Oct 1 | 8:20 AM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Oct 1 | 8:25 AM |
Abhishek K. | has entered the room |
Abhishek K. |
Hey Murphy
Mark M. |
hello Abhishek!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Abhishek K. |
I'm facing an issue with with CoroutineWOrker
Mark M. |
I have not spent much time with that class, but I can try to help!
Abhishek K. |
I'm using suspendCancellableCoroutine to stop the coroutine and using cancellableContinuation.resumeWithException when any error happens with onError callback
Oct 1 | 8:30 AM |
Abhishek K. |
Now I'm downloading some file from network and whenever some error happens, flow goes to onError. Now when single file is getting downloaded and single WOrkRequest is running, everythign work fine
Abhishek K. |
flow comes to onError and as soon as cancellableContinuation.resumeWithException is called, flow goes to catch block and coroutine returns with Result.failure()
Abhishek K. |
But when I run more than 1 workrequest at the same time in parallel, problem happens. Problem is that for some WorkRequest, after calling cancellableContinuation.resumeWithException , flow takes a whole lot of time to come to catch block
Abhishek K. |
and it happens only when onError is called for all Worker at the same time almost
Abhishek K. |
any lead on this?
Mark M. |
sorry, but no -- that is well beyond my limited CoroutineWorker experience
Abhishek K. |
Abhishek K. |
I have one more problem
Abhishek K. |
its with DocumentFile
Mark M. |
OK, I have more experience with that! :-)
Abhishek K. |
I'm using SD card in my product, it asks for root permission of SD card
Mark M. |
what do you mean by "asks for root permission of SD card"?
Oct 1 | 8:35 AM |
Abhishek K. |
root permission as in, to deal with any folder inside SD card, we need access permission from user, right?
Abhishek K. |
If I give root access permission, i can do anything with any folder inside the root. All folders are covered
Abhishek K. |
got it?
Mark M. |
I think you are using "permission" in a different way than I do -- what specific APIs are you using to accomplish this?
Abhishek K. |
View paste
Abhishek K. |
I'm using this to open the document tree
Mark M. |
you can get rid of those flags, but otherwise, now I understand what you mean
Abhishek K. |
Abhishek K. |
So, Now the problem is that
Abhishek K. |
when I have already granted permission
Abhishek K. |
and device is restarted,
Abhishek K. |
var document = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(application, treeUri)
Abhishek K. |
document.listFile() is null
Oct 1 | 8:40 AM |
Abhishek K. |
its happening only when device is restarted
Abhishek K. |
any lead?
Mark M. |
are you calling takePersistableUriPermission() after you receive the Uri, in onActivityResult()?
Abhishek K. |
Mark M. |
OK, start there
Abhishek K. |
View paste
Abhishek K. |
this is onActivityREsult
Abhishek K. |
just storing it
Mark M. |
after the val sdCardTreeUri line, call contentResolver.takePersistableUriPermission(sdCardTreeUri)
Mark M. | |
Abhishek K. |
will it solve it?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
I cannot rule out the possibility of some additional problem that you are encountering
Mark M. |
but, you can only use that Uri in that particular activity, not from another Context or another process
Mark M. |
unless you call takePersistableUriPermission()
Mark M. |
the blog post that I linked to covers this
Abhishek K. |
takePersistableUriPermission(sdCardTreeUri) is aksing for some flags also in addition to uri
Mark M. |
yes, that is where you use Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION
Mark M. |
(and Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION if you need it)
Abhishek K. |
Abhishek K. |
Got it.
Abhishek K. |
no lead on the first problem?
Mark M. |
no, sorry, I have not used CoroutineWorker that much, let alone for a bunch of parallel work
Oct 1 | 8:45 AM |
Abhishek K. |
anywhere I can find any clue regarding that?
Mark M. |
Abhishek K. |
Mark M. |
Stack Overflow and other public question-and-answer sites, I guess
Abhishek K. |
Abhishek K. |
Thanks Mark
Mark M. |
and, FWIW, all the WorkManager stuff is in a library, so in theory you could debug it
Abhishek K. |
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Abhishek K. |
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Abhishek K. |
this is where it leads to
Abhishek K. |
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Abhishek K. |
resumeWIth is overridden in 2 classes
Abhishek K. |
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Abhishek K. |
Abhishek K. |
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(10 more lines)
Abhishek K. |
I dont think how can I debug
Abhishek K. |
Abhishek K. |
Mark M. |
again, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Abhishek K. |
Abhishek K. |
Thanks anyway
Mark M. |
this is the sort of thing where if I had the problem in front of me, I might have more ideas
Oct 1 | 8:50 AM |
Mark M. |
but I just don't know enough about this particular portion of WorkManager to really comment "off the cuff"
Abhishek K. |
Abhishek K. |
Abhishek K. |
Thanks for the solution of the second problem.
Mark M. |
you're welcome!
Abhishek K. | has left the room |
Abhishek K. | has entered the room |
Oct 1 | 9:10 AM |
Abhishek K. | has left the room |
Oct 1 | 9:25 AM |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |