Office Hours — Today, April 29

Tuesday, April 25

Mark M.
has entered the room
Mark M.
turned on guest access
Apr 29
4:45 PM
has entered the room
Mark M.
hello, Rick!
Hi Mark
Mark M.
how can I help you today?
How do I add a DialogFragment to a Project?
Mark M.
um, create a subclass of it, alongside the rest of your Java classes
Through the Android Studio GUI? Create a regular Fragment then just extend DialogFragment?
Mark M.
oh, if you mean through some sort of wizard... I don't know if they have a DialogFragment wizard
I very rarely use those wizards, as I wind up having to rip out more code than it saves me typing
So just new Java Class?
Mark M.
yeah, I don't see a DialogFragment wizard item, or anything related to dialogs
4:50 PM
So you don't end up using all the options on the same drop down like new Activity or Fragment etc.
me either
Mark M.
occasionally, I'll use the IntentService and BroadcastReceiver ones, as I don't have to rip out that much code
Okay so, here's my story:
I'm a CS adjunct at a university here in CT>
I was asked to teach Android
I don't know Android. :)
Mark M.
that would seem to be a slight hiccup in the plan :-)
You'd think
So, I know a bit now and I know Java.
My feeling is it's a little "wild west" right now
Mark M.
I'm not sure what the "it's" refers to in that sentence
Android development
Mark M.
:: shrug ::
It seems to change rapidly
Mark M.
oh, that's certainly true
IMHO, the half life of a blog post or Stack Overflow answer is about 18 months
k so when I try to find examples or students try to find examples 90% maybe more are outdated
Mark M.
that's fairly commonplace
makes learning a little more difficult
enter your book
updated very quickly it seems
Mark M.
every 4-8 weeks
dirt cheap (no offense)
I still have students who "can't afford" it
Mark M.
skip a beer
Mark M.
well, that'd be an expensive beer
4:55 PM
You get my point
Mark M.
it's one of the reasons I switched from $45/year to $20/6-months, to lower the cost of entry
anyway, I'm trying to make it a text for the class.
plus, you can't beat office hours with the author included
Mark M.
I've helped a few students over the years
I bet
so, this time you're going to be helping the instructor :)
Mark M.
I've done that on occasion too :-)
I'd also bet
so, you'll certainly be hearing from me. I think one of the biggest problems my students face is a lack of solid Java skills
Mark M.
yeah, and that's an area where my book doesn't really help much
I asked if they knew what inheritance was and oh sure, yeah, we all know that. Then I asked.
I went all the way around the room and only 1 student knew
Mark M.
that will make learning standard Android development somewhat difficult
They don't know why you call a parent's version of a method in one of these examples
they just see it somewhere and try to copy it everywhere
or just plain skip it
either way, they're done
they don't understand scope
"just doesn't work"
well you don't have a reference to the view here...
5:00 PM
then factor my shaky android and it's tough
Mark M.
this is why I stick to professional training
you hold android classes for android devs?
Mark M.
right now, it's just private training for organizations
I'm looking to get back into public training (the kind anyone can sign up for) soon
stay tuned to my blog for further details
So, anyway, hour's up but one last question please. So, this student wants to click a button in his main activity open a dialogfragment with a listview
I've read some differences from onCreateView vs onCreateDialog
does that application need onCreateDialog?
Mark M.
that depends a bit on how you want to set up the ListView
if you want to use the stock AlertDialog implementation, then you would use onCreateDialog()
if you would prefer to set that up yourself, with your own ListAdapter, then you would use onCreateView()
I think he wants something else in the main activity to pick an array and then to use an array adapter
AlertDialog can have a listview in it?
he's trying to use a listadapter now and onCreateView but it's not working
Mark M.
yes, though it's easiest to set up via AlertDialog.Builder
5:05 PM
Mark M.
there is a setAdapter() method, or you can use setCursor(), setItems(), or setMultiChoiceItems() for a stock adapter
there an example in your book?
Mark M.
not of an AlertDialog with a list, sorry
at least, not that I recall
alright, thanks
Mark M.
that's a wrap for today's chat, then
the transcript will be posted to shortly
I just need time. Between the regular job, teaching classes, the 4 year old...
Mark M.
the next chat is Monday, also at 4pm US Eastern
I really appreciate the chat help
and the book format
Mark M.
you are very welcome
thank you. I think it'll really help myself and my students.
Mark M.
have a pleasant (rest of the) day!
View paste
you too!
has left the room
Mark M.
turned off guest access

Tuesday, April 25


Office Hours

People in this transcript

  • Mark Murphy
  • Rick