Oct 24 | 3:55 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Oct 24 | 4:00 PM |
sudokai | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, sudokai!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Oct 24 | 4:05 PM |
sudokai |
Hi Mark!
sudokai |
I was dealing with activity exit transitions
sudokai |
And it seems to me that finishAfterTransition doesn't quite work?
Mark M. |
if I have ever played with them, it has not been in years
Mark M. |
so, I don't know if they work or not
sudokai |
It's the first time I deal with transitions
sudokai |
And it's yet another confusing thing
sudokai |
Activity transitions use the framework transition class
sudokai |
But Fragments use AndroidX transition
Mark M. |
sorry, I have not worked with these APIs
sudokai |
I ended up using the first solution here
sudokai | |
Oct 24 | 4:10 PM |
sudokai |
But I don't know if it works reliably for all phones
Oct 24 | 4:10 PM |
Mark M. |
sudokai |
In mine, it actually works, whereas finishAfterTransition doesn't
sudokai |
Mark, where do you think people should invest their learning efforts in the next 6-12 months
Mark M. |
um, well, that depends a lot on what sorts of things you are working on
sudokai |
The thing I don't like about Android is how they keep changing stuff and deprecating stuff
Mark M. |
well, they want to keep improving things, for various definitions of "improving"
Mark M. |
in some cases, "improving" helps developers, and in some cases, "improving" helps users
Mark M. |
and in a few cases, "improving" seems to help nobody, except perhaps Google
Mark M. |
if your concern is stuff to *apply* in the next 6-12 months, I don't really have a particular suggestion
Mark M. |
if your concern is stuff to poke at in the next 6-12 months, for use in 2022 and beyond, I'd keep an eye on Jetpack Compose
Mark M. |
it probably will not ship in stable form for a year, but once it reaches beta, Google is going to be pushing it very hard
Oct 24 | 4:15 PM |
sudokai |
But that will deprecate a lot of existing stuff right
Mark M. |
not really, particularly in the short term
Mark M. |
long-term -- say, 5+ years from now -- they might stop ongoing development of View-based libraries like RecyclerView, ViewPager2, ConstraintLayout, etc.
Oct 24 | 4:20 PM |
sudokai |
I just see a lot of activity, a lot of changes, multiple ways to do the same thing
sudokai |
The churn is incredible
Mark M. |
it's a general modernization effort
sudokai |
You adopt something and the moment you do it, there's already a deprecation date baked in
sudokai |
It's crazy that they push all this work to us the developers
sudokai |
While they figure it out as they go
sudokai |
The way it's going, I could see Compose actually helping Flutter adoption.
sudokai |
It's like, well, since I'm going to throw everything anyway
sudokai |
Why not go multiplatform lol
Mark M. |
eh, I'
Mark M. |
eh, I'm not expecting too much of that
trocchietto_Ivano | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
Flutter would require a ground-up rewrite
Mark M. |
Compose can be added incrementally
Mark M. |
but, let me take a question from Ivano, and I'll be back with you shortly
Mark M. |
Ivano: hi! how can I help you today?
sudokai |
Well, you can create a Flutter activity inside an Android app actually
sudokai |
Oct 24 | 4:25 PM |
trocchietto_Ivano |
good day Mark, my senior is an iOS dev and often try to force not idiomatic solutions I have this thing now in my ViewModel he "paired" with me:
trocchietto_Ivano |
View paste
(6 more lines)
trocchietto_Ivano |
is this an usual way to use the kinda functional Kotlin functions? Basically we want the date from the arrays in a list that come from the backend and he do this `sortedMap thing and also a `flatten` that I do not get what really obtain with this method
trocchietto_Ivano |
is from Iterable class: ```
trocchietto_Ivano |
View paste
sudokai |
Wow, not very readable code
Mark M. |
yeah, this is tough to follow, particularly since I don't know much about the various objects
trocchietto_Ivano |
(@sudkai as far as I know google flutter team is going in December to release a plugin to insert flutter in native, at the moment there is a nice GitHub attempt made by Alibaba)
Mark M. |
so, probably there could be some tighter Kotlin here, but it's the sort of thing where I'd need the whole project in an IDE to be able to make specific comments (e.g., in a pull request review)
trocchietto_Ivano |
yes you are right Mark, and also thanks to Sudokai just wanted to be confirmed by somebody like you that see every kind of code if is something a bit "strange"
trocchietto_Ivano |
he always try to use swift solutions to android
Oct 24 | 4:30 PM |
trocchietto_Ivano |
the last one he did we got a lot of leakages because he made the intent explicit, like the Scene in swift creating a strange utility class :(
Mark M. |
I have seen similar situations -- Swift is closer to Kotlin than Objective C is to Java, but there are still a lot of differences, both in syntax and in "style"
trocchietto_Ivano |
sudokai |
This screams "I know functional programming, look how cool I am" lol
trocchietto_Ivano |
anyway before we got to merge another Kotlin guy is going to see, and he is just the opposite
sudokai |
Technology should get out of the way
trocchietto_Ivano |
an idiomatic Kotlin fan, that uses all strange sugar
trocchietto_Ivano |
so they will fight, and I am the poor guy in the middle that take the ticket in Jira for an eon
trocchietto_Ivano |
trocchietto_Ivano |
yes sudokai
trocchietto_Ivano |
I am against object oriented with functional
trocchietto_Ivano |
or you use seriously Clojure.Lisp stuff, or better OO
sudokai |
I'm okay with applying functional bits
sudokai |
But some people seriously love RxJava
trocchietto_Ivano |
my iOS senior
trocchietto_Ivano |
he use RXSwift and so copies everything in our android tickets
trocchietto_Ivano |
but I love him because he hired me and gave me the possibility to become a dev
sudokai |
It's as if they get a high when they can show off a zip, combineLatest, lol
trocchietto_Ivano |
trocchietto_Ivano |
sudokai |
then one of the zipped observables throws an exception
trocchietto_Ivano |
he lives to see our code and use a combineLatest
sudokai |
and ooops lol
trocchietto_Ivano |
yes!!! everytime
Oct 24 | 4:35 PM |
sudokai |
I saw one case where a function that returned a primitive type was actually converted to return an observable
sudokai |
So they could use a freaking zip
trocchietto_Ivano |
oh he is our tech lead
trocchietto_Ivano |
and oblige us to do like so
trocchietto_Ivano |
if I have a viewModel.isTrue that should return Boolean
trocchietto_Ivano |
he wants that we use Observable<Boolean>
trocchietto_Ivano |
because he says that we should not mix imperative and reactive
sudokai |
Blah blah
sudokai |
trocchietto_Ivano |
but I say: Hey but RXJava is not real reactive, under the hood we get always the same concurrency
sudokai |
Ah no, it was worse
sudokai |
It was actually zipWith
trocchietto_Ivano |
and RXJava is an observer pattern with call backs as an interface callback
sudokai |
And you had to supply a zipper function
sudokai |
And I'm like, this second observable is just a primitive value
sudokai |
Just do a .map and inside you get the value
trocchietto_Ivano |
anyway sorry did not want to do the queen taking soo much space
sudokai |
Hello? Lol
Oct 24 | 4:40 PM |
sudokai |
This is not technical seniority sorry
sudokai |
It's BS
trocchietto_Ivano |
Never mind, he hired me
trocchietto_Ivano |
ws really a piety act he did, so I am thankful forever
sudokai |
sudokai |
I make a point of NOT hiring this kind of people
trocchietto_Ivano |
how old are you sudoku?
trocchietto_Ivano |
sudokai sorry the autocompletion
sudokai |
Almost 30
sudokai |
My entire job in the hiring process is detecting this kind of behavior
sudokai |
And filtering them out
sudokai |
trocchietto_Ivano |
I see, I am 46, sometimes is not easy for me to relate to 25 years old programmers that speak only about Mario kart, fort nite and throne something
sudokai |
Well, a lot of people do CV driven development, can't really blame them
sudokai |
But it's not technology for its own sake, it's about being able to implement your ideas
sudokai |
That's something a lot of technology focused programmers don't get
trocchietto_Ivano |
I duckduckgoeged that, nice
Oct 24 | 4:45 PM |
sudokai |
CV driven development = I build this app with Kotlin, Coroutines, Rx, Dagger, Room, MVVM, Serverless, Firebase, etc. etc.
sudokai |
And I'm here wondering, yeah man, but what does your app DO
trocchietto_Ivano |
yes this is what I want to do it to escape one day, instead to be rxjava slave
trocchietto_Ivano |
but actually everything looks easier to rxjava
sudokai |
They care not about the product, the users, the experience of the app, it's all about this technology, that technology
trocchietto_Ivano |
yesss I agree I want to work with you
trocchietto_Ivano |
trocchietto_Ivano |
the cool guys
trocchietto_Ivano |
the cool cv dd guys
sudokai |
As I said, I can't blame them, companies get rid of you as soon as you cease to be useful to them
sudokai |
So working with the latest technologies is a form of self defense
trocchietto_Ivano |
I mean if you love programming you can study yourself other stacks, languages and deeper concepts and put on your cv with some story telling
trocchietto_Ivano |
with a toy project after all coding is always the same
sudokai |
So when you are out in the hiring market again, you can say, yes, I have X years of experience with all these cool technologies
trocchietto_Ivano |
dunno, developer do not know this kind of problems here in the Netherlands
sudokai |
But I'd rather say, hey, I don't know what MVVM is, but look, I made this thing which is really cool
sudokai |
And people love it!
trocchietto_Ivano |
I guess what matters is to be able to use code and framework as abstractions
Oct 24 | 4:50 PM |
trocchietto_Ivano |
what matter is algo, being able to build data structures, design patterns and play with other languages, the rest is just a waste of time, so if you need a framework or library you can build, or understand it in a couple of days
sudokai |
Also, I'd say, invest in what doesn't change
sudokai |
That's hard in Android since everything changes constantly
sudokai |
But things like SQL for example
sudokai |
I know SQL very well
trocchietto_Ivano |
mmh dunno
sudokai |
Window functions, lateral joins, recursive queries, I put in the time to learn them because I know 10 years from now, I will still be able to use them
trocchietto_Ivano |
I get what matters is to become a better dev, so that you can understand other things for analogy, and also more you play with other languages, more you get the game language reshuffling that is going on
trocchietto_Ivano |
coding has probably stopped in 1957
trocchietto_Ivano |
is all reshuffling
sudokai |
Yes and no
trocchietto_Ivano |
why no?
trocchietto_Ivano |
sorry mark
sudokai |
I think knowing how to get things done in the latest framework is important for efficiency
trocchietto_Ivano |
are we abusing of the time?
Mark M. |
um, well, I'm really here to answer questions and try to solve problems
sudokai |
You can't just say, well, what matters is the algorithms, I don't know any framework
trocchietto_Ivano |
sudokai |
But just don't get too attached to any framework
Oct 24 | 4:55 PM |
trocchietto_Ivano |
yes otherwise you cannot get rid
trocchietto_Ivano |
anyway thanks for your ideas was useful sudokai
sudokai |
Get this book if you struggle with Rx
sudokai | |
sudokai |
Mark has a chapter on RxJava, but this is a dedicated book that goes beyond
Mark M. |
and that chapter is a bit old at this pointt
Mark M. |
er, point
trocchietto_Ivano |
yes I read it, the one when you do the example of excel as functional
sudokai |
The problem with Rx is that it's a very invasive technology
trocchietto_Ivano |
but rxjava is a world apart, is kind of going deeper in dagger
sudokai |
I don't know Dagger :D
sudokai |
I tried to get into it
trocchietto_Ivano |
you can use hilt
sudokai |
But I use Koin now
trocchietto_Ivano |
is a simplified wrapped version
trocchietto_Ivano |
also easier
trocchietto_Ivano |
we do manual injection :(
sudokai |
Mark teaches you how to use Koin and I'm much happier
sudokai |
I used Spring in the backend
sudokai |
and I got it in 5 minutes
trocchietto_Ivano |
well nice day
Oct 24 | 5:00 PM |
sudokai |
But with Dagger, I just can't wrap my head around it
Oct 24 | 5:00 PM |
trocchietto_Ivano |
see you next time sudokai
Oct 24 | 5:00 PM |
trocchietto_Ivano |
bye Mark
sudokai |
And frankly, with Koin I don't care
sudokai |
sudokai |
See you around
Mark M. |
Ivano: have a pleasant evening!
trocchietto_Ivano |
thanks bye
trocchietto_Ivano |
have a nice day
sudokai |
Have a nice day Mark. It's time I see!
trocchietto_Ivano |
and could get worse this evening, we did not speak about election
trocchietto_Ivano |
bye sudokai
Mark M. |
yeah, that's a wrap for the chat -- next one is Tuesday at 7:30pm US Eastern
Mark M. |
see you next time!
sudokai | has left the room |
trocchietto_Ivano | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |