Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Sep 21 | 9:20 AM |
Susheel | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, Susheel!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Susheel |
Hi Mark. How are you doing?
Mark M. |
slightly sleep-deprived, but otherwise OK -- and you?
Susheel |
I got just the right amount of sleep so I'm good. Thank you!
Sep 21 | 9:25 AM |
Susheel |
I have a horizontal recyclerview I am using this as a viewpager. But now I'm having to implement my own viewpager indicator equivalent.
Susheel |
Shouldn't be terribly hard as I could just use shape drawables because I am in need of circle page indicator.
Susheel |
I know there's nothing in stock recyclerview that provides this functionality
Susheel |
What do you think or suggest?
Mark M. |
in terms of... what?
Dimitris | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
(BTW, hello, Dmitris -- I will be with you shortly!)
Susheel |
about my solution. with the shape drawables
Dimitris |
Susheel |
is there a simpler, cleaner or elegant way?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
that seems fine
Mark M. |
you might look at how an equivalent ViewPager indicator is implemented
Mark M. |
the principle difference is in the event listener for finding out when to change the indicator, and to what state
Mark M. |
(er, principal)
Susheel |
Susheel |
Mark M. |
everything else about the indicator would not need to change
Mark M. |
barring some unexpected dependency of the indicator on the pager
Susheel |
True. You can get to Dimitris now.
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
Dmitris: your turn! do you have a question?
Dimitris |
So in case we are using a "bad" library that creates some thread using C++ and its not properly mapped to java so when the device sleeps and come back the c++ created thread is either killed or sleeping but we need to restart it, what do we do :P
Mark M. |
we ask that question of somebody who has done a lot more NDK work than I have
Dimitris |
(library is handed by the manufacturer and its obfuscated)
Sep 21 | 9:30 AM |
Mark M. |
as I haven't the foggiest notion
Sep 21 | 9:30 AM |
Mark M. |
though if it's the manufacturer's own library, they ought to know about their own hardware sleeping, and so this is clearly a bug
Dimitris |
I guess if I dont see any memory leaks I should just restart it manually without fear right ?
Mark M. |
ideally, yes
Mark M. |
it is possible that there is some global state outside the scope of the thread that will not like that, though
Dimitris |
and what is the "best" way of getting notified that the device goes to sleep
Mark M. |
AFAIK, the closest thing is watching for ACTION_SCREEN_OFF and ACTION_SCREEN_ON broadcasts
Mark M. |
but, I have not researched this area in years
Dimitris |
thats not really reliable
Mark M. |
that would not surprise me
Mark M. |
but I am not aware of anything better
Dimitris |
cause this definitely does't seem to recognize the user pressing the power button
Mark M. |
it should
Dimitris |
what about recognizing the power button click
Dimitris |
maybe I should override the keys pressed
Mark M. |
Dimitris |
hmm then I guess I should check if I have some mistake in my code
Mark M. |
I do not think that the power button triggers a KeyEvent, though I may be wrong, and that would also imply that your activity is in the foreground
Mark M. |
again, this is not an area that I work in much, so my knowledge is fuzzy and may be out of date
Mark M. |
Dimitris |
Sep 21 | 9:35 AM |
Dimitris |
adb shell input keyevent 26 is the power button :P
Mark M. |
however, if your code cannot detect it, that will be of limited utility
Dimitris |
Mark M. |
for example, HOME button presses do not result in KeyEvents, last I checked
Dimitris |
maybe I can use this onWindowFocusChanged
Dimitris |
im not sure if on screen on this gets triggered
Dimitris |
if it does I can assume the device wakes up
Mark M. |
it would get triggered in other cases, though, such as when another activity takes over the focus
Dimitris |
Dimitris |
if I could at least consistently get the screen off event
Dimitris |
the combination would work
Dimitris |
but I need at least one of the events in a consistent way
Mark M. |
pressing the POWER button should trigger ACTION_SCREEN_OFF, AFAIK
Mark M. |
if it is not doing that on your hardware, ask the manufacturer
Dimitris |
thank you Mark !
Mark M. |
for stuff like this, you might run some tests on a more "official" environment (e.g., Google Pixel), to determine whether your problem is in your logic or in the manufacturer's device
Dimitris |
this makes sense !
Mark M. |
let me switch back to Susheel, and I will return to you in a bit
Mark M. |
Susheel: back to you! do you have another question?
Dimitris |
(at least allows me to complain to the manufacturer)
Sep 21 | 9:40 AM |
Mark M. |
OK, if either of you have a question, go right ahead
Dimitris |
What is your opinion of global shared preferences and the fact that its deprecated, wasn't it a decent feature for people having a set of applications with sharedUserId?
Mark M. |
I don't think it was ever really safe for multiple processes
Dimitris |
Do you know if an app has System permissions (signed with a system key and so on) can it read shared prefs from every app on the device
Mark M. |
I doubt it
Mark M. |
that should require root
Dimitris |
what if two apps are both system apps
Mark M. |
that should not change the situation
Dimitris |
can they access each others shared prefs ?
Mark M. |
a device manufacturer/ROM developer might set up a pre-installed app in some Linux user group that allows for broader read access
Mark M. |
not by default
Mark M. |
as Google recommends, use a real IPC solution
Sep 21 | 9:45 AM |
Dimitris |
but they also mention this
Dimitris |
The name of a Linux user ID that will be shared with other applications. By default, Android assigns each application its own unique user ID. However, if this attribute is set to the same value for two or more applications, they will all share the same ID — provided that their certificate sets are identical. Applications with the same user ID can access each other's data and, if desired, run in the same process.
Dimitris |
each other's data means shared prefs too ?
Mark M. |
Dimitris |
so if the sharedUserId = System
Dimitris |
then it might be possible that they both access the same
Mark M. |
by "system apps", I assumed that you mean installed on the privileged partition
Dimitris |
Mark M. |
are you signing the firmware?
Mark M. |
if not, then what you want will not work, as your apps will not be signed with the signing key that signed the firmware
Dimitris |
no but I can sign my app with the OS key
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
then in principle what you describe should be possible
Dimitris |
so I do have a real System app
Dimitris |
thank you !
Dimitris |
is there a section on IPC in the book ?
Mark M. |
startActivity(), startService(), bindService(), sendBroadcast() are your main IPC solutions
Mark M. |
(plus ContentProvider)
Mark M. |
(and its related classes, like ContentObserver)
Mark M. |
so I would have one app be the "owner" of the preferences, and expose an API to other apps via a provider or perhaps a bound service
Dimitris |
bad question but is the ContentProvider staying intact when an app gets uninstalled
Sep 21 | 9:50 AM |
Mark M. |
no, as the ContentProvider implementation is being uninstalled
Susheel | has left the room |
Dimitris |
that makes sense
Mark M. |
IMHO, if you have two apps that are that tightly coupled, they should be one app, not two
Dimitris |
I guess the provider or bound service implementations are the way to go for me
Dimitris |
they need to be two unfortunately
Dimitris |
so I need to decide how they will communicate
Dimitris |
maybe broadcasting some intents will be enough
Dimitris |
but thank you for mentioning all the options
Dimitris |
have a nice day Mark thanks again
Mark M. |
you're welcome!
Dimitris | has left the room |
Sep 21 | 10:00 AM |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |