Feb 11 | 7:25 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Feb 11 | 7:25 PM |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Scott W. | has entered the room |
Scott W. |
Mark M. |
hello, Scott!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
tekconsult@dataeffects.com | has entered the room |
tekconsult@dataeffects.com | has left the room |
Scott W. |
I am about to have to start distributing an Android library, and I'm completely in the dark about that process.
Mark M. |
distributing to whom? a team? the general public?
Feb 11 | 7:30 PM |
Scott W. |
one of my company's customers at first, but other customers will want it eventually.
tekconsult@dataeffects.com | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
but, not to arbitrary developers? IOW, you want to limit access just to those customers?
Mark M. |
(BTW, hello tekconsult! I will be with you shortly!)
Scott W. |
I'm not sure how important it is for it to be private. I think that's the direction we want to go, but even if someone else got a hold of it they wouldn't be able to use it without an auth token.
Mark M. |
it will be substantially simpler if you were to make the library publicly available -- then, you could arrange to host it on Maven Central, for example
Mark M. |
and there is quite a bit written about that, particularly within the last couple of weeks
Scott W. |
what happened recently?
Mark M. |
if you look at your project's top-level build.gradle file, you will probably see references to an artifact repository called JCenter (represented by the jcenter() call in a repositories closure in Gradle)
Mark M. |
JCenter is being shut down
Scott W. |
oh boy
Mark M. |
it will not accept updates or new artifacts shortly and will then be read-only for several months before going "poof"
Mark M. |
so, developers who published libraries to JCenter are working on finding new homes
Mark M. |
for many, that will be Maven Central
Feb 11 | 7:35 PM |
Mark M. |
if you decide that you do not want to make it publicly available, a Maven-style artifact repository is still the simplest approach from your customer's standpoint, in terms of integrating into their own projects
Mark M. |
in the end, a Maven-style artifact repository is really just a directory tree with some metadata and your library
Mark M. |
so, for example, I published my CWAC libraries using Amazon S3
Mark M. |
however, dealing with security for a private repository is going to be somewhat more annoying, enough that your firm might consider a commercial repository system
Mark M. |
Sonatype's Nexus or Artifactory are two that I know of
Mark M. |
I have not used either
Scott W. |
so if we just host all our libraries on an S3 bucket, our customer could have a one-line implementation dependency in their build.gradle?
Mark M. |
it would only be one line if the S3 bucket were publicly visible and you were relying on "security by obscurity"
Scott W. |
ok can you point me to information on that process?
Scott W. | |
Mark M. |
I can do some poking around and will try to get you something before the end of the chat -- I don't have any links handy
Scott W. |
I'm looking at this now
Scott W. |
ok. I'll do some reading for a few minutes
Feb 11 | 7:40 PM |
Mark M. |
based on a quick skim, other than it being from 2017, it's probably not bad
Mark M. |
let me take a question from tekconsult, and I'll come back to you in a bit
Mark M. |
tekconsult: hi! how can I help you today?
tekconsult@dataeffects.com |
View paste
Mark M. |
I agree with the notion of a single timer, rather than one per row
Mark M. |
you could try saying that on each timer tick that you update your model data and call submitList() on your ListAdapter to update the countdown text, but I do not know how well that would work
Mark M. |
at a lower level, you could ask the RecyclerView for the visible rows, iterate over them, and just update each countdown text
Mark M. |
that would be faster than the submitList() option, but you would have to test your logic to make sure that scrolling is OK
Mark M. |
and, frankly, for 10-20 items, I would lean towards dumping the RecyclerView entirely
Mark M. |
just put the 10-20 items in a LinearLayout or ConstraintLayout and wrap it in a NestedScrollView
Mark M. |
that will be *much* simpler to update deterministically
Feb 11 | 7:45 PM |
tekconsult@dataeffects.com |
View paste
Mark M. |
"But still only have one timer and iterate over the views that I would build dynamically in the Layout (on the push notification)? " -- yes
Mark M. |
"And how would I find visible rows if I keep the recycler?" -- there are methods for it on RecyclerView
tekconsult@dataeffects.com |
Thank you for the ideas to try.
tekconsult@dataeffects.com | has left the room |
Mark M. |
Scott: back to you!
