Apr 24 | 8:55 AM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Apr 24 | 9:00 AM |
wuqiang | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, wuqiang!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
wuqiang |
long time no see
wuqiang |
Mark M. |
do you have a question?
wuqiang |
today i have a question
Apr 24 | 9:05 AM |
ivano_ndrocchietto | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
wuqiang: please go ahead with your question
wuqiang |
some app like kind of chat app needs start along with system,and do some initialization
Mark M. |
(ivano: I will be with you shortly!)
Mark M. |
wuqiang: I am sorry... was that your question?
wuqiang |
i'm uploading a photo
wuqiang | |
Mark M. |
it works much better if you copy and paste text
Apr 24 | 9:10 AM |
Mark M. |
so, it looks like you may be using my WakefulIntentService, since I see a doWakefulWork() method
wuqiang |
Mark M. |
however, you appear to be doing asynchronous work, as you are registering a listener
wuqiang |
it works ....
Mark M. |
perhaps in testing, but it may not be reliable
Mark M. |
once onHandleIntent() of an IntentService ends (or doWakefulWork() in this case), the service stops itself
wuqiang |
so ,this is my question
Mark M. |
your process can be terminated shortly afterwards
wuqiang |
like this situation do u have another solution ?
Mark M. |
if you want to do asynchronous work in a Service, use a regular Service, not IntentService or WakefulIntentService
Mark M. |
when the asynchronous work is done, call stopSelf() to destroy the Service
Apr 24 | 9:15 AM |
Mark M. |
wuqiang: let me take a question from ivano, and I will return to you shortly to continue this discussion
Mark M. |
ivano: your turn! do you have a question?
wuqiang |
the part i'm embedded in you "doWakefulWork" need to work within whole my app
ivano_ndrocchietto |
View paste
wuqiang |
Mark M. |
"do you know which way should I proceed?" -- with respect to what?
Mark M. |
I have not tried directly replacing loaders with RxJava
ivano_ndrocchietto |
right. to meet the current best practice
Mark M. |
I am far from expert on RxJava; I cannot tell you what the best practices are
ivano_ndrocchietto |
if I well recall the CursorLoader API exploits an AsyncTask, that today is less desuete that populism
ivano_ndrocchietto |
OK thank you anyway to consider my question
Mark M. |
while I am not a fan of the Loader framework in general, there is nothing really wrong with CursorLoader itself AFAIK
Mark M. |
I am skeptical that you can wrap RxJava in the Loader API, though I cannot rule that out
Apr 24 | 9:20 AM |
Mark M. |
so, I would approach this less as "how do I replace CursorLoader with RxJava" as "how do I implement RxJava", where your use case happens to be loading data
ivano_ndrocchietto |
true. just need to stand to my future employee
Mark M. |
I have a chapter on Rx basics in the book
ivano_ndrocchietto |
I know
Mark M. |
that material covers two of the three Loader features: asynchronous work and data retention across configuration changes
ivano_ndrocchietto |
but querying a DB with a ThreadPool and RXJava is not trivial
ivano_ndrocchietto |
what is the third then?
Mark M. |
um, it should be
Mark M. |
(other than the ThreadPool part, perhaps)
Mark M. |
the third is the automatic delivery of fresh data
Mark M. |
which can
Mark M. |
which can't really be done other than for ContentProvider via ContentObserver
Mark M. |
or for your own internal stuff via an event bus
ivano_ndrocchietto |
Interesting building block to start to architecture
Mark M. |
that feature is the one that breaks the Loader approach for most use cases
ivano_ndrocchietto |
So ContentProvider is an Android Component that I have to maintain
Mark M. |
only if you want to have one
ivano_ndrocchietto |
after all is just a facade pattern
Mark M. |
I use them for inter-process data exchange
Mark M. |
purely within a process, they are more headache than they are worth IMHO
ivano_ndrocchietto |
between apps or do you mean Client Server?
Mark M. |
inter-process = between apps
ivano_ndrocchietto |
I see thanks
Mark M. |
with respect to database I/O, I expect that there are several libraries for reactive SQLite
Mark M. |
whether in the form of an ORM or something lighter-weight
Apr 24 | 9:25 AM |
Mark M. |
let me switch back to wuqiang for a bit, and I will return to you later on
Mark M. |
wuqiang: your turn! do you have another question?
wuqiang |
in fact i need a almot totally same scheme to your GreenRobot3
Mark M. |
well, greenrobot's EventBus is not mine, in that I did not write it
wuqiang |
i mean your demo program
Mark M. |
which one? I use greenrobot's EventBus in lots of sample apps
wuqiang |
in chapter Evevt Bus Alternative
Mark M. |
OK, so you are referring to the sample app where I use AlarmManager to raise events, delivering them to the UI via EventBus, or raising a Notification if the UI is not visible
Apr 24 | 9:30 AM |
wuqiang |
wuqiang |
selt start ,register a listener ,if there a Activity display the message,if there no Activity make a Notification
wuqiang |
but it via a listener
wuqiang |
I’m in your “doWakefulWork” register a listener for “wilddog” (it is totally compatible with FireBase)
Mark M. |
again, a WakefulIntentService is not a good choice for this scenario
wuqiang |
how could i do with my idea
wuqiang |
the , what should i do ?
