How Room Applies Migrations

When you create your RoomDatabase instance via the Migration-enhanced Builder, Room will use SQLiteOpenHelper semantics to see if the schema version in the existing database is older than the schema version that you declared in your @Database annotation. If it is, Room will try to find a suitable Migration to use, falling back to dropping all of your tables and rebuilding them from scratch, as happens during ordinary development.

Much of the time, the schema will jump from one version to the next. If you are using a simple numbering scheme starting at 1, the schema will then move to 2, then 3, then 4, and so on, for a given device. Hence, your primary Migration objects will be ones that implement these incremental migrations.

However, it may be that for some device you need to skip a schema version, such as moving from version 1 to version 3. Room is smart enough to find a chain of Migration objects to use, and so if you have Migration objects for each incremental schema change, Room can handle any combination of changes. For example, to go from 1 to 3, Room might first use your (1,2) migration, then the (2,3) migration.

Sometimes, though, this can lead to unnecessary work. Suppose in schema version 2, you created a bunch of new tables and stuff… then reverted those changes in schema version 3. By using the incremental migrations, Room will create those tables and then turn around and drop them right away.

However, all else being equal, Room will try to use the shortest possible chain. Hence, you can create additional Migration objects where appropriate to streamline particular upgrades. You could create a (1,3) migration that bypasses the obsolete schema version 2, for example. This is optional but may prove useful from time to time.

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