Mar 10 | 8:25 AM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Mar 10 | 8:30 AM |
Kai H. | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, Kai!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Kai H. |
Hi Mark
Kai H. |
I actually don't know. Kinda lurking right now
Mark M. |
OK. These chats frequently have few people in them, so there may not be much activity suitable for lurking. But, you are welcome to hang out and see if others show up!
Kai H. |
I this also suitable for comments about the functionality of the website?
Kai H. |
This chat I mean
Mark M. |
if by "the website" you mean or, sure!
Mark M. |
if by "the website" you mean this chat itself or, I don't control them very much
Kai H. |
I noticed that if I log into and then go back to, I have to login again
Kai H. |
I wondered if that is reproducible and, if so, if it is by design
Mar 10 | 8:35 AM |
Mark M. |
technically, you don't have to log in again -- if you have a link to some place past the login screen, you will be able to access that
Mark M. |
my login page does not attempt to detect already-logged-in users
Mark M. |
I can try to improve that, though I make no promises
Kai H. |
I can actually log in, then click on "Commonsware Warescription" in the very top left and be logged out after that.
Kai H. |
It would be nice to stay logged in.
Mark M. |
I just tried it after you commented, and I was not logged out. However, if you just try visiting, that page will not detect that you are already logged in.
Kai H. |
So it might be something with my ad stop plugin
Mark M. |
but, if you log in, click "CommonsWare Warescription", and then click BACK, you should find that you can continue to navigate around the Warescription site without issue
Mark M. |
possibly, but I'm not using anything but a site-local session cookie, so I would not expect an ad blocker to have any issues with the Warescription site
Kai H. |
I guess I misunderstood you
Mar 10 | 8:40 AM |
Mark M. |
I am easily misunderstood-able! :-)
Kai H. |
Where do you find the time to write so much?
Mark M. |
CommonsWare used to be a full-time endeavor for me
Kai H. |
What has changed?
Mark M. |
currently, I need to do other work to supplement my writing and other developer relations-style work
Kai H. |
The books still are of good quality and the stackoverflow bump service and the office hours are both very nice.
Mark M. |
thanks for the kind words!
Mar 10 | 8:50 AM |
Kai H. |
Do you happen to know how to get all the dependency names for a project within gradle?
Kai H. |
Not just the "androidDependencies" task from Android Studio but in a way that something can be done with them in gradle.
Mark M. |
I assume that there is a way that you can access the contents of the dependencies {} closure, but I do not know the details
Kai H. |
Ok. I have tried a lot of different approaches but didn't find a good one. Was a bit of a long shot
Mark M. |
I know enough about Gradle to get by, but I am far from an expert
Kai H. |
Ok :)
Kai H. |
I wanted the resolved runtime dependencies and it proved quite hard.
Mar 10 | 8:55 AM |
Mark M. |
yeah, for that, it's not merely a matter of getting access to the dependency list, but doing it sometime after the dependency graph is resolved
Mark M. |
and I have no idea how to do that, other than I presume that it is possible
Kai H. |
It must be, but I also didn't find a good way
Kai H. |
I even had a look at how Android does it in the gradle plugin, but that was hardcore Groovy code and a bit hard to follow
Mar 10 | 9:25 AM |
Kai H. |
Is it normal to do a lot of... "guessing" when going through a legacy projec?
Mark M. |
if you mean "why the heck is X doing Y?" sorts of guesses, yes
Kai H. |
More like "I guess this is done here because something could fail if that happened"
Mark M. |
yeah, that sort of stuff often comes up as a reaction to some previous problem
Mark M. |
it may be that the fix you are seeing is still needed, or it might have been an attempted fix that is no longer necessary
Kai H. |
It's especially hard if nothing is commented
Mark M. |
yeah, well, that's all too common
Kai H. |
That's why I call it "guessing". Because I can just guess why something was done the way it was
Kai H. |
I guess this "i" here means "position".
Mark M. |
ah, yeah, uninformative variable names are annoying
Mar 10 | 9:30 AM |
Mark M. |
well, that's a wrap for today's chat
Kai H. |
I guess this UI element is blocked because it might get updated somewhere else and that might then fail
Kai H. |
Thank you
Kai H. |
Have a good time
Mark M. |
the next one is Thursday at 7:30pm US Eastern
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day! and stay healthy!
Kai H. |
Kai H. | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |