Step #8: Fixing the Delete-on-Add Problem

Right now, when you edit an existing to-do item, the “delete” app bar item appears. It also appears when you are adding a new to-do item. This is unnecessary and may confuse the user. Plus, it may not work all that well, since we cannot delete an item that has not been added.

Fortunately, fixing this requires just one line of code: updating isVisible on the MenuItem corresponding to “delete”.

Modify onCreateOptionsMenu() of EditFragment to look like:

  override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu, inflater: MenuInflater) {
    inflater.inflate(, menu)
    menu.findItem( = args.modelId != null

    super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater)

Here, we retrieve the delete MenuItem and call setVisibility() with true if we have a model, false otherwise. This has the desired effect: removing the “delete” item if we do not have anything to delete.

And, if you run the app and go to add a new item, the delete icon does not appear in the app bar, but it will appear if you try to edit an existing item.

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