Other DAO Operations

To get data out of a database, generally it is useful to put data into it. We have seen basic @Insert, @Update, and @Delete DAO methods on TripStore:

package com.commonsware.android.room;

import android.arch.persistence.room.Dao;
import android.arch.persistence.room.Delete;
import android.arch.persistence.room.Insert;
import android.arch.persistence.room.OnConflictStrategy;
import android.arch.persistence.room.Query;
import android.arch.persistence.room.Update;
import java.util.List;

interface TripStore {
  @Query("SELECT * FROM trips ORDER BY title")
  List<Trip> selectAll();

  @Query("SELECT * FROM trips WHERE id=:id")
  Trip findById(String id);

  void insert(Trip... trips);

  void update(Trip... trips);

  void delete(Trip... trips);

Generally speaking, these scenarios are simpler than @Query. The @Insert, @Update, and @Delete set up simple methods for inserting, updating, or deleting entities passed to their methods… and that is pretty much it. However, there are a few additional considerations that we should explore.


@Insert, @Update, and @Delete work with entities. TripStore uses varargs, so we can pass zero, one, or several Trip objects, though passing zero objects would be a waste of time.

However, in addition to varargs, you can have these methods accept:

Return Values

Frequently, you just have these methods return void.


Conflict Resolution

@Insert and @Update support an optional onConflict property. This maps to SQLite’s ON CONFLICT clause and indicates what should happen if there is either a uniqueness violation (e.g., duplicate primary keys) or a NOT NULL violation when the insert or update should occur.

The value of onConflict is an OnConflictStrategy enum:

Value Meaning
OnConflictStrategy.ABORT Cancel this statement but preserve prior results in the transaction and keeps the transaction alive
OnConflictStrategy.FAIL Like ABORT, but accepts prior changes by this specific statement (e.g., if we fail on the 50th row to be updated, keep the changes to the preceding 49)
OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE Like FAIL, but continues processing this statement (e.g., if we fail on the 50th row out of 100, keep the changes to the other 99)
OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE For uniqueness violations, deletes other rows that would cause the violation before executing this statement
OnConflictStrategy.ROLLBACK Rolls back the current transaction

The default strategy for @Insert and @Update is ABORT.

We wille explore these conflict strategies in greater detail much later in the book.

Other Operations

The primary problem with @Insert, @Update, and @Delete is that they need entities. In part, that is so the DAO method knows what table to work against.

For anything else, use @Query. @Query not only works with operations that return result sets, but with any SQL that you wish to execute, even if that SQL does not return a result set.

So, for example, you could have:

@Query("DELETE FROM Customer")
void nukeCustomersFromOrbit();


  @Query("DELETE FROM Customer WHERE id IN (:ids)")
  int nukeCertainCustomersFromOrbit(String... ids);

…or INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM ... syntax, or pretty much any other combination that cannot be supported directly by @Insert, @Update, and @Delete annotations.

Consider @Insert, @Update, and @Delete to be “convenience annotations” for entity-based operations, where @Query is the backbone for your DAO methods.

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