary other objects, an abstract class with protected abstract functions is the best choice.

If, on the other hand, all of the abstract functions are fine for other objects to call, then interfaces are fine.

I Can Haz final?

Interfaces can inherit from other interfaces, using the same notation as one uses to inherit with classes:

interface Base {
  fun foo()

interface Sub : Base {
  fun bar()

  fun goo() {
    // do something

However, an interface cannot mark an inherited abstract method as final, even if it provides an implementation. So, this is fine:

interface Base {
  fun foo()

interface Sub : Base {
  fun bar()

  fun goo() {
    // do something

  override fun foo() {
    // this supplies an implementation

…but this is not:

interface Base {
  fun foo()

interface Sub : Base {
  fun bar()

  fun goo() {
    // do something

  override final fun foo() {
    // this supplies an implementation

Instead, we get a compile error:

error: modifier 'final' is not applicable inside 'interface'
  override final fun foo() {

Abstract classes, like regular classes, can override inherited methods and declare those overridden methods as final, to prevent further subclasses from overriding them.

As a result, anything in an interface hierarchy is permanently open, until you start implementing the interfaces in classes. If that is a problem — if you have some function that you really want to mark as final — use abstract classes, not interfaces.

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