Mar 27 | 3:50 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Mar 27 | 4:00 PM |
Eric | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, Eric! how can I help you today?
Eric |
Eric |
I want to get clarification. We are not supposed to make network calls on our main thread because it will slow UI animations. It sounds like it is possible to make a network request on a main thread but NetworkOnMainThreadException exists and it seems to say you can't
Mar 27 | 4:05 PM |
Mark M. |
beyond animations, it totally freezes your UI
Eric |
it sounds like you are confirming it is possible, but is a blocking operation. So I am confused because NetworkOnMainThreadException is defined as an exception thrown if you ATTEMPT to make network requests on the main therad
Eric | |
Mark M. |
correct, that is thrown by StrictMode when it detects an attempt to do network I/O on the main application thread
Eric |
I see, so it won't crash the app but slows it instead?
Eric |
actually can it crash an app?
Mark M. |
NetworkOnMainThreadException crashes the app, unless you handle the exception
Mar 27 | 4:10 PM |
Mark M. |
so, by default, network I/O on the main application thread crashes the app, unless you handle the exception
Eric |
ok, so if it crashed why do people say it blocks your UI and slows it down?
Mark M. |
for two reasons
Mark M. |
1. that is what the behavior was before Android 4.0
Mark M. |
2. that is the behavior if you disable StrictMode's check for network I/O on the main application thread
Mark M. |
it's 2021, and we have tons of ways of doing network I/O on background threads
Eric |
ok if I enable strictmode to see if network I/O is done on the main thread will it crash?
Mark M. |
it will throw NetworkOnMainThreadException, which if you do not handle the exception will cause you to crash
Mar 27 | 4:15 PM |
Eric |
I am reading elements of coroutines. You mention we don't want to make network requests on the ui thread to prevent blocking it. Are you assuming a disabled strictmode check, because otherwise wouldn't it crash(assujming you don't catch the eception)
Mark M. |
ah, I should improve that phrasing
Mark M. |
but, yes, I am assuming a disabled StrictMode check
Eric |
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Eric |
because str depends on the result of networkCall
Mark M. |
that depends on whether or not networkCall() has the suspend keyword
Mar 27 | 4:20 PM |
Eric |
yes networkCall() is a suspend function
Mark M. |
then, technically, networkCall() is not a blocking call, but through coroutines, line B will not be executed until line A returns
Eric |
I'm struggling to understand what is meant by a suspend function suspends execution but does not block it, because line B relies on line A
Mark M. |
well, it depends a lot on how you use "block" as a verb
Eric |
Mark M. |
when I think of the phrase "blocking call", I think that it is going to tie up the current thread of execution
Mark M. |
however, wraps a thread pool, not a single thread
Mark M. |
so, we enter your coroutine, and we are running on Thread IO-1
Mark M. |
Kotlin sees the networkCall() invocation, and sees that it is a suspend function
Mark M. |
depending on what else is going on, Kotlin may not execute networkCall() right away
Mark M. |
and, whenever Kotlin gets around to executing networkCall(), the *body* of networkCall() (the function implementation) might be executed on thread IO-2
Mar 27 | 4:25 PM |
Mark M. |
the original portion of the coroutine (your launch() and line A and line B) is suspended until networkCall() completes and returns
Mark M. |
once that happens, line B can be executed, and AFAIK that could be on any thread (IO-1, IO-2, IO-3, ...)
Mark M. |
now, suppose you use the backspace key and remove the suspend keyword from the networkCall() declaration
Mark M. |
at this point, networkCall() is a blocking call, from the standpoint of this coroutine, because we cannot suspend execution of the coroutine
Mark M. |
so, if we start the coroutine on thread IO-1, networkCall() will be called on IO-1, and line B will be executed on IO-1
Mark M. |
(networkCall() could do its own coroutine or other threading stuff inside its implementation, and I am ignoring that in this discussion)
Eric |
if I remove the suspend keyword won't I get an error saying networkCall() must be called within a coroutine or suspend function? I think I saw that?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
now, you might get complaints from the *implementation* of networkCall(), if you are calling suspend functions in there
Mar 27 | 4:35 PM |
Eric |
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(1 more line)
Mark M. |
I would phrase it more as: either line A or line D could be executed first
Mark M. |
Dispatchers.Main usually has a single thread, whatever the framework's "main application thread" is, which varies by environment
Mark M. |
and how a dispatcher decides which of two available coroutines to run is up to the implementation of the dispatcher, and for Dispatchers.Main in particular, that will vary by environment
Mark M. |
so, how the Klassbook behaves using Kotlin/JS may be different than how Android behaves using Kotlin/JVM and a Dispatchers.Main that is tied to the Android main application thread
Mark M. |
since stallForTime() is a suspend function, when either line B or line E is reached, the dispatcher could elect to switch execution to the other coroutine, if it is ready to run
Eric |
is it possible coroutine 1 completes before coroutine 2 starts then?
Mark M. |
theoretically, but very unlikely, given that stallForTime() stalls for time
Mar 27 | 4:40 PM |
Mark M. |
once we get to line B, the first coroutine will be delaying, and so Dispatchers.Main should start work on the second coroutine, since it is ready to run
Mar 27 | 4:45 PM |
Eric |
ok I'll need to play around withthis some more. Final question unrelated to coroutines actually. Is there a way to shorten this statement: if ( == null) { // lines of code } else print(
Mark M. |
probably not
Eric |
I appreciate it mark, bye!
Mark M. |
happy to help!
Eric |
Eric |
til next time then
Eric | has left the room |
Mar 27 | 5:00 PM |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |