Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Jan 10 | 7:30 PM |
nat | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, nat!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
nat |
Hi mark
nat |
question about espresso
nat |
with spoon
Jan 10 | 7:35 PM |
nat |
I’m using spoon (from square) to run espresso instrumented test on all connected device simultaneously
nat |
The issue that I’m facing is when i try to take a screenshot of the app using spoon, I run into permission denied issues on Android 6 & above devices. and the test exits there
nat | |
nat |
Another solution was to try to grant the permissions using ADB before the test runs (directly from gradle or by pointing to a bash script)
nat |
// This creates two new Gradle tasks in the "permissions" group, one per buildType.
// They depend on the install tasks, so if you run the grantDebugPermissions task
// it will install the app and then grant the permissions.
android.applicationVariants.all { buildType ->
def applicationId = buildType.applicationId
def adb = android.getAdbExe().toString()
def grantPermissionsTask = tasks.create("grant${}Permissions") << {
"${adb} shell pm grant ${applicationId} android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE".execute()
"${adb} shell pm grant ${applicationId} android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE".execute()
grantPermissionsTask.description = "Grants permissions for Marshmallow" = "permissions"
Aritra R. | has entered the room |
nat |
But I keep getting this
Mark M. |
OK, I haven't used Spoon, and I haven't automated screenshots in Espresso tests
nat |
Mark M. |
(at least not in a serious fashion, in terms of the screenshots)
Mark M. |
does everything work if you take Spoon out of the mix, and invoke the tests on a single device?
Rory M. | has entered the room |
nat |
Will look into that
nat |
but what I can tell you if I remove the screenShot activity it works fine in Android 6
Rory M. |
Aritra R. |
Hi Mark, I have been facing a serious issue with broadcast receivers not being fired after reboot in some selected devices only. I have given the details of the issue here in the SO question, Unfortunately no has been able to help me solve it yet. Can you please help me?
Mark M. |
hello, Aritra and Rory!
Jan 10 | 7:40 PM |
Aritra R. |
It seems to be a very weird kind of an issue. I am unable to figure out what's wrong. I will need your expert help on this.
Test A. | has entered the room |
Rory M. |
Aritra Roy - Have you maybe considered using <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" and instead of extending BroadcastReceiver - try extending WakefulBroadcastReceiver...
Test A. |
hey, this is Mark
Test A. |
having some technical difficulties on my end
Mark M. |
I have missed the past couple of minutes of the chat
nat |
still here
Mark M. |
and, unfortunately, I can't see the transcript right now
Rory M. |
View paste
Aritra R. |
[REPOSTING] Hi Mark, I have been facing a serious issue with broadcast receivers not being fired after reboot in some selected devices only. I have given the details of the issue here in the SO question, Unfortunately, no has been able to help me solve it yet. Can you please help me?
Mark M. |
no, wait, actually, I do have the transcript
Test A. | has left the room |
Rory M. |
Sorry to butt in -I was having similar trouble recently
Mark M. |
nat: I am sorry, but I do not have much advice for you, given that I have not used that stuff much
nat |
no worries
nat |
I saw your espresso examples
Aritra R. |
I am not doing anything long running at all. Am just starting a service.
nat |
I hope you'd be able to create one with a way to overcome Android 6 permission
Jan 10 | 7:45 PM |
Rory M. |
Ignoring the long running service - it was a copy and paste - but I have read that using WakefulBroadcastReceiver is preferable when starting services on device boot
roberto | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
Aritra: ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED will sometimes hiccup, depending on device model, as I understand it
Aritra R. |
Should I be using a WakefulBroadcastReceiver then? Am very curious to what is actually wrong in my implementation. It works in some devices perfectly and not in others at all. I have also created a test project just to check this and it works fine on the test project. But it just doesn't work in my app. Some users are facing serious problems because of this.
Rory M. |
Yeah - it basically guarantees that the CPU is awake and listening to trigger your device
Mark M. |
(BTW, hello roberto -- I will be with you shortly!)
Aritra R. |
But what about the PhoneCallReceiver then? It also doesn't work after a reboot.
Rory M. |
... not device - your request* on device start
Mark M. |
right, and I do not have an explanation for that
roberto |
Hi Mark, np.
Mark M. |
in the specific case of the Mi 4i, unless I'm mistaken, that does not have the Play Store
Mark M. |
which means they do not have to pass the CTS
Mark M. |
which means that all bets are off in terms of compatibility
Mark M. |
now, if they're sensible, they still aim to pass the CTS, because us app developers expect a degree of compatibility
Mark M. |
but, device manufacturers are not always sensible
Mark M. |
in terms of why the OnePlus 3 works on one project and not another, that too I cannot explain off the top of my head
Aritra R. |
The Mi 4i I have tested on have got a Play Store. Even if I leave the case of Mi 4i, it doesn't work on my OnePlus 3 also and there are some other devices as well. But my test project demonstrating the same thing work in them.
Jan 10 | 7:50 PM |
Mark M. |
does anything appear in LogCat from the system when you try responding to NEW_INCOMING_CALL?
Mark M. |
(BOOT_COMPLETED is simply a pain to test)
Aritra R. |
No nothing appears actually. It just doesn't call the onReceiver() after a reboot. But if I open the app once after a reboot and then make a call, the receivers start working again. So what can happen?
nat | has left the room |
Mark M. |
again, I can
Mark M. |
er, again, I can't explain that
Aritra R. |
And it is also happening in some of my friends apps as well, which are in Play Store and some users are facing the exact same issue. I have downloaded and tested their app in my OnePlus 3 and it doesn't work.
Mark M. |
I have no answers for you on this, and for that, I apologize
Mark M. |
let me take questions from the others, and I will return to you shortly
Mark M. |
Rory: sorry for the delays due to my technical hiccup -- do you have a question?
Rory M. |
Hey Mark - apologies for me interjecting ... I do yeah. Two actually if you have time
Mark M. |
let's tackle the first one
Rory M. |
1. Is it possible to have alternative launcher activities depending on a condition - say a shared preference flag
Jan 10 | 7:55 PM |
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
there are two approaches to this
Aritra R. |
Okay sure. But if you can later think of the problem once and post a solution on the SO post, it will be very helpful. I have tried almost everything I could, even the SO question I posted didn't help much. If you can take some time later and think about the problem when you are free, it would be great.
Rory M. |
So, I have a transparent activity which inflates a dialog alert message if SP flag is true
Rory M. |
Otherwise launch MainActivity
Mark M. |
right, that's the reliable approach
Rory M. |
Oh...and the dialog activity is trigger on boot
Mark M. |
the unreliable approach is to enable/disable the activities, using PackageManager and setComponentEnabledSetting()
Rory M. |
in a BCR
Mark M. |
(Aritra: OK)
Mark M. |
Rory: I'd go with the transparent activity that launches the right thing approach
Rory M. |
Mark M. |
so long as it calls finish() when it hands over control, so it is not on the back stack
Rory M. |
How would I configure this in the manifest
Mark M. |
um, normally? :-)
Mark M. |
have an activity, give it the MAIN/LAUNCHER <intent-filter>, and give it the Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar theme
Mark M. |
in onCreate(), read your preference, make your decision about where to go, etc.
Rory M. |
As it stands - when the dialog activity is started - it appears for a second and then the main activity (with launcher attribute in manifest) inflates
Rory M. |
Am i explains correctly
Rory M. |
Mark M. |
perhaps there's a bug in your implementation
Mark M. |
this feels like you're doing something after an if() block instead of in the else {} or something
Mark M. |
there's nothing too magical about the transparent activity stuff
Rory M. |
I don't think it;s a bug ...May i paste some code -
Rory M. |
Jan 10 | 8:00 PM |
Rory M. |
View paste
Rory M. |
Standard main activity launch
Rory M. |
View paste
Rory M. |
Dialog activity
Mark M. |
that does not fit your requirements as originally stated
Rory M. |
View paste
Rory M. |
Broadcast receiver on boot
Rory M. |
How do you mean?
Mark M. |
you asked "Is it possible to have alternative launcher activities depending on a condition - say a shared preference flag"
Mark M. |
a boot receiver has little to do with a home screen launcher activity
Mark M. |
and launching an activity from a boot-time receiver is evil evil evil
Rory M. |
Rory M. |
if flag==true -> launch MainActivity
Mark M. |
if you want to take over the UI at boot time, be the home screen
Rory M. |
if flag == false --> launch dialog
Rory M. |
Yeah - it's intentional - an incentive to purchase the auto start feature ...
Rory M. |
But rude maybe...?
Rory M. |
Mark M. |
um, yes, IMHO
Mark M. |
beyond that, it'll be unreliable
Rory M. |
Mark M. |
you're in a race condition with the home screen
Mark M. |
whoever gets in last is what the user sees
Mark M. |
and that's going to be very dependent on a lot of environmental factors
Mark M. |
moreover, none of this has to do much with "Is it possible to have alternative launcher activities depending on a condition - say a shared preference flag"
Mark M. |
which I thought was the question
Rory M. |
That comes back to my original question ...
Mark M. |
so, let me take questions from the others, and I'll come back to you in a bit, and we can try this all over again
Jan 10 | 8:05 PM |
Rory M. |
Ok np
Mark M. |
roberto: your turn, and I apologize for the delays -- do you have a question?
roberto |
Hello, no problem short question here.
roberto |
I've an app that has just one activity. The app manipulates some data and refreshes a view. Data goes comes from background thread and I'm using EventBus and AndroidJobPriorityQueue.
roberto |
I've been doing some memory usage tests
roberto |
and the total Proportional Set Size (PSS) RAM used by the app increases a 16% over 14hours of continous usage
roberto |
(i.e. running ui tests without stopping during that time)
Mark M. |
I wish more apps behaved that well
roberto |
the values are not that high, since that app is very small. The total gives a value of 41543. I guess that is KB.
roberto |
btw, I'm using meminfo
roberto |
Right... you got the point.
roberto |
This is the first time I do this kind of tests and I've no idea if that's are good values or not
Mark M. |
in the real world, your process should not live nearly that long
Mark M. |
and, hence, a 1% memory growth per hour would seem fairly reasonable
roberto |
I just see a graph with a linear curve growing... which, it was discouraging at the beginning. Then I went to yout book and I read that sentence where you say something like, 'you've to keep mem leaks small...'
Jan 10 | 8:10 PM |
roberto |
May I ask why 1% is a a fairly reasonable value ?
Mark M. |
um, because it's not 50%? :-)
roberto |
Mark M. |
with memory, you have two main objectives: don't crash with an OutOfMemoryError, and don't piss off the user
Mark M. |
(where the former is technically a subset of the latter)
roberto |
Ok. May I infere I am leaking memory at that rate ?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
PSS is not purely driven by the Dalvik heap
Mark M. |
and so there may be other contributors to that
Mark M. |
that's why a lot of the time we focus on the Dalvik heap -- after all, that's where the OutOfMemoryErrors come from
Mark M. |
also, PSS is tied into other processes
Mark M. |
your app gets "blamed" for a percentage of the zygote's RAM usage
Mark M. |
and the percentage will vary based on the # of running processes
Mark M. |
hence, so long as PSS is not going through the roof, and you're not using the NDK (where leaks show up in PSS, not the Dalvik heap), I tend not to fixate on it
Mark M. |
I'm more worried about using LeakCanary, analyzing the occasional heap dump, and so on
Jan 10 | 8:15 PM |
Test A. | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
roberto: are you still there?
roberto |
Great, you've been very helpful. I'll keep researching. Thank you very much Mark
Mark M. |
OK, good -- I thought I was disconnected again...
Mark M. |
let me take questions from the others and I'll be back with you later if there is time
Mark M. |
Aritra: your turn! do you have another question, one that I might have better luck with? :-)
roberto |
Sure, that's all from me
Test A. | has left the room |
Mark M. |
Aritra: if you have another question, chime in
Aritra R. |
No Mark. This is the only problem I am facing because of which many users complaining. If you can give any clues as to what I should look at? What could possibly conflict?
Aritra R. |
Any ideas from your experience would be great.
Mark M. |
well, I have never used the phone receiver
Mark M. |
and so I have nothing really to say about it
Mark M. |
I mentioned the boot receiver oddities earlier
Mark M. |
as to why having an existing process would impact matters... it shouldn't
Jan 10 | 8:20 PM |
Mark M. |
that's why I was hoping that the system would be logging something, not necessarily from your app
Aritra R. |
The problem is mainly that the broadcast receivers don't register after a reboot. Why can that happen? Any ideas?
Mark M. |
your receivers are not receiving the broadcasts after a reboot
Mark M. |
that's not strictly the same as "don't register after a reboot"
Aritra R. |
If I manually open the app once, then it starts working again.
Mark M. |
the behavior would fit "Force Stop" in Settings
Aritra R. |
Yes, I mean they are not receiving the broadcasts after a reboot.
Mark M. |
and, some device manufacturers do stupid things, like have a task manager that does a "Force Stop" when you terminate a task
Aritra R. |
Yes I agree. But if it was a device specific problem, then the test project would also not work right?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
assuming you are doing the same things in your testing
Aritra R. |
If you can think of any ideas as what may be conflicting in my project?
Mark M. |
so, for example, if with your real app, you are terminating the task from a task manager, but in your test app, you are not, that's a differnce
Mark M. |
Aritra R. |
I am not terminating any of them. I just reboot the device and see that my app doesn't get broadcast but the test app does.
Mark M. |
sorry, but I cannot help you further
Mark M. |
Rory: back to you!
Rory M. |
Jan 10 | 8:25 PM |
Aritra R. |
Okay, thank you for your time Mark. If you can think of something later, please let me know in the SO question.
Mark M. |
(Aritra: OK)
Mark M. |
Rory: do you have another question?
Rory M. |
Yeah - maybe the term launcher activity was misleading. Basically I'd like to launch a dialog enclosed in an activity if a certain condition is false -or else start launcher activity when the use starts app
Rory M. |
Or maybe reconsider if this is poor practice
Aritra R. | has left the room |
Mark M. |
well, let's leave the doing-this-at-boot-time bit aside for the moment
Rory M. |
Mark M. |
this gets back to: have a transparent activity that reads the preference and either shows the dialog itself (I assume) or launches the other activity and finishes
Mark M. |
the Java code snippet that you pasted in does not exactly do this
Mark M. |
it appears to either show a Notification or start an activity
Mark M. |
I assume that's your on-boot receiver
Rory M. |
Jan 10 | 8:30 PM |
Rory M. |
if (flag == true){ start Service} else if (false){ start DialogActivity)}
Rory M. |
It should read anyways
Mark M. |
yes, where you also show the Notification when you start the service
Rory M. |
Mark M. |
but that does not match "I'd like to launch a dialog enclosed in an activity if a certain condition is false -or else start launcher activity when the use starts app"
Mark M. |
so I assume that this is something separate
Rory M. |
Errr - it does - I didn't mention the notification because it's not relevant here
Mark M. |
OK, then I am totally lost
Mark M. |
your code references just one activity, not two
Mark M. |
"I'd like to launch a dialog enclosed in an activity if a certain condition is false -or else start launcher activity when the use starts app" references two activities
Mark M. |
the one that will show the dialog, and the launcher activity
Rory M. |
Oh yeah sorry i Was referring to the the manifest launcher
Rory M. |
View paste
Rory M. |
This is the crux of my question
Mark M. |
but your Java code does not refer to MainActivity
Mark M. |
where does MainActivity come into the picture?
Rory M. |
Because MainActivity is set as the default launcher activity
Mark M. |
is this to be an else for your second if?
Jan 10 | 8:35 PM |
Mark M. |
(sorry, third if)
Rory M. |
However the code snippet I pasted is for an 'alternative' activity to be launched - so there is a conflict
Rory M. |
That is my question - how best to resolve this conflict - ie... how can I prevent both activities being launched
Mark M. |
only call startActivity() once
Mark M. |
activities do not magically appear
Mark M. |
something calls startActivity()
Mark M. |
if an activity that you do not expect is appearing, figure out who is starting it
Rory M. |
Should I remove this: <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> from the activity declaration in the the manifest
Mark M. |
I don't know
Rory M. |
And just handle startup activities from within the BCR
Mark M. |
if you want that activity to appear in the home screen's launcher, then leave LAUNCHER there
Mark M. |
if you do not want that activity to appear in the home screen's launcher, remove the <intent-filter> entirely
Mark M. |
your BroadcastReceiver, at most, will get control at boot time, and present the user with an activity once
Mark M. |
if the answer is that the user has to reboot to get to your activity again... I would expect users to be unhappy
Rory M. |
Mark M. |
so, presumably, you need *something* in the home screen launcher
Mark M. |
whether that is MainActivity or another one, I cannot say
Jan 10 | 8:40 PM |
roberto | has left the room |
Rory M. |
Ok, thanks Mark
Rory M. |
Think we got our wires crossed there, thanks for your patience
Mark M. |
I am sorry that I wasn't more useful to yuou
Mark M. |
er, to you
Mark M. |
and that's a belated wrap for today's chat
Mark M. |
the transcript should go up on shortly
Rory M. |
No - walking through it clear it up in my mind. Many thanks as always Mark
Mark M. |
you are very welcome
Mark M. |
the next chat is Thursday, at 4pm US Eastern
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
Rory M. | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |