Step #5: Hiding the Empty View

Showing the empty view with just one to-do item is not so bad. The problem is that when we get enough to-do items, we wind up with overlapping text:

ToDo App, Showing Items Overlapping the Empty Text
ToDo App, Showing Items Overlapping the Empty Text

Besides, the point of the empty view is to show it only when the list is empty.

To make that happen, add this line to the bottom of onViewCreated() on RosterListFragment:

    binding?.empty?.visibility =
      if (adapter.itemCount == 0) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE

So, we check our RosterAdapter to see if we have any items, and if we do, we set the empty view to be GONE.

Now, if you run the app, you will see the empty view at the outset — when we have no items — but the empty view will go away once you start adding items.

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