Mark M. |
https://notificare.com/blog/2020/07/10/Share-Yo... covers some of this and is newer
Mark M. |
https://proandroiddev.com/creating-a-private-ma... covers the same basic topics, but using GitLab rather than Amazon S3 as the host
Mark M. |
https://dev.to/narayanansampath/publish-android... is really new but is pretty thin and looks like it just repeats what was in the post you were looking at
Feb 11 | 7:50 PM |
Scott W. |
ok I've some questions about how this all works still
Scott W. |
in the first example, he adds his S3 bucket as a maven repo
Scott W. |
is that a correct description of what's happening?
Mark M. |
if you mean in the "Using Your New Dependency" section, yes
Scott W. |
Scott W. |
and what exactly makes it a Maven repository? Is it the pom.xml?
Mark M. |
that supplies metadata about your library
Mark M. |
which is a key part of the repository entry for that library
Mark M. |
there is also a specific directory structure that a repository will follow, based on your artifact group ID and artifact name
Mark M. |
for my own repo, I have my own scripts to sync with S3, because my work there pre-dated any of these newer recipes
Mark M. |
but plugins like maven-publish will set up that directory structure for you (AFAIK)
Scott W. | |
Scott W. |
this is one of our dependencies.
Scott W. |
com.opentok.android:opentok-android-sdk that's the actual line in build.gradle.
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
the POM will contain information about that dependency
Feb 11 | 7:55 PM |
Mark M. |
so when your customers have an implementation line for your library in their dependencies {}, they will pull in tokbox automatically
Scott W. |
can I view the tokbox pom?
Mark M. | |
Mark M. |
that link is for 2.18.1 for that library
Mark M. |
and shows the four files for that version that Bintray is serving: the AAR, the POM, and MD5 hashes for each
Mark M. |
if you click the link for the POM, it should prompt you to download it
Scott W. |
ok I see that
Mark M. |
usually, POMs are generated by a Gradle plugin
Mark M. |
though there is nothing stopping you from hand-maintaining that XML, if you really like angle brackets :-)
Scott W. |
plugin good
Scott W. |
so, the pom is a lot smaller than I though tit would be.
Scott W. |
it just shows 1 dependency of androidx.annotation
Feb 11 | 8:00 PM |
Mark M. |
right, they are fairly self-contained, apparently
Scott W. |
ok so for my sdk
Scott W. |
we have 7 modules
Scott W. |
but the app should only depend on 1 of those modules
Mark M. |
that 1 module pulls in the other 6?
Scott W. |
Mark M. |
OK, all 7 will go into your repository, but from a documentation standpoint, you would be telling your customers only about the 1
Scott W. |
so they would have a dependency like com.me.theone:1.0.0
Scott W. |
and that would have a pom file that declares the other 6?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
plus any other dependencies it might have (e.g., on Jetpack libraries), if any
Scott W. |
oh yeah there are tons of libraries to include
Scott W. |
Scott W. |
I've got all these androidx libraries declared in all 7 modules.
Scott W. |
eh. I don't want to open that can right now actually.
Scott W. |
ok so I've got this pom file generated by a pluggin
Scott W. |
it's hosted on our S3 bucket along with aars for all of my modules?
Feb 11 | 8:05 PM |
Mark M. |
if you have 7 modules to publish, you will have 7 AARs and 7 POMs
Scott W. |
Scott W. |
how long would you expect a competent person to set this up?
Mark M. |
I haven't used modern recipes from scratch
Mark M. |
so I'm not really a good judge of that
Scott W. |
Mark M. |
what I would consider doing is setting up a scrap library and scrap project and experimenting with the basics
Scott W. |
what would change if we did this the public maven way?
Mark M. |
other than Amazon S3, you would choose your public Maven repository (Maven Central) and follow their instructions
Mark M. |
from your customers' standpoint, one advantage of Maven Central is that they do not need to do anything special to use your library, beyond add the one implementation line
Mark M. |
as they either presently have or will soon have the mavenCentral() line already set up in their top-level build.gradle
Mark M. |
rather than having to paste in that S3 block and deal with passwords, etc.
Scott W. |
Feb 11 | 8:10 PM |
Mark M. |
in the end, you will still have 7 AARs and 7 POMs
Scott W. |
what is Bintray?
Mark M. |
it's merely a matter of where they reside and how customers get to them
Mark M. |
effectively, it's a superset of JCenter, as I understand it
Scott W. |
shoot I think you're right
Scott W. |
it's going away too
Mark M. |
and, as you can see by that "Deprecation Notice" banner at the top of those tokbox pages, it too is going away
Mark M. |
Scott W. |
ok where is maven central?
Scott W. | |
Mark M. |
that's a third-party site
Mark M. |
the official search site is https://search.maven.org/
Mark M. |
it's managed by Sonatype, just as JCenter/Bintray are managed by JFrog
Mark M. |
JFrog is just electing to dump the public service and focus on their commercial offerings
Scott W. |
ok I'd like to switch gears for the last part of this
Scott W. |
a little switch
Feb 11 | 8:15 PM |
Scott W. |
let's say tomorrow rolls around and I'm struggling with this maven stuff but my boss is all "you better get me a solution by 5pm!"
Scott W. |
Mark M. |
I *love* hypothetical bosses! :-)
Scott W. |
I could just send this company the 7 AARs and the list of dependencies that those AARs need and tell them to include it all in their dependencies right?
Mark M. |
they could drop the AARs into some directory (e.g., libs/) and include them that way
Mark M. |
they would not get the transitive dependencies, though, so you would have to document that as well
Mark M. |
and then shipping them updates is a pain, and keeping the versions in sync is a pain, and...
Mark M. |
now, big companies go this route -- the Apple Music SDK is distributed that way, for example
Mark M. |
so it's not completely insane, but unless you need this by tomorrow 5pm, I'd aim for using an artifact repository
Scott W. |
Mark M. |
but, it might be you manually distribute the AARs as a stopgap and migrate that one customer to the repository solution when it is ready
Scott W. |
right, I think boss will like that idea. Unless I can figure out the maven stuff real quick.
Scott W. |
what are the costs to using maven central?
Mark M. |
free AFAIK
Mark M. |
it's basically marketing for their commercial products/services
Scott W. |
how do I tell which of my dependencies are transitive?
Feb 11 | 8:20 PM |
Mark M. |
if we think of your 1 root library... everything in dependencies {} in that module's build.gradle is a transitive dependency for whoever tries using that library
Scott W. |
Mark M. |
the plugin that generates your POM will set up the dependency entries for you
Scott W. |
will I still be able to use my sdk as submodules like normal for my own app?
Mark M. |
yes, though I warn you that at some point you're going to want to start "dogfooding" that SDK, to make sure it works as you expect as you publish updates
Scott W. |
Mark M. |
that could be in the form of a demo app that your customers use to learn how to use your SDK
Scott W. |
yeah I've got a demo app
Scott W. |
and our own app on top of it all
Scott W. |
our own app uses the sdk differently than the demo app and our customers though
Scott W. |
and no one really tests the demo app.
Mark M. |
guess what! you're probably going to need to start testing the demo app :-)
Scott W. |
Mark M. |
basically, if this is going to customers, your SDK is part of your product now, and you will need to treat it as such
Mark M. |
documentation, testing, demo apps, support, etc.
Scott W. |
yeah I agree.
Feb 11 | 8:25 PM |
Mark M. |
hopefully, so does your hypothetical boss
Scott W. |
it's all about where do we spend our resources right now
Scott W. |
last question:
Scott W. |
I've been trying to convince my company to hire someone that really knows their stuff with Android development.
Scott W. |
they keep bringing on "senior developers" from contracting companies that aren't cutting it.
Scott W. |
I've ended up teaching these guys.
Scott W. |
Do you have any advice on how to quickly figure out the... level of Android development someone is at?
Mark M. |
not really, insofar as I don't interview developers much, and I am assuming that you are asking for something along those lines
Scott W. |
Mark M. |
live coding in an interview seems to be gaining steam -- that has pros and cons but it definitely gets to the crux of your concern
Scott W. |
ok I'll try this on the next guy.
Scott W. |
All right. Thank you so much for your time!
Mark M. |
happy to help!
Scott W. |
we packed a lot in.
Scott W. |
Have a good night!
Mark M. |
the transcript will be up on https://commonsware.com/office-hours/ shortly
Mark M. |
and, have a pleasant evening!
Feb 11 | 8:30 PM |
Scott W. | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |