Office Hours — Today, February 24

Yesterday, February 23

Feb 24
3:55 PM
Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
4:00 PM
has entered the room
Mark M.
hello, Andy!
how can I help you today?
Hi Mark!
I have questions about the Repository pattern after reading your section on it in Android Architecture Components.
Mark M.
I have a question about the best practice in android apps when it comes to using cached or network data. Perhaps it depends on the nature of the data involved. Let’s say I want to display a list of currently open restaurants. If I resume the app to see the list, should the user expect to see cached or networked data? Your example in the book only uses the cache unless it's empty
Mark M.
what do you mean by "resume the app"? do you mean the user had been in the app, left some time ago, and then later returns to the still-running app?
data retrieval call is made in onResume()
Mark M.
that did not really answer my question, since onResume() occurs at several different points for different reasons
4:05 PM
If the user presses the home button to background the application. Then presses the launcher to resume, thereby invoking the onResume() method
Mark M.
IMHO, that is based mostly on time
your app would not only keep track of the currently-open restaurants, but also when you fetched that data
so, if the user is in the app, presses HOME, and immediately returns to the app, you realize that you were only gone for a second and the cached data is fresh enough
if, instead, the user is in the app, presses HOME, leaves for 15 minutes, then returns to the app, your app would realize that the cached data is perhaps stale, still shows it (along with a progress indicator), and calls the Web service to refresh the data
this is in addition to any manual refresh options that you might have (refresh toolbar button, pull-to-refresh, etc.)
4:10 PM
OK, I have some ideas how I could implement that. I could either compare timestamps of a "getWords()" call or use a background service to evict the cache every so often
4:15 PM
In android apps when is a progressbar appropriate if there is cached data? Should you show the cached data instead of the progress bar? In other words, should the progress bar only be shown prior to the asynchronous request if the cache is empty?
Mark M.
as usual, the answer is "it depends"
4:20 PM
Mark M.
in your case, I would show the progress bar on first start (if you will not be showing the cached data because it is far too stale) or on a manual refresh
the first-start scenario would also cover the "we have no cached data" case
this presumes that the progress indicator does not interfere with the use of the UI, the way that ProgressDialog did
yeah, I have used and worked on a couple different apps and did not notice a consistent pattern. I don't recall material design dictating this
4:30 PM
View paste
I started writing an RxJava implementation of this pattern.  I have a class called ApiClient that has a reference to the Repository, similar to your ViewModel.  It has a getRestaurants(Location latLong, List<Restaurant> restaurans) method).  The Repository caching mechanism is the same ie HashMap<Location, List<Restaurant>> and uses the cached data unless there isn't one.  

I am using Dagger to inject a @Singleon ApiClient throughout my app's presenters.  Since it is a Singleton, the app is always retrieving the same set of restaurants, even if I use this query on a different screen.  What are some of your suggestions to fix this?
Mark M.
I am uncertain what needs to be fixed -- the restaurants near a location do not depend on what screen your app is one
er, what screen your app is on
4:35 PM
Mark M.
you might want to use LruCache or some other LRU-style cache, though, rather than HashMap, to avoid running out of heap space
thanks, I'll consider it
The issue is that since my cache isn't empty, I'm only making the Retrofit call once. I suppose a solution would be what you said about evicting that cache entry after a time.
Mark M.
you should be making the Retrofit call once per Location, and for a refresh you can have getRestaurants() take a Boolean flag, as you suggested previously
4:40 PM
cool. I've encountered this issue before and am curious about the solution but also whether my idea is properly architected. Discussing to clarify or confirm
Mark M.
I cannot really say whether your idea is properly architected -- that requires more knowledge about your app and its use cases than I posess
other than the runaway-cache-size problem, though, what you describe seems reasonable
what can i answer about the app?
4:45 PM
Mark M.
that is really beyond the scope of these chats
if the app is open source, and you want me to code-review parts of it and discuss architecture along the way, that is possible, and I have done that here before, though not often
ok. If an API supports paging how ought the repository cache it? In this example, I have a cache of Location to List<Restaurant>. Am I supposed to cache per page
Mark M.
I guess so -- I have not had to deal with that, so I have not given that scenario much thought
4:50 PM
many apis have a query param that takes in the offset and a number of results to reduce response bandwidth. So typically you wouldn't be making a call to the repository to return the entire list.
Mark M.
the Architecture Components have a Paging library that hides a lot of those details
however, I have not used that yet with a Web service where I might need caching
hmm I'll check it out. I have seen some code where they do this in the repository layer but didn't understand it
Mark M.
if you use the Paging library, your calls to the repository would appear to return the entire list, with the network I/O for each page happening asynchronously
I have some coverage of it for Room (which supports Paging directly) in *Android's Architecture Components*
ok, I'll check it out
good afternoon
4:55 PM
Mark M.
you too!
5:00 PM
Mark M.
that's a wrap for today's chat
the transcript will be posted to shortly
the next chat is Tuesday at 7:30pm US Eastern
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Yesterday, February 23


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Andy
  • Mark Murphy