Yet More Terminology

First, let’s review some new and exciting terms that we need to understand in order to use LiveData.


LiveData itself is a source of data, both for a point in time and (via an observer) for changes to that data over time. Something will create and hand you a LiveData object, where the work to get that data and update it over time is handled by some background thread coming from the LiveData supplier.


In principle, you can call getValue() on a LiveData to get the current value for whatever stream of data the LiveData is tracking. In practice, this will not be especially common.

Instead, you will register an Observer with the LiveData, usually via an observe() method. Your Observer will be called with onChanged() when:

Your onChanged() method is given the data (a Location, a SensorEvent, a Room entity, whatever) on the main application thread, with an eye towards you using it to update the UI by one means or another.

Active State

If a LiveData was instantiated in a forest, and nobody was there to observe data changes, does the LiveData really exist?

The answer is: yes, but it hopefully is not consuming any resources.

A LiveData implementation will be called with onActive() when it receives its first active observer. Here, “active” means that, if the observer is tied to a LifecycleOwner, the lifecycle is in the started or resumed state. Conversely, the LiveData will be called with onInactive() once it no longer has any active observers, either because all observers have been unregistered or none of them are active, as their lifecycles are all stopped or destroyed.

The idea is that a LiveData would only start consuming significant system resources — such as requesting GPS fixes — when there are active observers, releasing those resources when there are no more active observers. This works in many cases, though there are some that will require more finesse. For example, given that the GPS radio takes some time before it starts generating GPS fixes, a LiveData for GPS might want to wait some amount of time after losing its last active observer before releasing the GPS radio, in case a new observer pops up quickly, to avoid delays in getting those GPS fixes.

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