Mar 26 | 7:25 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Suleyman O. | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, Suleyman!
Suleyman O. |
Hey Mark!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Suleyman O. |
I prepared my question to save us some time, so here it is :D
Suleyman O. |
View paste
Mar 26 | 7:30 PM |
Mark M. |
"I know that a simple service or IntentService is not an option" -- well, they are not options if you want them to be in the background, if they will run for more than a minute
Mark M. |
my hope is that the weather API will be more responsive than that
Mark M. |
so, this is a case where an IntentService should still be OK
Suleyman O. |
Yeah I hope it's more responsive than that :) Would I have to display a notification while the widget is updated?
Mark M. |
no, that should not be needed, so long as you can live with the one-minute runtime
Mark M. |
a foreground service, with a notification, would be needed if you intended to run for longer
Mark M. |
oh, wait
Mark M. |
I am thinking more of starting the service from an activity
Mark M. |
I have not tried starting a background service from an AppWidgetProvider, and that may be a problem, as that will be considered to be background itself
Mark M. |
it's possible that they provide special support for app widgets starting services, so you can give it a try if you want, but my guess is that you will get the cannot-start-in-background error
Suleyman O. |
Yeah I think so too, that's why I was looking towards the JobIntentService
Mark M. |
another trick you can consider is that an AppWidgetProvider is a BroadcastReceiver, so in theory you could use goAsync()
Mar 26 | 7:35 PM |
Suleyman O. |
Yep, I've seen that being used as well
Mark M. |
I am not a big fan of goAsync(), as it is poorly documented, but for your scenario, we are running out of good options
Suleyman O. |
So would that be a more acceptable option than a WorkManager?
Mark M. |
it would be easier than WorkManager
Mark M. |
the WorkManager/app widget problem means that you would have to be very careful about firing off work just because onUpdate() got called
Suleyman O. |
Aha, and that would enable the widget to update without the activity running
Mark M. |
goAsync() would allow you ~10 seconds of runtime to get your API call in, before Android will consider terminating your process
Mark M. |
it is possible that somebody has worked out a WorkManager/app widget recipe that safely avoids the infinite-loop problem, though I do not recall running across one
Suleyman O. |
Yeah, I did a small research and didn't find any news on that issue either
Mark M. |
but, Android is a big place nowadays, so there are lots and lots of niche things like that where I might not hear about it
Mark M. |
particularly for the button clicks, the possible delay with JobIntentService could be annoying
Mark M. |
so I agree that if you could avoid that solution, it would be best
Suleyman O. |
Yeah that's what I was afraid of, having a flaky update logic
Suleyman O. |
I'll have a look around, in the meantime implementing the goAsync option
Mark M. |
do you need to do much work beyond make the weather API call? if not, goAsync() is probably your best bet
Mar 26 | 7:40 PM |
Suleyman O. |
Not really, retrieving current temperature and displaying it
Mark M. |
OK, then the 10-second-ish window should be sufficient
Suleyman O. |
Yeah, I believe so, anything else beyond that will be a timeout for me :D
Mark M. |
yeah, I'd try goAsync()
Suleyman O. |
Thanks a lot for clearing that up, I was unsure with so many options available
Mark M. |
app widgets are a bit of a forgotten area in Android, and a lot of the background limitations do not seem to take them into account
Suleyman O. |
That's true, I haven't seen any significant change in that area comparing some articles from years ago to now
Suleyman O. |
Anyways, thanks a lot for your time, this was very useful, and now I have some work to do :D
Mark M. |
you're welcome!
Suleyman O. |
Have a great evening!
Mark M. |
you too!
Mar 26 | 7:45 PM |
Tad F. | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, Tad!
Tad F. |
Hi all
Tad F. |
Are you in the middle of a conversation, or can I ask a question?
Mark M. |
Tad: how can I help you today?
Mark M. |
go right ahead!
Tad F. |
I've been continuing to work on my app we've discussed before - i.e. Dropbox DocumentsProvider et al
Tad F. |
I've been implementing video streaming using ExoPlayer
Tad F. |
Have you worked at all with it?
Mark M. |
no, sorry
Tad F. |
I have a fairly detailed question about a custom CacheDataSourceFactory I'm working on
Tad F. |
Oh, ok.
Mark M. |
a DocuemntsProvider and streaming players are going to be tricky to get working together in general
Mark M. |
if your Uri is backed by a file on the filesystem, you may be OK
Tad F. |
Well - I actually have the streaming part done and it is working great.
Tad F. |
Using the Pipe approach from your book actually
Mark M. |
seriously? ExoPlayer holds up with that?
Tad F. |
Mark M. |
if so, that's surprising and awesome
Mark M. |
don't count on that being the case for other clients :-)
Tad F. |
The question I posted today is here:
Tad F. |
But in a nutshell, it is clear from looking at the source code in CacheDataSource, that the authors anticipate a condition by which media is streamed.
Mar 26 | 7:50 PM |
Tad F. |
View paste
Tad F. |
I wrote a custom cache.
Tad F. |
But when I stream, the files don't wind up in it.
Mark M. |
BTW, that question is from 2015
Tad F. |
Yeah but the issue still remains
Tad F. |
The DataSpec defaults to not allowing caching of something with unknown length
Mark M. |
OK, just wasn't sure if you pasted the wrong link, that's all, as you said you asked it today
Mark M. |
are you getting caught by "By default requests whose length can not be resolved are not cached"?
Tad F. |
And there still doesn't appear to be a way to set that flag that I can find.
Tad F. |
Here is the right link:
Tad F. |
That was from earlier today
Tad F. |
I also found this post:
Tad F. |
Which is precisely what I'm running into.
Tad F. |
But no updates since last December
Tad F. |
So I was hoping you'd have the magic answer - I'm faced now with essentially re-creating a CacheDataSource simply to be able to override the default value in the DataSpec passed into the open() method.
Tad F. |
Tad F. |
That class is declared final so you can't override anything.
Tad F. |
Yes to answer your question - getting caught by the indeterminate length issue.
Mark M. |
can't you fork it? clone it to your own class with the changes?
Mark M. |
IOW, how much "re-creating" is actually needed?
Mar 26 | 7:55 PM |
Tad F. |
Sorry - not sure what that even means (showing my ignorance here).
Tad F. |
What's the difference between "clone" (i.e. just copying the source code) into my own class - which is what I was gonna do...
Tad F. |
So maybe "re-create" was the wrong term.
Mark M. |
yes, that's what I mean
Tad F. |
"copy the file with my own class name" is more accurate
Tad F. |
Which is what I think the poster ended up doing too.
Tad F. |
But of course, that doesn't help me when that file gets updated, etc.
Mark M. |
sure, but if nothing else, you can supply it as a proof of concept on the issue
Tad F. |
Tad F. |
Btw - what did you mean when you said "don't count on that being the case for other clients"?
Mark M. |
you need that issue to get unstuck, and saying "here's my hack that worked -- can you formalize something for this?" might help
Tad F. |
What clients are you talking about?
Mark M. |
Tad F. |
Ah - it appears MediaPlayer is on the way out, doesn't it?
Mark M. |
possibly MediaPlayer2 in Android Q -- not sure if that is ExoPlayer-based or some other beast entirely
Mark M. |
yeah, I have no idea what Google's plans are there
Mark M. |
I had assumed they would steer everyone to ExoPlayer... then MediaPlayer2 showed up in Q
Tad F. |
Another question - have you worked with XMPP?
Mark M. |
not in a very long time
Mark M. |
like, pre-Android
Tad F. |
I'm thinking of using this in order to peer-to-peer share files via the file transfer capability. Just starting to look into it.
Mar 26 | 8:00 PM |
Tad F. |
There is a surprising lack of robust truly peer-to-peer (i.e. no middle-man manager of the actual bytes transfer) out there.
Suleyman O. | has left the room |
Tad F. |
WebRTC was another tack I was considering.
Mark M. |
I was going to recommend WebRTC
Mark M. |
P2P is difficult due to NAT translation (i.e., everyone has a private IP address), last I checked
Tad F. |
Well, this is precisely what the good XMPP servers are supposed to handle (and the more robust ones include STUN and TURN server capability if needed)
Tad F. |
But I don't have any real experience - only reading war stories at this point.
Tad F. |
And playing with SMACH
Tad F. |
Mark M. |
right -- I was commenting more on the "no middle-man manager" part of your earlier comment
Tad F. |
Yeah - for chat it's pretty impossible. There is always a middle server. But file transfer is a different animal.
Tad F. |
Tad F. |
I looked at File.Pizza on the WebRTC front.
Tad F. |
The fact that it's based on a bunch of JavaScript kind of gives me the willies.
Tad F. |
I just have come to distrust support for varying flavors of JS across the bazillion browser versions out there.
Tad F. |
But maybe I'm just paranoid.
Mark M. |
I looked into WebRTC for Android ~18 months ago and concluded that I didn't know what everyone was using
Tad F. |
Only recently has Apple supported it in Safari.
Tad F. |
And there are some significant restrictions.
Mar 26 | 8:05 PM |
Tad F. |
I may have asked you this before but - I'm also interested to hear about robust apps built using Flutter.
Tad F. |
Can you point me to any resources>
Mark M. |
no, sorry
Tad F. |
This app I'm working on uses some pretty Android-y capabilities. I can't imagine how a cross-platform system would be able to handle it.
Tad F. |
That's what I'm really curious about I guess - where the *practical* limits are with Flutter and Dart.
Tad F. |
There have been a few articles on Medium that chronicle people's experiences that I've read.
Mark M. |
my assumption is that it's a bit like all the other cross-platform frameworks, in that somebody has to build glue code for each individual bit of a platform that needs to be surfaced in the cross-platform framework
Mark M. |
that's why there are zillions of questions asking about React Native plugins for this-and-such, for example
Tad F. |
Yeah - well apparently it does't use native components.
Tad F. |
At least, not on the UI side
Tad F. |
I'm not sure what it does when you want to use a Media Player, for example.
Mark M. |
agreed, they bundle their own copy of the Skia graphics library and draw everything themselves
Mark M. |
and in terms of platform services like that, until somebody writes the glue code, it is probably unavailable
Mark M. |
and I don't know how easy those bits are to write and distribute
Tad F. |
Or do something with sockets, or threads, or lots of other things that I would expect be implemented differently on the two platforms.
Mar 26 | 8:10 PM |
Tad F. |
Broadcast intents...
Tad F. |
What's the equivalent on iOS?
Tad F. |
How is it handled in a unified platform?
Tad F. |
Notifications, etc.
Mark M. |
historically, a cross-platform framework is fine for narrow and shallow apps, but break down after that
Tad F. |
Yeah - the examples I saw at the last I/O seemed pretty light.
Mark M. |
I have not heard anything about Flutter that suggests they have made a quantum leap in that eara
Tad F. |
It's not even 1.0 yet, I don't think.
Mark M. |
I think it went 1.0 early this year
Tad F. |
Oh, ok
Mark M. |
and since we're only in late March, that would have been fairly recently :-)
Tad F. |
I recently switched to be running AS 3.4 RC2 and when I did that I didn't re-add the Flutter plug-in so I am behind the times there...
Mar 26 | 8:15 PM |
Tad F. |
OK - well thanks as always for the conversation, good evening!
Mark M. |
sorry I couldn't help more!
Tad F. | has left the room |
Mar 26 | 8:25 PM |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |