See messages from earlier today
4:35 PM
Paul R.
If memory serves they are distributed as a single app via the Play store but multiple apps via HockeyApp (sp?)
Mark M.
I have no idea why they think that's a good idea, or how they are pulling that off
a project can certainly have several app modules
and those can depend upon common library modules, also in the same project
it is possible that they are doing some dynamic code stuff -- I have a chapter on that in the book
Paul R.
I get the multiple library part but not the multiple apps.
Mark M.
modules are modules
whether a module builds a JAR, an AAR, or an APK is simply up to the module's build.gradle file
Paul R.
Oh cool. I'll look into that dynamic aspect.
Mark M.
so, having multiple apps in a project is easy
a few of my open source libraries have multiple apps in a project
but, those are individual standalone apps, not under some larger umbrella thing
Paul R.
I did see some verbiage that test apps are separate modules but I do not grok that either.
Mark M.
and the primary lesson that you should take from the dynamic code chapter is: use this approach only if you have a large legal defense fund, as from a security standpoint, it's difficult to do correctly
Paul R.
Mark M.
let me switch back to Joseph for a bit, and I'll return to you shortly
Joseph: your turn! do you have another question?
Paul R.
Hi again, thanks
if possible
one more about the tests
i know i can load different resources/classes to flavors
4:40 PM
can i do it with tests ?
Mark M.
um, well, you can have different tests for different flavors, IIRC, if that is what you are asking
and your test classes clearly are different than your production classes, getting merged together when the tests are run
i mean to have 2 server classes that will run for tests or prod
Mark M.
not really
Mark M.
it doesn't make sense to test something that does not need testing
the point behind the tests is to test the production code
so i must build as much as pure function code for the tests to be as agile as possible
Mark M.
I do not understand that part, sorry
yes, but when i don't need the entire code for the stuff i want to test
Mark M.
that would not *replace* your production code, though
which is what replacing classes across flavors is for
i can't just disable these methods to no op
Mark M.
that might be *an additional class*, but then you would just have that in androidTest/
i c
Mark M.
and you might wind up doing some refactoring to make it easier to have that test-only server class, without lots of code duplication
if you wanted to create a dedicated flavor and a dedicated set of test classes for that flavor, you could replace the production code for just that one class
4:45 PM
Mark M.
but that seems like overkill
View paste
just trying to sum things up : 
with multi thread test like mine you suggested countdown latch and some sort of observer together with some code refactoring for the issues i stated.
Mark M.
off the cuff, that is how I would start approaching the problem
Thank you.
and a different question if possible please
Mark M.
go ahead
but, um, quickly :-)
When using shared element transition i have an image on my card that needs to grow
Mark M.
sorry, but I have never played with shared element transitions
Thanks anyway :)
And again , Thank you for your time.
4:50 PM
Mark M.
you are welcome!
it was very helpful
Mark M.
Paul: back to you -- do you have another question?
Paul R.
I want to beat this project vs module stuff to death. :-)
I think it is safe to say that a project is defined by the presence of an *.iml file. Would you agree?
Mark M.
projects and modules have .iml files
and that's an Android Studio thing anyway
Paul R.
Is there a difference between a Gradle project and an Android Studio module?
Mark M.
Google went with JetBrains' terminology, rather than Gradleware's, when setting up Android Studio
so, when Gradle docs refer to subprojects, that equates to Android Studio modules
in Gradle, we have a project with subprojects; in Android Studio, we have a project with modules
for example, that's why in the top-level build.gradle, we have things like an allprojects {} closure
because Gradle refers to modules as subprojects
if Gradle happened to use Android Studio terms, that would be a modules {} or allmodules {} closure, or something like that
Paul R.
So with an AS project containing two apps, app1 and app2, each app* will have a .iml file and is a module?
Mark M.
the settings.gradle would list both app1 and app2
app1/ and app2/ would be directories off the project root (in a typical setup)
4:55 PM
Paul R.
OK, that helps.
Mark M.
and they would each use the plugin, if they are building apps
Paul R.
Just to be clear though, each gradle subproject does not need a build.gradle file. A single top level one can suffice.
Mark M.
well, almost always there will be a module/subproject-level build.gradle file
Paul R.
But there must be one entry in settings.gradle for each sub-project.
Mark M.
the module/subproject-level build.gradle file would contain the instructions for building that thing's artifact(s)
so, it would apply some sort of Gradle plugin to do that, as Gradle otherwise cannot do much with the contents of the module/subproject
that could be the java plugin, if you are creating a stock Java JAR, or for an AAR, or for an APK, or...
Paul R.
I've managed to build at least two Gradle projects with only the top-level gradle file. Mind you, after a while it got too hairy.
Mark M.
I have never tried that
I expect that YMMV
Paul R.
Ok, that does it for me for today. Thanks for your insight.
Mark M.
and that's a wrap for today's chat
5:00 PM
Mark M.
the next chat is tomorrow at 9am US Eastern
the transcript of this chat will be posted to shortly
have a pleasant day!
Mark M.
turned off guest access
Paul R.
has left the room
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