Office Hours — Today, September 12

Thursday, September 10

Sep 12
3:55 PM
Mark M.
has entered the room
3:55 PM
Mark M.
turned on guest access
Marek D.
has entered the room
Marek D.
Good Saturday :)
Mark M.
hello, Marek!
how can I help you today?
Marek D.
I was building this layout for some kind of shop page
I already asked about it but to refresh
there is header image
4:00 PM
Marek D.
some info about the shop
and what you can buy there
image url is from room
information is from one endpoint that is usually fast
and products take longer time to generate so they come last
the image is constrained to the height of the views below
so initally the image takes 80% of the screen
when info loads it's 70%
and products may push the image to minimum saize about 30%
and they scroll (view)
I use animateLayoutChanges
=true and I am pretty amazed this works
except the image resizing does not look so good
is centerCrop
because the way we send images is per device in theory (we give width of the device and server generates url)
4:05 PM
Marek D.
so if the shop sells electronics, every device should get let's say a chip in the center
so my question is
can I do something about this image scaling
and if I did not know about the animateLayout changes, how I could write my own animation to animate that data appearing
Mark M.
how are you populating the ImageView? are you using Glide? Picasso? something else?
Marek D.
the room + glide is often the fastest
Mark M.
OK, and are you just having Glide load the image once? or are you telling it to reload the image after the resize operation?
Marek D.
no only once
Mark M.
that means Glide is probably initially scaling the image to the ImageView's original size, and ImageView is scaling it thereafter as the ImageView gets smaller
Marek D.
yes that's true
Mark M.
can you describe a bit about "does not look so good"? what sorts of effects are you seeing?
4:10 PM
Mark M.
you could try telling Glide to re-populate the ImageView after a size change, which may improve the look of the image, but I can't guarantee it
Marek D.
i am trying to revise it once again, what was the effect
one thing is that this image first shows vertically, you have the important element in the center
then you have it bit above
and the 3rd phase is at the top
but I guess that was the algorithm to keep it at the center
but this could be perhaps smoother
Mark M.
sorry, but I did not really understand any of that
animations are not the sort of thing that a text chat is well-suited to help debug :-)
Marek D.
well if you have cropCenter
4:15 PM
Marek D.
and you have that important element
is well at the center
if the image gets smaller height and is laid as a header
then this element appears somewhere higher
Mark M.
I infrequently use cropCenter, and I doubt I have ever dynamically changed the size of an ImageView using cropCenter
if you are saying that after the resize, it is no longer cropping at the center... other than having Glide update the ImageView again, I'm not certain what you can do
if you have Glide's caching enabled, this will not involve a second load of the image from your server
Marek D.
I mean that was our goal to show that element always in relation to that shop
so we cannot complain now is jumping like crazy
teh other thing was that we had visible blink(s) between those states
but I just recently moved animatedLayoutChanges to the style of root view
so I think all the viewgroups started scaling
and I don't see it anymore
4:20 PM
Marek D.
this is much simpler version of what I have now
because layout got bit more complex so I think is laying out slowly
Mark M.
well, your image aspect ratio is changing, which is why the effects of cropCenter appear to be changing
rather, your ImageView aspect ratio is changing
unless you have the ImageView maintain its aspect ratio as you reduce its height, you will have that effect
if this is a ConstraintLayout, and if all of these images will have the same aspect ratio (e.g., 4:3), you could tell ConstraintLayout to keep the ImageView at that aspect ratio and let the height vary
however, that will give you white bars on the sides, as the ImageView reduces both width and height when the height changes
Marek D.
I should have take a picture with human
because this effect is more visibile
I mean if we don't do that cropCenter
it would stop showing a face of the person
4:25 PM
Mark M.
that does not really change the nature of the problem, though
if you want the image to appear to stay steady and just reduce in size, you need to reduce the height and width evenly, keeping the ImageView aspect ratio the same
Marek D.
well certainly we don't want white bars anywhere
I think the problem is that it looks as it jumps to the states
Mark M.
then you will have to live with the fact that the portion of the image that you see will change, as the aspect ratio of the ImageView changes
Marek D.
the image gets smaller, the adding to the layout below is animated
but ImageView is not a viewgroup
so it just shrinks to next state and effect is that I have starting picture bigger and ending picture smaller
I think is visible in the video I made
the adding of thos text has some animation
4:30 PM
Marek D.
but the ImageView just gets next state and resizes
so what I would like to achieve is to get smooother change from height of 80% to 50%
Mark M.
you could try using or or animate a switch between ConstraintSets
Marek D.
ok, I just found something like this
the thing under the demo behaves nicely
I mean this what I am seeing in github, not that I tried it
but that would be effect we want to have
is bit small but the face of the actress is always in the center
Mark M.
I have never tried to animate a size change like this, and so I cannot tell you precisely how to do it
Marek D.
Mark M.
AFAIK, animateLayoutChanges applies a very simple approach to the animations, and it may not be designed for your specific scenario
4:35 PM
Mark M.
but, there are plenty of animation solutions out there, including the ones that I listed earlier, plus your library and others
Marek D.
yes I found some, including those you posted above, they require some investigation
this animateLayout changes blowed my mind
is just one line of code and the effect is allright
Mark M.
yes, but you also encountered its limitations
MotionLayout is where Google is putting most of their animation efforts for View-based layouts
Marek D.
well this works for ViewGroups and ImageView is not
I will wrap it in the FrameLayout and see :D
Mark M.
well, your TextViews are not ViewGroups either
I assume, in that demo, that the ImageView and the TextViews are all in the same container
4:40 PM
Mark M.
so, I do not know if the issue is that animateLayoutChanges does not animate size changes, or if the problem is in when/how ImageView adjusts its centerCrop effect, or what
Marek D.
CL, ImageView, NestedScrollView with LinearLayout (animateLayoutChanges), Buttons
Mark M.
ah, OK
Marek D.
so the textViews are added to LL and this is animated
Mark M.
you might try dumping the LinearLayout, then
actually, that won't help
because of the NestedScrollView
Marek D.
I thought NSV requires a single child
Mark M.
I suppose you could try putting animateLayoutChanges on both the LinearLayout and the root ConstraintLayout
right now, your ImageView is not inside a container that uses animateLayoutChanges
Marek D.
no difference
Mark M.
ah, well, it was worth a try
but animateLayoutChanges animates changes in its own ViewGroup, not to widgets that happen to be elsewhere on the screen
Marek D.
yes I perhaps only when views are added
4:45 PM
Marek D.
In my complex layout in real world I added only to the view that gets the products
it was ok-ish
but until I added it as a style to root view
it was ok-ish, and now is almost perfect
if it hadn't been for that image :)
Mark M.
at this point, I am out of ideas
Marek D.
thank you for your help
Mark M.
sorry I did not have better answers for you!
Marek D.
was nice to discuss
4:50 PM
Marek D.
different question
this is called idiomatic kotlin
Mark M.
I would phrase this page as being a bunch of tips about Kotlin operations
here, "Idioms" != "Idiomatic"
Marek D.
ah right
Mark M.
IMHO, it is not a great name for the page
that being said, the particular tip that you linked to is a pretty common pattern, though whether you compare with true or false would depend on your situation
and if you are using null to indicate a third state, then you would probably use a when(value) {} to handle that
Marek D.
ah that's might be more readable
if (b ?: false) I would write this one
Mark M.
the example you linked to is for cases where you want to treat null as being equivalent to one of the other states
that should work as well, for cases where you want to treat null as false
4:55 PM
Marek D.
we had if (string?.isBlank() == true) and I think that would be equivalent to if (!string.isNullOrBlank())
but that's negative if so two conditions to reverse
sorry if (string?.isNotBlank()) was the left
still I don't need to think about nullability of the string, is clearer to see to me
but I guess that might be personal for everyone
Mark M.
yeah, I'd have to play around with that in Klassbook or something to confirm the equivalency, but I agree that using isNullOrBlank() and functions that work on String? are easier to read
Marek D.
oh we reached the end of the chat!
5:00 PM
Marek D.
thanks for your time
Mark M.
you're welcome!
have a pleasant day!
Marek D.
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Thursday, September 10


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Marek Defecinski
  • Mark Murphy