Mark M. |
well, I doubt that you want to do that, as your users will be *very* upset with yo
Mark M. |
er, upset with you
Mark M. |
what you are proposing is that the user's device has to be powered on *all the time*
Mark M. |
this will result in very short battery life
Mark M. |
that is why in Android 6.0+, Google added Doze mode and app standby
wuqiang |
it's so bad ...
ivano_ndrocchietto |
( indeed)
Mark M. |
those are there specifically because developers try doing things like this: having some service running all the time, keeping the device on, trying to do work
Mark M. |
since you have indicated that you are using Firebase, switch to Firebase Cloud Messaging
Mark M. |
use FCM to deliver chat updates to the devices
wuqiang |
i can't use it , in china ....
Mark M. |
then you cannot be using Firebase in general, AFAIK
Apr 24 | 9:35 AM |
Mark M. |
and you would need to work with Chinese device manufacturers to determine if there is some FCM replacement that you can use, that will work on the Xiaomi, Huawei, and similar devices
Mark M. |
I assume that they have some solution to this problem
Mark M. |
personally, I have largely given up on trying to update apps in the background
wuqiang |
thanks so much
Mark M. |
if you could somehow get away with occasional updates, you can use AlarmManager much as my sample app demonstrates
wuqiang |
to check new message ?
Mark M. |
where the WakefulIntentService grabs all available messages, but does not attempt to register a listener
Mark M. |
this will not run very often once the device reaches Doze mode, though
Mark M. |
for most types of apps, that might be acceptable
Mark M. |
"chat", however, tends to imply real-time communications
wuqiang |
Mark M. |
so long as the screen is on and your UI is in the foreground, if you wanted to try your Firebase listener approach, that may be fine
Mark M. |
(I do not use Firebase and so I do not know if there are other efficiency issues with your approach)
Mark M. |
but the listener approach will not work once the device gets to Doze mode
ivano_ndrocchietto |
( Firebase does not give SQL query responses:( GRRR )
Apr 24 | 9:40 AM |
wuqiang |
so, let me search a FCM that could use in china
Mark M. |
there are plenty of chat-style apps in China, so I assume that there is is some common pattern for how they are implemented
Mark M. |
I just do not know the details
Mark M. |
let me switch back to ivano...
Mark M. |
ivano: your turn! do you have another question?
ivano_ndrocchietto |
well yes regarding the submodules in Dagger
wuqiang |
thins for you great suggestion
Mark M. |
I have never used Dagger
ivano_ndrocchietto |
I acnnot understand why I should use them in real life...
ivano_ndrocchietto |
ivano_ndrocchietto |
did you maybe used so called seams to break up dependencies then?
Mark M. |
I am sorry, but I do not understand that question
ivano_ndrocchietto |
is a way to test code without using dagger
Mark M. |
sure, by writing tests
Mark M. |
where DI comes into play is if you have some huge code base, and you need to inject some replacement implementation of something in the middle of it for testing
Mark M. |
I try not to have huge code bases
Mark M. |
and I try not to need to inject some replacement implementation of something in the middle
Mark M. |
my scenarios are different than those of many developers
Apr 24 | 9:45 AM |
Mark M. |
I don't have a problem with DI, but I'm not going to use it just for grins and giggles
Mark M. |
I have not had a scenario where I needed it, so I have not used it
ivano_ndrocchietto |
I see thanks
ivano_ndrocchietto |
and sorry for the delay
ivano_ndrocchietto |
I am at office:)
Mark M. |
no problem
Mark M. |
if either of you have any further questions, go ahead
wuqiang |
wuqiang |
Apr 24 | 9:50 AM |
ivano_ndrocchietto |
I have some issue with extensions functions in Kotlin
ivano_ndrocchietto |
but I guess for the moment you are not doing any Kotlin being busy with Android SDK right?
Mark M. |
correct, I have not played with Kotlin
ivano_ndrocchietto |
is quite cool
ivano_ndrocchietto |
coll guys say:)
ivano_ndrocchietto |
OK no other questions
ivano_ndrocchietto |
ivano_ndrocchietto |
I know you do not manage architecture
ivano_ndrocchietto |
but would like to know something between the relationship between interactors and presenters
ivano_ndrocchietto |
but well is better if I dive personally on that
Mark M. |
one problem with architecture discussions is that there is universal definition of terms
ivano_ndrocchietto |
so true is so dialectic
Mark M. |
for example, I have never heard the term "interactor" used before
Apr 24 | 9:55 AM |
Mark M. |
and while I have heard of "presenters", it is clear that their scope varies by who is talking about them :-)
Apr 24 | 10:00 AM |
Mark M. |
well, that is a wrap for today's chat
Mark M. |
the transcript will be posted to https://commonsware.com/office-hours/ shortly
Mark M. |
the next chat is tomorrow at 7:30pm US Eastern
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
wuqiang | has left the room |
ivano_ndrocchietto | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |