Jun 20 | 3:50 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Jun 20 | 4:20 PM |
Lucy | has entered the room |
Lucy |
Hi Mark, how are you?
Mark M. |
hello, Lucy!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Lucy |
Let's see...I have a couple of questions regarding navigating
Jun 20 | 4:25 PM |
Lucy |
I guess my first question is: is there a trick to using addToBackStack when adding Fragments in a transaction? It doesn't seem to do anything for me. Hit the Back button on the device and I go back to the first Fragment.
Mark M. |
I guess I do not understand your question
Mark M. |
addToBackStack() reverses the transaction when the user presses BACK
Lucy |
I beginTransaction and then addToBackStack. But clicking Back does not take me back to the last Fragment in the series of Fragments in the Activity such as: F1->F2->F3 and then hit Back. I go to F1.
Mark M. |
are F2 and F3 being added in a single transaction, or in multiple transactions?
Lucy |
Multiple Transactions. User clicks Next in a Fragment and I create a new transaction and add or replace the existing fragment with a new one.
Mark M. |
and both of those transactions have addToBackStack()?
Lucy |
that's correct
Lucy |
Maybe I am still doing something wrong. If it should "just work" then I will try again.
Mark M. |
and both transactions are applied by the same FragmentManager?
Mark M. |
it should "just work"
Lucy |
Yes. In fact, I replace/add the Fragments inside the Activity by calling mListener.switchMyFragment() kind of design.
Mark M. |
then I cannot explain your results
Lucy |
I will try again.
Lucy |
OK next navigation topic!
Jun 20 | 4:30 PM |
Lucy |
I've read page 421 of Busy Coders and I also saw some SO posts of yours regarding use of the flags: FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP and FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP
Lucy |
In my case, I have the following progression of Activities: A->B->C
Lucy |
On Activity C the user can click one of several buttons that launch other Activities let's call them D1->E1 and D2->E2. Ideally I'd like to return to Activity C.
Lucy |
My question is: can I use those flags to return to any Activity I want in the progression?
Mark M. |
FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP should do that; also use FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP if you want to use the existing C instance
Mark M. |
otherwise, assuming you haven't messed with launchOptions in the manifest, C will be destroyed and recreated
Lucy |
Yes that is what I would like. So for A->B->C I pass no flags. Then for D1, E1 etc I pass those flags?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
when you want to go back to C, you pass those flags
Lucy |
Yeah I tried using those manifest options. I will make sure they are all gone.
Mark M. |
on your startActivity() that returns the user to C
Jun 20 | 4:35 PM |
Lucy |
OK cool I will try that!
Mark M. |
the docs for FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP are pretty close to describing your scenario: https://developer.android.com/reference/android...
Lucy |
View paste
Lucy |
Excellent, thanks!
Lucy |
I will study that flag further. Perhaps I should control things from the code rather than the manifest.
Mark M. |
I prefer to control from code where I can, particularly for non-exported activities
Lucy |
I'll polish my navigation further as its a bit clunky right now.
Mark M. |
you have greater flexibility
Mark M. |
as there is but one manifest
Mark M. |
yeah, navigation in a multi-activity app can get painful
Lucy |
great point.
Lucy |
Yeah I wrote those bits to be Activities because I might want the functionality to be called from somewhere else.
Mark M. |
if by "somewhere else", you also mean "someONE else", then you need to think more about launch modes
Mark M. |
as you cannot readily force a third-party app to use certain flags
Lucy |
Oh luckily I mean in my own app.
Mark M. |
Lucy |
Only myself calling them. They bring up a piece of data that can be handy on its own.
Jun 20 | 4:40 PM |
Lucy |
Another question. I hope it makes sense. I am sending a notification to the user. They tap it in the notification bar, my app opens ActivityXYZ. I want the user to have a one-time chance to do something in response. I don't have navigation to ActivityXYZ except when tapping a notification. I wondered if its enough to enforce the "one time" whereby user taps, opens ActivityXYZ, clicks a button and I call finish() on that button.
Jun 20 | 4:40 PM |
Lucy |
Is it enough to make something a "one time" opportunity to do XYZ in response to a Notification.
Lucy |
I suppose I am asking that without another way to navigate to ActivityXYZ they should not be able to call it.
Mark M. |
well, users cannot get to any activity unless you provide a means for them to do so
Lucy |
s/call it/launch it/
Mark M. |
what you need to do is ensure that XYZ does not wind up in its own task
Lucy |
Mark M. |
as otherwise the user could get back to that task from the overview screen
Mark M. |
and notifications historically required FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
Lucy |
I see. Interesting. I will research that.
Mark M. |
or, if you really do need it in its own task, try finishAndClearTask()
Lucy |
I've been using an adb command to track how many activities are open.
Lucy |
Oh I'm not familiar with finishAndClearTask(). Will read about that.
Mark M. |
sorry, finishAndRemoveTask()
Mark M. | |
Mark M. |
new to API Level 21, though
Lucy |
Hm. Yeah my app will support 19+
Lucy |
Still, I did not know about this. I will read more.
Jun 20 | 4:45 PM |
Lucy |
When I figure out what I'm doing wrong for addToBackStack I'll come back and let you know! Ditto for Activity flags.
Lucy |
Thanks again!
Mark M. |
you're welcome!
Lucy | has left the room |
Jun 20 | 4:55 PM |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |