Feb 13 | 3:55 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Kai H. | has entered the room |
Kai H. |
Hello Mark
Mark M. |
hello, Kai!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Kai H. |
Do you have an idea why, in Kotlin, lateinit doesn't work for "primitiv" data types like "Int"?
Mark M. |
I think that has to do with how these things get mapped to the underlying Java types
Mark M. |
a Kotlin Int maps to a Java int, not a Java Integer
Kai H. |
Also, I read that Kotlin has no primitives, only classes, to then later read that lateinit doesn't support primitives X)
Mark M. |
*Kotlin* does not have primitive types, but it *maps to* primitive Java types (for Kotlin/JVM)
Kai H. |
I thought the standard was boxed, so it wouldn't matter.
Mark M. |
I don't think so, but I'm not really a Kotlin internals guy
Mark M. |
but, where we have Java primitives, we have Kotlin oddities (e.g., IntArray)
Feb 13 | 4:00 PM |
Mark M. |
so, I assume that the way they wanted to generate Java bytecode (e.g., for performance) led them to use primitives, and that led to a few problematic cases, like lateinit
Kai H. |
Kai H. |
We have a lot of "Up navigation" arrows in tool bars in our app and they usually go back to the main activity, which often feels wrong.
Mark M. |
on the whole, "up" drives me nuts
Kai H. |
For example when going into settings, then a subsetting, the "up navigation" arrow would leave the settings, going back to the main activity displaying whatever.
Mark M. |
that does not sound ideal
Feb 13 | 4:05 PM |
Mark M. |
for most conventional in-app navigation, up and back often do the same thing
Kai H. |
How is the whole thing meant to be? I feel that, most of the time, the "up arrow" (which points to the left) is supposed to do the same thing the "back navigation" of the system would do.
Kai H. |
Only when you jump into an activity from the outside would the up arrow do something else, while "back navigation" would leave the screen again.
Mark M. |
that's pretty much the story in a nutshell
Mark M. |
now, really complicated apps might choose something else
Kai H. |
I think that already answers my question.
Mark M. |
but for most apps, up == back if it is all purely in-app navigation, and up perhaps != back when we are cross app boundaries
Kai H. |
Mark M. |
the primary in-app case where up might != back is search within a complex structure
Mark M. |
for example, suppose we have an email client that tracks conversations and messages in a conversation
Feb 13 | 4:10 PM |
Mark M. |
and suppose that the UI has a list of conversations on one screen, a list of messages in the conversation on the next screen, and an individual message on a third screen
Mark M. |
when flowing from the first to the third screen, up would be the same as back for returning
Mark M. |
now, suppose that the app also has a search option
Mark M. |
so, the first screen has a search option, and filling that in brings up a separate screen with search results, and tapping on a search result takes you to the message
Mark M. |
in this case, up might not be the same as back
Mark M. |
back from the message would take you to the search results
Mark M. |
up from the message might take you to the conversation in which that message resides
Kai H. |
I don't think we have any cases that would warrant such a thing.
Kai H. |
But I understand the use case.
Mark M. |
yeah, I suspect that most apps don't have a need for it
Kai H. |
In "Exploring Android", page 220, you write to get a findNavController() by going "supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(R.id.nav_host).findNavController()", but then the code example shows "findNavController()...) only. Why?
Kai H. |
And what is the difference between those "findNavControllers"?
Feb 13 | 4:15 PM |
Mark M. |
what version are you looking at?
Mark M. |
(of the book)
Kai H. |
2.0 apparently
Mark M. |
the snippet at the top has your supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(R.id.nav_host).findNavController() syntax
Mark M. |
so, when you write "but then the code example shows...", what example are you referring to?
Kai H. |
The next one.
Mark M. |
ah, OK
Mark M. |
I'm not quite certain why those are different
Mark M. |
it's possible that up navigation is broken there
Robert | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
I will take a look at that and try to clean it up in the next update
Kai H. |
I think so too. I think I stumbled over this in my own app, using the shorter "findNavController()", which didn't work.
Mark M. |
yeah, I probably didn't test up navigation :-(
Mark M. |
thanks for pointing this out!
Kai H. |
Mark M. |
and, as a reward... let me take a question from Robert, and I'll be back with you shortly :-)
Mark M. |
Robert: hi! how can I help you today?
Feb 13 | 4:20 PM |
Robert |
Mark, hi!
Feb 13 | 4:20 PM |
Kai H. |
:*( ;-)
Robert |
I would like to know if a view is currently visible. I have a NestedScrollView containing a ConstraingLayout. Somewhere in the constraintLayout I have another ConstraintLayout. I want to know if in onViewCreated of my fragment my inner ConstraintLayout is visible
Mark M. |
by "visible", do you mean that it is on-screen, based on the scroll position of the NestedScrollView?
Robert |
If I can see it on screen, I consider it visible. else it is not visible
Mark M. |
OK, I just needed to confirm that you weren't referring to the standard visible/invisible/gone property of a view
Robert |
I tried comparing to View.VISIBLE and calling isShown() but sometimes it tells me it is there and it is not
Mark M. |
yeah, those are properties of the view itself and are independent of whether it is scrolled onto the screen
Robert |
so without scrolling it is not visible but android says isShown is true or it is View.VISIBLE
Mark M. |
that is expected
Feb 13 | 4:25 PM |
Mark M. |
however, I do not know of a recipe for readily determining whether a child is rendered on-screen or not
Feb 13 | 4:25 PM |
Mark M. |
partly, that's because "rendered on-screen" is a complex concept
Mark M. |
for example, suppose that a single row of pixels from that view is peeking above the bottom edge of the screen
Mark M. |
from a practical standpoint, that is not visible -- however, one could argue that it is visible, at least in part
Robert |
sorry I didn't understand your explanation above "properties of the view itself". If a view's visibility is View.VISIBLE why can't I see my view
Mark M. |
that property is better thought of as "it could be seen, if it is being drawn on-screen"
Robert |
I tested it for a view that could not possibly be visible because I had to scroll a long time to see it visually
Mark M. |
outside of scrolling containers, that property will map to what your eyeballs see
Mark M. |
with a scrolling container, a view can be eligible to be visible, yet be scrolled off the screen
Robert |
oh ok
Mark M. |
to use a Web analogy, the previous lines of this chat that have scrolled off the screen are visible but are not being rendered in this scrolling viewport thingy
Mark M. | |
Robert |
I see. So it is drawn so isShown() returns true and it is View.VISIBLE, but I have not scrolled to it yet
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
that link is for ScrollView, rather than NestedScrollView, though some of the techniques there may work
Feb 13 | 4:30 PM |
Mark M. |
a few of the answers specifically reference NestedScrollView
Robert |
I tried that solution and it didn't work for me. Doesn't it to determine if an ENTIRE view is displayed via Rect? Partially visible if sufficient for my case
Mark M. | |
Robert |
if part of my view is displayed I consider it
Mark M. |
that particular example shows three outcomes: fully visible, partially visible, and not visible
Robert |
ok thanks
Mark M. |
I'd start with those -- I don't have a better recipe, as I have not had to worry about this problem personally
Robert |
sure I can try it
Mark M. |
on the whole, neither ScrollView nor NestedScrollView make this especially easy
Mark M. |
let me take another question from Kai, and I will be back with you in a bit
Robert |
Mark M. |
Kai: back to you! do you have another question?
Kai H. |
I didn't get the difference between "findNavController()" and "getSupportFrag.....findNavController()". Do you happen to know?
Kai H. |
Both exist, but using the first one fails.
Feb 13 | 4:35 PM |
Mark M. |
it has to do with that FragmentContainerView
Mark M. |
the first paragraph on that page contains a link to https://stackoverflow.com/a/59275182/115145, where Ian Lake posted the recipe for getting the NavController when you are using a FragmentContainerView
Mark M. |
whatever algorithm the activity-level findNavController() uses under the covers, it can't find the NavController associated with a FragmentContainerView
Mark M. |
which really feels like a library problem, but apparently they punted on trying to handle that seamless
Mark M. |
er, seamlessly
Mark M. |
as a result, my book has seams
Kai H. |
Ok, thx.
Mark M. |
it's one of those places where I really wish I had a better answer
Mark M. |
I hate the sections of my books where I have to basically write, "OK, here we have some really goofy code, but that is what we need because that is what Google decided and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
Feb 13 | 4:40 PM |
Mark M. |
OK, let me take another question from Robert, and I'll try to get back to you before the end of the chat
Mark M. |
Robert: back to you! do you have another question?
Robert |
View paste
Mark M. |
beats me, in part because the story is not even as simple as those options
Mark M. |
split screen, free-form multiwindow, etc. make things even more complicated
Robert |
sorry, story?
Robert |
Mark M. |
I desperately try to avoid using DisplayMetrics for size information wherever possible
Mark M. |
and so I forget the current DisplayMetrics rules
Robert |
I'm trying to measure the height of a portion of my screen
Mark M. |
"my screen" is a complex concept, taken across the entire Android device ecosystem
Robert |
true. I guess I mean a standard portrait phone screen
Mark M. |
Google's general advice has been: worry about the sizes of containers (e.g., a ConstraintLayout), not the size of the screen
Feb 13 | 4:45 PM |
Robert |
Mark M. |
if you specifically need size information related to the status and navigation bars, the window insets APIs can help there, though I have not used them personally
Robert |
I'm trying to determine scroll depth as a percentage of my NestedScrollView. I see a y position is available and I want to divide by the visible height to get my percent value
Mark M. |
wouldn't you be using the height of the NestedScrollView for that, though?
Robert |
good point
trocchietto_Ivano | has entered the room |
Feb 13 | 4:50 PM |
trocchietto_Ivano |
Mark M. |
Robert: let me take a question from Ivano, and I'll see if I have time to get back to you before we run out of chat
Mark M. |
Ivano: hi! how can I help you today?
Robert |
sure. It's kind of complicated because I actually don't want my entire scrollable region but part of it.
trocchietto_Ivano |
Hi Mark I am in a painful update from a clean architecture package going trough every kind of errors, but not need help, need to train a bit
trocchietto_Ivano |
just lurking
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
at this point, if anyone has any questions, go ahead!
trocchietto_Ivano |
mmh I do not get the selling point of Navigation
trocchietto_Ivano |
I saw also your guide, but AFAI Understand is just to have some navigation graph in the UI and to manage the EXTRA and back navigation right?
Mark M. |
for new development, Navigation is not too bad as a way to structure a UI, particularly for newcomers to Android
trocchietto_Ivano |
ah I see
trocchietto_Ivano |
thank you I understand is a tool to simplify
Mark M. |
trying to convert an existing app to use Navigation is likely to be painful
trocchietto_Ivano |
actually I do not like things under the hood
trocchietto_Ivano |
want to have granular control
Mark M. |
and a very complex app might run into problems with Navigation
Mark M. |
trocchietto_Ivano |
yes is exactly what I wanted to do to show off some skills to my team
trocchietto_Ivano |
Mark M. |
um, you're welcome! :-)
Feb 13 | 4:55 PM |
Robert |
as a follow up my NestedScrollView contains a long ConstraintLayout. I don't want to calculate my scroll percentage based on my entire ConstraintLayout, but only say the first half. Can you recommend a strategy to do this?
Mark M. |
um, divide the height of the ConstraintLayout by 2? :-)
Mark M. |
more seriously, you are going to need to determine what "only say the first half" means in concrete terms
Mark M. |
for example, if there is some widget that is your dividing line, you can find its Y offset within the ConstraintLayout
Robert |
bad example; yea basically I want to calculate up to a certain view being seen on screen
Robert |
ok yes
Robert |
that's what I was looking for
Robert |
I'll look into it; thanks Mark!
Feb 13 | 5:00 PM |
Mark M. |
OK, that's all for today's chat
Mark M. |
the transcript will appear on https://commonsware.com/office-hours/ shortly
Robert |
bye everyone
Kai H. |
Have a good time
trocchietto_Ivano |
have a good time everybody!
Mark M. |
the next chat is Tuesday in the 7:30pm US Eastern slot
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day/evening/whatever!
Kai H. | has left the room |
Robert | has left the room |
trocchietto_Ivano | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |