Nov 20 | 8:55 AM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Nov 20 | 9:15 AM |
ndrocchietto_ivano | has entered the room |
ndrocchietto_ivano |
HI mark
Mark M. |
hello, Ivano!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
ndrocchietto_ivano |
I have to resolve a legacy code problem
ndrocchietto_ivano |
I have a TabLayout with two different tabs. The initial Tab shows a CardView and want to place the @id/logo (the last item in the xml file) just below this Card. Namely if the user search for a term, I made the CardView invisible programmatically, and a RecyclerView will populate the screen below the RecyclerView and after the Recycler View will appear the logo, if instead the user presses the second tab, the RecyclerView will populate all the screen
ndrocchietto_ivano |
View paste
(114 more lines)
Nov 20 | 9:20 AM |
ndrocchietto_ivano |
and this is the include file
ndrocchietto_ivano |
View paste
(6 more lines)
Mark M. |
what is your question?
ndrocchietto_ivano |
how can I have on the first tab
ndrocchietto_ivano |
the google logo
ndrocchietto_ivano |
behind the recyclerView
ndrocchietto_ivano |
the problem is that when the tab starts :
ndrocchietto_ivano |
View paste
ndrocchietto_ivano |
and is selected SEARCHED LOCATION, I have also the cardView
ndrocchietto_ivano |
that become invisible as soon as the user write in the search field where the layout is wrapped
Nov 20 | 9:25 AM |
ndrocchietto_ivano |
I know is really difficult to understand
ndrocchietto_ivano |
and the view do too many things
Mark M. |
by "behind the recyclerView", are you referring to the addresses_rv RecyclerView?
ndrocchietto_ivano |
Mark M. |
and by "behind", you mean on the Z axis?
ndrocchietto_ivano |
ndrocchietto_ivano |
I mean the google logo, basically the last attribute in the main xml file indicated as AppCompactView
ndrocchietto_ivano |
and for behind recycler view
ndrocchietto_ivano |
I mean below the recyclerView
ndrocchietto_ivano |
basically you have this search activity, and initially you have a card view with your own location, and the logo of google below
Mark M. |
it seems like @id/logo already is below @id/search_results_cv on the Y axis
ndrocchietto_ivano |
if the user makes a search then the cardView with your own location disappears and is loaded the recyclerView via <include showing at the end of the research the google logo
ndrocchietto_ivano |
finally if the user touch the second tab address, is opened a catalogue of adresses
ndrocchietto_ivano |
via the SAME recyclerView
Mark M. |
search_results_cv has app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent", so it will stretch to the bottom of the available space
ndrocchietto_ivano |
and in this second tab the google logo have to disappear
Nov 20 | 9:30 AM |
ndrocchietto_ivano |
this is correct in the second tab
Mark M. |
logo is trying to position itself below search_results_cv, which will not work, as there is no space there
ndrocchietto_ivano |
and also on the first one
ndrocchietto_ivano |
this is correct
ndrocchietto_ivano |
I am impressed you understood this use case
Mark M. |
I disagree that I understand the use case
ndrocchietto_ivano |
Mark M. |
I am simply trying to make sense of your layout
ndrocchietto_ivano |
ndrocchietto_ivano |
the problem is that should have two different behaviours depending by the tab clicked
ndrocchietto_ivano |
maybe I should do a wild refactoring
Mark M. |
either have two different ImageViews or change the layout rules for the existing ImageView at runtime, I guess
ndrocchietto_ivano |
ok thanks
ndrocchietto_ivano |
I should pass in <include
ndrocchietto_ivano |
in one case android:layout_height="wrap"
ndrocchietto_ivano |
ndrocchietto_ivano |
and in another
ndrocchietto_ivano | |
ndrocchietto_ivano |
is that possible programmatically?
Mark M. |
you can change the rules associated with a child of ConstraintLayout using a ConstraintSet, if that is what you mean
Nov 20 | 9:35 AM |
ndrocchietto_ivano |
Nov 20 | 9:35 AM |
ndrocchietto_ivano |
but the constant layout I want to change is inside this include
Mark M. |
at runtime, that should not matter much
Mark M. |
<include> is a layout inflater thing
ndrocchietto_ivano |
and I need to change also the heigt
ndrocchietto_ivano |
I see
Mark M. |
ConstraintSet also lets you control the height and width rules
ndrocchietto_ivano |
I see thank you for the hint
ndrocchietto_ivano |
I am gonna work on that
Nov 20 | 9:55 AM |
Mark M. |
any last questions?
Nov 20 | 10:00 AM |
ndrocchietto_ivano |
no fine\
ndrocchietto_ivano |
have a nice afternoon
ndrocchietto_ivano |
learned a lot today
ndrocchietto_ivano |
this is what matters
Mark M. |
OK, then, that's a wrap for today's chat
Mark M. |
the next chat is tomorrow at 7:30pm US Eastern
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
ndrocchietto_ivano | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |