Mark M. | has entered the room |
Feb 23 | 8:25 AM |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Kai H. | has entered the room |
Kai H. |
Kai H. |
How are you?
Mark M. |
hello, Kai!
Mark M. |
OK, and you?
Kai H. |
Ok also.
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Feb 23 | 8:30 AM |
Kai H. |
We support different screen sizes, the most different ones being "smartphone" and "tablet". For that we have different ParentActivities that hold either a one-pane or a two pane view.
Kai H. |
View paste
Kai H. |
Would it still be done like this nowadays?
Mark M. |
one could reasonably argue that it would not have been done that way back when... your predecessors did it that way :-)
Kai H. |
Mark M. |
the approach I have generally advocated is a single activity, rather than two, where it sets up its contents in single-pane or dual-pane modes based on screen size
Mark M. |
you might have your single-pane layout in res/layout/thingy.xml
Mark M. |
and your dual-pane layout in res/layout-w800dp/thingy.xml
Mark M. |
so when the activity does setContentView(R.layout.thingy), it gets the right one based on size
Mark M. |
at that point, your if logic is checking for the availability of the second pane
Mark M. |
IOW, if the second pane exists, configure it
Feb 23 | 8:35 AM |
Mark M. |
while *The Busy Coder's Guide* is a bit old, and so the actual code is not great, the chapter on large screen strategies is still not a bad intro to master-detail patterns
Mark M. |
Google, however, is trying to steer away from master-detail, as it does not work well with resizeable windows
Mark M. |
or, at least, set it up so the dual-pane UI can gracefully deal with the user shrinking the windo
Mark M. |
er, window
Mark M. |
for example, the left-hand pane might collapse down into a drawer that can be opened
Mark M. |
I have not written much about these approaches in my second-generation books, for the simple reason that getting designers to care about *landscape* is a struggle -- tablets are "a bridge too far" for lots of places
Kai H. |
Mark M. |
but, I hope to cover more of it in the next, say, 18 months
Kai H. |
I fail to grasp the difference between my approach and the approach you described.
Kai H. |
It might be that we use it a bit like that.
Mark M. |
that could be
Feb 23 | 8:40 AM |
Mark M. |
but, I doubt it, given your two activities
Mark M. |
if you think of your desktop OS that you are using for development, windows can be resized
Mark M. |
with Android, that too is possible, on Chrome OS and select other environments
Mark M. |
suppose your app starts off in a big window, and so you are displaying TabletActivity
Kai H. |
I think my example is a bit flawed, now that I look at it again.
Mark M. |
now the user grabs the window corner and shrinks the window
Mark M. |
if you are still showing TabletActivity, and you are still showing a dual-pane UI, there might not be window space to render that UI well
Kai H. |
I think "PhoneActivity" should be "DetailsActivity". On the tablet, a detail is in the right pane of the TabletActivity. On the phone it's in a DetailActivity.
Mark M. |
and you're reusing a fragment or something, for a common implementation of that portion of the UI?
Mark M. |
IOW, do you have DetailFragment that is the right pane of TabletActivity and the whole UI of DetailActivity?
Kai H. |
Mark M. |
if so, that's another approach for a classic master-detail presentation... and it's unlikely to handle resizeable windows well
Mark M. |
the percentage of Android app developers who worry about resizeable windows is really low
Kai H. |
Yes, it doesn't handle resizeable Windows at all I think.
Feb 23 | 8:45 AM |
Kai H. |
If Android doesn't reload on resize or something.
Mark M. |
Google would prefer that developers use more sophisticated patterns, to handle resizeable windows as well -- alas, we have very little code for those patterns, at least at present
Mark M. |
you will eventually undergo a configuration change
Kai H. |
I just tried the "split screen mode" of the tablet and it seems to load the smart phone view then.
Mark M. |
that would cause your UI to reload a layout
Mark M. |
that is probably based on your logic for deciding whether to show TabletActivity or DetailActivity
Kai H. |
Probably :D
Mark M. |
where the resize stuff becomes a problem is when your UI is already on the screen, and then that UI gets resized
Mark M. |
the resize probably will not trigger you to switch activities, so your pre-resize activity is the same as your post-resize activity, and the UI might not work well
Mark M. |
the approach I described originally, with one activity and two layouts, would handle this a bit better, but with a "smash cut" transition between single-pane and dual-pane modes
Mark M. |
Google would prefer some sort of animated transition between those modes
Mark M. |
Google would prefer a lot of things that I don't have time for :-)
Kai H. |
I was just about to say
Mark M. |
and I have a *lot* more patience for these sorts of considerations than do a lot of designers and developers
Feb 23 | 8:50 AM |
Mark M. |
so, what you have, for a strict phone vs. tablet setup, can work
Kai H. |
It seems to work.
Mark M. |
earlier, you asked "Would it still be done like this nowadays?" -- the answer is "no, because probably nobody thinks about tablets"
Kai H. |
So there would just not be a tablet layout?
Kai H. |
We seem to think about it still.
Mark M. |
and I am grateful for it!
Mark M. |
but, yeah, most app developers wind up optimizing for the phone, and, in terms of the tablet, "it is what it is"
Feb 23 | 8:55 AM |
Kai H. |
Nah. I always have to think for both and cover both cases.
Mark M. |
in some cases, there are ways of just tweaking the UI a bit to look better on tablets, while retaining the same overall navigation
Kai H. |
We have three main layouts: layout, layout-large and layout-large-land.
Mark M. |
what you're doing is the next step: optimizing presentation and navigation for tablets (e.g., dual-pane UI)
Mark M. |
basically, overall, there just is not a lot of focus right now for truly optimized tablet experiences
Mark M. |
certainly, places like yours do it, but it is not as common as some would like
Mark M. |
I do expect there to be renewed interest in the concept, courtesy of Jetpack Compose and Compose for Desktop
Mark M. |
desktop UIs really hammer home the need to support resizeable windows
Mark M. |
and large windows in general
Kai H. |
Kai H. |
Then it's not just the "table edge case" anymore.
Feb 23 | 9:00 AM |
Mark M. |
so, in the coming years, I expect that we will have lots more UI patterns that can work across a range of window sizes with resize support, and actual implementations of those patterns
Kai H. |
Not for us :D Compose requires Kotlin iirc.
Kai H. |
Mark M. |
so long as what you have for a tablet UI works well enough for your needs, I would not worry about it, unless you need to re-engineer stuff for other reasons
Kai H. |
Nah. I just wanted to know what is current and such.
Feb 23 | 9:05 AM |
Kai H. |
I don't know if you remember that we have several apps for several "versions" of the server.
Kai H. |
But we are now going towards a unified app that will have "switches" or something, depending on which server version is connected.
Mark M. |
that sounds like a long-term maintenance improvement
Kai H. |
Switching on or off functionality depending on the server version, I mean.
Kai H. |
I am bit concerned on how these "switches" will look like and how to make them maintainable and clean
Kai H. |
Do you have experience with that?
Mark M. |
are your servers customer-installed, or are they maintained and operated by your firm?
Kai H. |
Kai H. |
And it's not about preventing a feature because it wasn't paid for, but more about what sever is capable of what features.
Mark M. |
technically, I have not dealt with your scenario -- I have dealt with the other scenario, where your firm has N servers that it maintains
Feb 23 | 9:10 AM |
Mark M. |
for example, you might have the real production server, plus one or more servers set up for development and testing
Kai H. |
Version 10 of the server can do Blarfurg, which Version 9 can't do, so it should not show up when connected.
Kai H. |
That sounds like a good solution for flavors.
Kai H. |
But that wouldn't work in our case.
Mark M. |
why not?
Kai H. |
Because we don't know which server version the customer will connect to.
Mark M. |
ah, OK -- I interpreted "unified app" as meaning a single project, but you really mean distributing a single overall app
Kai H. |
Sorry, yes.
Feb 23 | 9:15 AM |
Mark M. |
somehow, your app is going to need to know the server version, and I do not know if you have an automated way of determining that or if you will need the end user to say the version they want
Mark M. |
but, given that, you can have a object that represents the mix of supported features, where you create instances of that object based on the server version
Kai H. |
We have an automated way.
Mark M. |
so, you have a ServerFeatures class with a supportsBlafurg boolean field
Mark M. |
once you automatically detect the server version, you set up an instance of ServerFeatures where supportsBlafurg is true or false
Mark M. |
and the rest of your app gets access to that ServerFeatures and branches accordingly where needed based on whether Blafurg is supported or not
Mark M. |
oh, wait, my apologies -- I was missing an r in Blarfurg :-)
Kai H. |
How could you??? ;-)
Kai H. |
So Blarfurg is pretty much a feature repository?
Kai H. |
Sounds like a singleton.
Mark M. |
if you mean ServerFeatures, it could be a singleton, though you need to be careful if users might switch between servers -- the values might change while your app is in operation
Kai H. |
Yes, I mean that.
Feb 23 | 9:20 AM |
Mark M. |
if ServerFeatures itself is not a singleton, it might be supplied by a ServerFeaturesRepository or something that *is* a singleton, where you ask the repository for the current features object
Mark M. |
or, it may be that ServerFeatures is merely a field on some other object that represents the server connection
Mark M. |
the details will depend a lot on your existing architecture
Mark M. |
my primary recommendation, though, is to have the bulk of your code thinking in terms of features, not versions
Mark M. |
IOW, most of your code should be thinking in terms of "is Blarfurg supported?", rather than "is the server version greater than N?"
Kai H. |
And the "feature repository" approach is how I would have done it, I guess.
Kai H. |
Features, not versions.
Kai H. |
Thanks for the tip.
Mark M. |
the problem with sprinkling version checks around is that the business rules can get more complicated
Mark M. |
suppose someday you need to remove Blarfurg support -- "is Blarfurg supported?" still works, but "is the server version greater than N?" does not
Kai H. |
Yes. And there is no clear place where to look.
Mark M. |
Kai H. |
Remove Blarfurg? Never!
Mark M. |
yeah, well, Blarfurg might be banned in some jurisdictions, on account of its tendency to cause spontaneous human combustion
Feb 23 | 9:25 AM |
Mark M. |
so, while you might continue offering Blarfurg to some customers, others need new Blarfurg-free servers
Kai H. |
That's just a myth, by Blarfurg opponents who are afraid of its power.
Mark M. |
my scneario is another reason for not tying the Blarfurg check to versions, as it may be that you wind up with a version where Blarfurg capability is conditional
Mark M. |
and while you said originally that this is not tied to whether they paid for a feature... you may as well work that into the overall system
Kai H. |
And it's nice to have one place where to change it?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
the determination of whether the app should offer Blarfurg-related UI is a business rule, and business rules have this nasty habit of changing
Mark M. |
so, try to isolate that business rule, and have most of the app only care about whether Blarfurg should be an option or not based on a simple boolean or enum or something
Kai H. |
Sounds dreamy.
Mark M. |
that's also a reported Blarfurg side effect -- please talk to your doctor
Kai H. |
I might have had too much exposure
Kai H. |
We have an inhouse doctor for that.
Kai H. |
I'll send myself to him.
Kai H. |
A Blarfurgologist.
Kai H. |
Feb 23 | 9:30 AM |
Mark M. |
and with that, I need to wrap up today's chat
Mark M. |
next one is Thursday in the 7:30pm US Eastern time slot
Kai H. |
Stay healthy.
Mark M. |
you too!
Kai H. |
And thanks.
Kai H. | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |