Jan 11 | 3:55 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Aman | has entered the room |
Aman |
Hello Mark
Mark M. |
hello, Aman!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Aman |
First time here, nice to meet you!
Mark M. |
nice to meet you too!
Aman |
Here's my question:
Aman |
View paste
(9 more lines)
Mark M. |
Aman |
View paste
Aman |
View paste
Jan 11 | 4:00 PM |
Mark M. |
have two different layouts for the "pages" in the RecyclerView
Mark M. |
one layout has two items
Mark M. |
the other layout has one item
Mark M. |
in other words, the ViewHolder and Adapter are adapting pages, not items
Mark M. |
you use the two-item layout for the first two pages, and the one-item layout for the other two pages
Aman |
i thought about that but I need each item to really be separate because each will have it's own onclicklisteners
Mark M. |
have two different ViewHolder classes, one for one-item pages and one for two-item pages
Mark M. |
where they handle the correct number of event listeners per page
Mark M. |
if you ignore the items for the moment, your description is for a four-page UI
Mark M. |
and so the simplest way to implement that is to have a four-page UI, whether you use RecyclerView or ViewPager
Mark M. |
it just so happens that on two of those pages, you want to show two items apiece
Mark M. |
but that's an implementation detail of the *page*, not the overall structure for showing the pages
Aman |
i see
Mark M. |
it is fairly common to have pages with significantly different results
Jan 11 | 4:05 PM |
Mark M. |
for example, the stock dialer on a Nexus 5X has four pages (tabs), with favorites in a grid, call history in a list with headers, contacts as a list, and voicemail (I think as a list)
Mark M. |
that activity will have either four separate ViewHolder classes or four separate fragments, depending on whether it is using RecyclerView or ViewPager
Aman |
yes, i'm looking at it now
Aman |
And can you give me your thoughts on whether a RecyclerView is a good choice here? Is there something else that would fit better like the ViewPager u mention.
Mark M. |
on the whole, I am tending to use RecyclerView more for this scenario
Mark M. |
there is nothing wrong with ViewPager, and if it simplifies your life if your pages are fragments, ViewPager is the better solution
Aman |
Aman |
i've looked up using a listview horizontally but found different solutions with their own problems, do you recommend that?
Aman |
would you use a listview for horizontal scrolling?
Mark M. |
Aman |
Mark M. |
in fact, AFAIK, that is not strictly possible
Mark M. |
there are horizontal list libraries, but AFAIK they are not using ListView as a base
Aman |
i see
Mark M. |
but, I haven't paid them much attention since RecyclerView was released
Jan 11 | 4:10 PM |
Aman |
right ok
Aman |
what about using a gridview for horizontal scrolling?
Mark M. |
I do not think that GridView offers horizontal scrolling
Mark M. |
the only horizontal scrolling option we had in the early days was Gallery, which is long since deprecated
Mark M. |
then we had ViewPager
Aman |
i see
Mark M. |
and HorizontalScrollView was added around the same time
Mark M. |
now, we have RecyclerView
Aman |
Mark M. |
there are third party libraries with other options, and you are welcome to explore them
Mark M. |
for me, RecyclerView is sufficient for most of my needs
Aman |
ok, going back to my use case, i want to give the user a hint that there are more items to the right to scroll to, i was thinking to show a little bit of the title
Aman |
would you say the title should be in the viewholder?
Mark M. |
I cannot really answer that
Aman |
the title should scroll along with the items and come to the middle
Jan 11 | 4:15 PM |
Mark M. |
then the title is part of the layout that you are using for the pages
Mark M. |
however, that does not really fit your "show a little bit of the title" approach
Mark M. |
as the that extra title is in the wrong place, presumably
Aman |
would i be able to have it scroll at a different rate?
Aman |
Mark M. |
possibly, but I have no idea how
Aman |
i think that's why i need it outside the recyclerview
Mark M. |
I would consider adapting one of Jake Wharton's old ViewPagerIndicators for use with RecyclerView
Mark M. |
such as the one that shows dots
Aman |
is that only for ViewPagers?
Mark M. |
yes, though presumably it could be adapted, if nobody else has adapted it already
Mark M. | |
Mark M. |
that's a standalone dot indicator library
Jan 11 | 4:20 PM |
Aman |
yes, nice
Aman |
what do u think about this:
Aman | |
Mark M. |
that seems to be a similar concept, more closely coupled with RecyclerView
Mark M. |
I'm impressed that item decorators can pull that off
Aman |
OK, I really appreciate all your help, thanks much!
Jan 11 | 4:25 PM |
Mark M. |
you're welcome!
Jan 11 | 5:00 PM |
Mark M. |
that's a wrap for today's chat
Mark M. |
the transcript will be posted to https://commonsware.com/office-hours/ shortly
Mark M. |
the next chat is Tuesday in the same time slot (4pm US Eastern)
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
Aman | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |