Office Hours — Today, September 5

Saturday, September 2

Mark M.
has entered the room
Sep 5
8:55 AM
Mark M.
turned on guest access
9:00 AM
has entered the room
Mark M.
hello, Mathias!
Hello hello
Mark M.
how can I help you today?
Long time no see! hope all is well
i had a question about push notifications
Mark M.
I don't do much with those, but I can try to help
I looked in the omnibus, but couldn't find much about it. Am i correct that it does not cover it?
Mark M.
I used to have a chapter on GCM, but I pulled it quite some time ago, as it was out of date
and that was even before Google started rebranding it to FCM
so, no, I do not have any current material on that subject
9:05 AM
Yeah, that's why i got in here - i took a peek at the GCM webpage, but its SO confusing...
exactly, that rebranding...
Mark M.
yeah, and the fact that they keep changing the API means that a lot of community-developed material will be out of date
AFAIK, though, the FCM API hasn't changed that much, post-rebrand
i've done it on IOS, so just started looking at it and was looking to see if you had any pointers. no worries!
Mark M.
so, anything you see written specifically on FCM is probably up to date
Mark M.
that being said, YMMV
right. well ill look around
Oh, just remembered, i have a puzzling gradle think i maybe can ask you about?
Mark M.
go right ahead!
ok. so i migrated from spring to gradle a while back
in my gradle i have some dependencies that are aar
for example
View paste
compile ''
    compile ('se.emilsjolander:stickylistheaders:2.7.0@aar')
Mark M.
play-services:5.0.9 seems old
in my /build/intermediaries/exploded-aar, i have a folder for each of my aar dependencies
however, they are there since a long time. If i remove them and build with gradle, they do not re-appear, and my whole intellij-project goes bonkers (it cant find lots of dependencies, things turn red)
so, my question is, do you have any idea what i am doing wrong?
9:10 AM
yeah i know, but i cant upgrade since they moved all api's for geofencing around (of course...) and i don't have time to re-write right now...
Mark M.
have you switched development machines since this app was created?
no. and that's why that dir is still there. I noticed this error because i moved my git repo and checked out clean :)
so i had to manually put those folders back in to build
Mark M.
for the play-services dependency, go to your Android SDK installation, and look in extras/google/m2repository/com/google/android/gms/play-services, and see if 5.0.89 is there
with regards to StickyListHeaders, it would appear that their 2.7.0 artifact is up on Maven Central, which should also get mirrored to JCenter
so, double-check whether you are pulling in from mavenCentral() or jcenter()
in modern Android Studio projects, that would be determined by default in the allprojects { dependencies {} } closure in the project-level build.gradle file
well, i have it in my "regular" repo, since i share between spring/android, but its not in the sdk-dir
9:15 AM
Mark M.
I do not understand what the "regular" repo is, I guess
i pull from jcenter
well i have configured the sdk to use a repo in another dir
Mark M.
you might try a command-line build, using --refresh-dependencies
Gradle only checks for dependencies once per day, if it thinks that it has already satisfied them
so that might help convince Gradle to go pull down the artifacts again
you might also check your Gradle cache (e.g., ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/) and see if either of these artifacts appear there
and what versions they are, based on the downloaded POM files
right. hangon ill look around
9:25 AM
ok so i built with gradle from command line, worked fine, no problems. But nothing appears in "exploded-aar"
Mark M.
that may reflect changes in the build tools
looking at a project that I am working on, I do not see an exploded-aar directory either
and I'm pretty sure that some of my dependencies are AARs, not JARs
(e.g., recyclerview-v7)
I haven't gone looking for exploded-aar in some time, though I recognize that directory name, having seen it before
so the problem is not the build or the apk, my problem is with intellij. My jar-dependencies get included fine, but the classes that are in my aar's are not found and all calls to them become red
9:30 AM
Mark M.
I haven't used IntelliJ IDEA itself in some time
i could add them manually i guess, but cant see why intellij doesnt check up the dependencies
oh? what do you use?
Mark M.
Android Studio
which is based on IDEA, of course
exactly :)
its basically the same thing
Mark M.
um, I don't know if I'd go that far
regardless, I have no idea what you would change in IDEA to help here
ok. i tried it and well there's some more stuff in intellij, but it works the same
no problem, i'll continue to look around!
9:45 AM
aar seems to indeed be some intellij-issuue, have logged a ticket
oh well, gots to go. thanks for the chat!
Mark M.
happy to help!
(will extend license in october)
has left the room
10:00 AM
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Saturday, September 2


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Mark Murphy
  • Mathias