Mar 29 | 8:55 AM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Mar 29 | 9:05 AM |
Smital D. | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, Smital!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Smital D. |
Hi Mark
Smital D. |
I have a question regarding the type of event we can receive when we use Loader Manager talking with content provider based on the selected query
Smital D. |
we do get events but type of events such as [ INSERT / DELETE / UPDATE ] is unknown at that point
Mark M. |
correct; you are simply told that the data changed
Mar 29 | 9:10 AM |
Smital D. |
yes , is there any changeS I can make to get the type of event
Mark M. |
if it is your own ContentProvider, do not use a ContentProvider
Mark M. |
or, at least, do not use a ContentObserver and a Loader
Mark M. |
instead, use an event bus, and come up with your own events that describe in greater detail what happened
Mark M. |
if it is a third-party ContentProvider, including standard ones like the MediaStore, there is nothing that you can do
Smital D. |
ah ok . Thanks Mark . I was really writing too much of code and it was becoming messy when i was expecting multiple events in activity
Smital D. |
I have another question regarding image loading technique , when we have one activity showing thumbnail views of multiple images and other activity showing detail view with large image. Is it generally good practice to download a single large image and show it in both acitvities [ scaling down in first one and as is in detail activity ]
Mar 29 | 9:15 AM |
Mark M. |
probably not, if the user has to sit and wait for the download, as large images may be slow to dowload
Mark M. |
there is also the heap consideration: you only want thumbnail-sized Bitmaps loaded in for the thumbnail scenarios, not the full-size images that then ImageView scales down
Mark M. |
as you'll run out of heap space quickly that way
Mark M. |
now, in a case where you are showing a single thumbnail, and there is a decent chance that the user will do something that will cause you to show a larger rendition of that image,
Mark M. |
then maybe it makes sense to load the image once and use it in both places
Mark M. |
but in a "gallery" sort of setup, where you have N images, and the user is unlikely to view any one of them in full-size, you are better off downloading thumbnails for the N images, if that's possible
Smital D. |
right i missed heap consideration but was more focusing on if i could batch network requests fo these images
Smital D. |
Mark M. |
that depends a lot on the server
Mark M. |
if your server allows the socket connection to stay open a bit (e.g., Keep-Alive, SPDY, HTTP/2), then lots of smaller requests shouldn't be that expensive compared to one larger one
Mar 29 | 9:20 AM |
Mark M. |
that being said, I haven't researched this point in detail recently
Smital D. |
Thank Mark I will study about it and try to find out more.
Mar 29 | 9:40 AM |
Smital D. |
Hi Mark , I am still trying to understand dependency injection and how it helps , i cam across DAGGER which i will study further . But are there any other ways to achieve the same without the fragmework like DAGGER even that means i have to write a lot of code
Mark M. |
I am not a dependency injection experts
Mark M. |
er, expert
Mark M. |
one scenario that I know of where it proves useful is in testing, where you want to be able to inject some sort of mock in place of the real implementation of an object
Mar 29 | 9:50 AM |
Smital D. |
Smital D. |
What is a window inset of a view ? and under which scenario we might need to take control of that using
Mark M. |
sorry, but I have no idea
Smital D. |
sure np. just to give you more reference I was studying PLAID app
Smital D. |
// drawer layout treats fitsSystemWindows specially so we have to handle insets ourselves
Mar 29 | 10:00 AM |
Mark M. |
that's a wrap for today's chat
Mark M. |
the transcript will be posted to shortly
Mark M. |
the next chat is Thursday at 7:30pm US Eastern
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
Smital D. |
have a good day !!
Smital D. | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |