Office Hours — Today, September 3

Tuesday, September 1

Sep 3
8:25 AM
Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
8:30 AM
has entered the room
Mark M.
hello, Dominic!
how can I help you today?
hey :)
To be honest I wrote questions but have to look for them in my notes
and I was wondering, what kind of phone do you use
Mark M.
um, lots
I have ~20 within arm's reach of where I am sitting
every single with different android version?
every single one*
Mark M.
they pretty much are all Android 5.0 or higher, so there is definitely overlap of versions
but, they are ones that I have picked up either for specific technical capabilities (e.g., in-screen fingerprint reader) or due to specific crashes that I needed to try to reproduce
8:35 AM
has entered the room
Mark M.
hello, marekdef!
hi Mark
and Dominic
Mark M.
Dominic: are you still searching your notes?
got it
If SingleModelMotor was referring to some singleton instance of ToDoRepository
we would be out of luck
In elements of Elements of Android Jetpack Version
in testing chapter, what do you mean by that?
that out of luck
Mark M.
first, in the context of that section, by "singleton instance", I am referring to something like a top-level Kotlin `object`
Mark M.
we do not control the instantiation of those -- they get created at some point by the language, perhaps when we first reference tehm
er, them
and, for most uses of our app, we want that object to work with the real database or real server or other real things
in a test, though, we often want to control that more, so we can use a test database or test server or mocks or something
but, with a language-instantiated singleton, we do not really have an opportunity to configure it that way
we could expose some sort of API from the singleton to allow our test code to reconfigure it
8:40 AM
Mark M.
but that means we probably wind up with test-specific code shipping in our production app, as we may not have a good way of getting rid of that extra code
dependency inversion allows us some of the benefits of singletons, yet gives us a hook to replace the implementation of the singleton in the context of our tests
so most of our test code can test the singleton naturally, and our production code is not exposed to any of this testing stuff
but test initialization code can say "hey, DI engine, use this ToDoRepository instance instead of the one you would ordinarily use"
thanks I think I more or less get it :)
Mark M.
let me take a question from marekdef, and I will be back with you in a bit
marekdef: hi! how can I help you today?
If your app needs to display a scrolling list of elements based on large data sets (or data that frequently changes), you should use RecyclerView as described on this page.
this is on the documentation of recycler view
but If I have a opposite usecase
I have small number of elements, rarely changing or never, and I want them to be displayed in scrollable container
I could place them in LinearLayout for example (and that LL is a part of bigger screen)
Mark M.
yes, and wrap the LinearLayout in a ScrollView or NestedScrollView, to enable the scrolling
8:45 AM
still I feel like I lack some kind of adapter that I just submit a list to it and is displayed
that is what recycler gives me
Mark M.
you can still use RecyclerView if you want
well but it does not recycle :)
Mark M.
well, that's not uncommon
thanks guys I think thats all I needed to know for now :) see you :)
Mark M.
for example, you might not know how big the data set is at runtime
(Dominic: have a pleasant day!)
bye :)
Mark M.
so, you use a RecyclerView, but sometimes you are only showing a few items, because that's all the data that there is
this is not a problem
what you do not want to do is use the LinearLayout approach for large data sets, as that forces you to set up all of the views for all of the items up front
so, RecyclerView can scale up and down for varying data set sizes; the LinearLayout approach is only suitable for small data sets
yes make sense
Mark M.
personally, my general rule is: use RecyclerView for large or varying data set sizes; use a NestedScrollView mostly for cases where it's a fixed layout
ok noted
8:50 AM
I could use RV there
if I set it to wrap_content then it should be scrollable within (Nested)ScrollView
Mark M.
um, maybe -- I don't know how well RV handles wrap_content
I think it just displays full content
Mark M.
we were talking about that a lot last chat :-)
(if is inside nested)
we have very similar screen in our app
is nested scroll view
it has some labels
and on the bottom there is RV with some images
Mark M.
my tendency for something like that is to put it all in the RV, with different type types based on the content
er, different item types
(I can't type this morning...)
I think that you're right, and there is a recipe for having an RV inside of a NestedScrollView
if I set the RV to some height then first scroll is on the content and to scroll on the RV you either need to scroll recycler to the middle of the screen (grabbing at content top) or you grab at bottom but then only part with Recycler scrolls
I think we should have use RV for full screen
but we did not
8:55 AM
Mark M.
agreed -- as a user, I might find that sort of scrolling behavior to be confusing
in theory is only view so should be replacable :)
if we set RV to wrap_content
then it shows all the content, but scroll is nice
unfortunately is not recycling :)
and it takes long time for 500+ images
Mark M.
yeah, I am not surprised that there are problems with wrap_content for large data sets
wrap_content with maxHeight *might* allow recycling to occur, but I'm not certain
has entered the room
yes it would work
still you have the double scroll efect
so you scroll content, stop then recycler
Mark M.
yes, which I do not like much
well me neither
Mark M.
let me take a question from sudokai, and I will come back to you in a bit
sudokai: hi! how can I help you today?
allright thanks for the answer!
Hi Mark
I was glancing through Android R's upcoming changeset
And it seems to me that there's a big location access restriction coming
If I read it right, foreground services will no longer get location updates when the app is in the background
9:00 AM
has left the room
Unless the app requests the background location permission
I'm trying to find the page where this is explained, but this is how I understood it at least
Mark M.
I guess I thought that had been a requirement already
Foreground services does get location updates when the app is the background in Android Q I believe
You only need the background location permission if you do not use a foreground service
Mark M.
OK, and you have determined that this is not the case for Android 11?
I saw this in the changelog, somewhere
Mark M.
the only changes that I know of related to location are those listed in
I'm trying to find it so you can take a look whether you understand the same
Mark M.
That's it!
Mark M.
so it depends on how the foreground service was started
if you were in the foreground at the time, it looks like the same behavior as before
if you start the service from the background, you would need ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION to have location access
Mmm, but even if you started the service in the foreground, it says that when your app is minimized, you don't get the location updates
If the user has granted the ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission to your app, the service can access location all the time. Otherwise, if the user has granted the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION or ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission to your app, the service has while-in-use access to location.
9:05 AM
Mark M.
my interpretation of "while-in-use" is "so long as your process is running", but that language is a bit confusing
Do you understand this the same way I do??
Yeah, the language is super confusing
But it's potentially a Breaking change with a capital B
If interpreted the way I interpreted it
Mark M.
yeah, I'll make a point of trying some experiments when I work on *Elements of Android R* next
Okay thanks, I'll try to ping some Android Dev Advocate on Twitter for clarifications
That was my question thanks!
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Mark M.
the only additional material I see on this is
I'll let the rest of you guys ask questions
Mark M.
and that basically ends with the update to the documentation that we are grumbling about
I'll file another issue to try to get that clarified
I'll swing back to you later if there is time
Dominic: you're back! :-) do you have another question?
9:10 AM
Tbh I think I found a small typo in exploring android
9:10 AM
Mark M.
it wouldn't be the first typo! :-)
In chapter about instrumental tests, last part
it says "Add these two test functions to SingleModelMotorTest :"
it should be ToDoRepositoryTest
(I think)
Mark M.
yes, I think you are correct
I reordered these testing chapters in Version 1.3 and have had some bugs as a result
no, wait
oh, OK -- just to confirm, this is Step #5 of "Testing the Repository"?
Mark M.
OK, I have fixed it for the next update, and I will file an errata notice shortly
if you want to claim this under the Book Bug Bounty program, send me an email to
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9:15 AM
Mark M.
let me take questions from the others, and if there is time, I will come back to you
marekdef: your turn! do you have another question?
I pass the token further
Mark M.
OK -- sudokai: do you have another question?
I mean sudokai can ask the question
Not at this time Mark
Mark M.
OK, if anyone has any questions, go ahead!
I'll try to clarify this issue I brought up earlier
Because we rely on location updates heavily
More like I have a suggestion
would you say that DataBinding is popular?
Mark M.
marekdef: I don't know that I would go all the way to "popular", but it is used by a lot of developers
I just read on some blog: DB ... will eventually become obsolete. DataBinding is pretty much legacy today.
we used it quite a lot and think we want to use it even more :)
but maybe I am in the bubble
Mark M.
well, data binding is tied to layout resources
Jetpack Compose is the long-term UI direction for Android, and it does not use layout resources
(though you can integrate Compose UI with layout resources if needed, as part of migrating to Compose)
9:20 AM
Mark M.
for a project that has not started using data binding, I would recommend not investing in data binding
for a project that already has it, it may be better to keep using it, to keep the implementation of your UI consistent
Will you write a book on Jetpack Compose Mark?
Mark M.
(BTW, sudokai: I just filed for clarity on "while-in-use")
I dislike this technology change for the sake of it
Thanks I'll star it lol
Mark M.
sudokai: I have plans for a book on Jetpack Compose
Suddenly, RxJava is not cool anymore, now it's all Flow and coroutines. LiveData is not cool, something something StateFlow.
This mindset is toxic imo
Mark M.
it is definitely a challenge to keep up at times
the stuff in android seems to be changing very fast
Mark M.
however, you are conflating two separate things IMHO
there is the fact that coroutines, Flow, and StateFlow were introduced
and there is the fact that "thought leaders" are endorsing them
it's tough to blame JetBrains for developing coroutines, Flow, and StateFlow -- those are Kotlin things, not Android things
9:25 AM
Mark M.
and Kotlin has uses beyond Android
in isolation, it is tough for me to blame the thought leaders for recommending newer alternatives, as they do solve problems from their predecessors (e.g., RxJava learning curve)
Yeah, the problem is with the "thought leaders" definitely
Mark M.
however, I do think that we as an ecosystem need to be doing a better job of building bridges from old approaches to new ones
rather than just bouncing from one to the next to the next
that's one of the reasons why, for example, I still cover Java in *Elements of Android Jetpack*
Yeah, our app is still 75% Java
Mark M.
partly, it's for those who are new to Kotlin, and partly, it forces me to discuss non-Kotlin solutions
may I ask, if I were to create new project
9:30 AM
should I use data binding? or stuff like kotlin synthetic?
Mark M.
I would not invest in data binding, but I do prefer view binding over Kotlin synthetic accessors
fortunately, view binding only requires a line in Gradle to set up and no layout changes
Also, Mark have you considered doing udemy course?
Mark M.
it's an extra line or so at most to set up the binding when inflating the layout in code
do you mean teaching one?
yes exactly
To be honest, I did an udemy course before
by Tim Butchalka and it was OK
but it lacked the "ecosystem"
I think that your books create whole ecosystem of android learning
you have everything covered in your resources referencing one another
Mark M.
I can't rule out Udemy, but if I were to do video-based training, I would be more likely to do something part of the Warescription program, for the reasons that you cite
right now, I'm just trying to make it through 2020 :-)
There's a huge "hole" in Android video training
Like, web dev is well covered
And even Swift for iOS
there is project odin for web dev
But Android video courses are very lacking atm
so true
Mark M.
sorry, but I need to wrap up today's chat
I think that is a great niche
Thank you!
Okay thank Mark!
for answering have a nice day
good bye people!
Mark M.
the next chat is Saturday at 4pm US Eastern
have a nice day
Mark M.
have a pleasant day, all!
You too
9:35 AM
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has left the room
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Tuesday, September 1


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Dominic
  • marekdef
  • Mark Murphy
  • sudokai