Mar 22 | 3:55 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Mar 22 | 4:00 PM |
Ron | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, Ron!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Ken B. | has entered the room |
Ron |
View paste
(13 more lines)
Mark M. |
(BTW, hi, Ken -- I'll be with you next, after I read Ron's novel-length question... :-)
Mark M. |
"Is it possible to communicate simultaneously over WIFI and through an Android device's network (call plan) to the Internet?" -- I think there's some official support for that in Android 6.0
Mark M. |
and I'm under the impression that if you throw enough reflection at the problem and limit your app to only device models that you test, you might be able to get that working on earlier versions of Android
Mark M. |
however, I have not tried the Android 6.0 stuff out to know how it works (e.g., how can you force HttpURLConnection to use such-and-so network)
Ron |
Just to clarify, we only need the WIFI to be local and the Internet to be on our call plan.
Mark M. |
from Android's standpoint, I'm not aware that the distinction matters
Ron |
Any other suggestions?
Mark M. |
not from an Android app standpoint
Mark M. |
I look at this as a networking hardware problem
Ron |
Okay, we will put our thinking caps on and play with 6.0 tonight. Thanks!!!
Mar 22 | 4:05 PM |
Mark M. |
let me take a question from Ken, and I'll be back with you shortly
Mark M. |
Ken: your turn! do you have a question?
Ken B. | has left the room |
Ken B. | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello again Ken!
Ken B. |
Okay, how about now?
Ken B. |
It kept asking me to log in.
Mark M. |
if you're asking if I can see your message, yes, I can
Ken B. |
So I am having problems with the back stack.
Ken B. |
Shall I paste a 30 lines here?
Ken B. |
just boilerplate, but it works funny.
Mark M. |
if it's code, you might consider using a gist or pastebin or something, just for formatting
Mark M. |
that being said, if you want to try pasting it here, you're welcome to
Ken B. |
I don't know how to do those things.
Ken B. |
Here it is.
Ken B. |
View paste
(79 more lines)
Ken B. |
that doesn't look so terrible.
Ken B. |
This is launched with a specific intent from my MainActivity.
Ken B. |
The prlbem is with the "up" button.
Mar 22 | 4:10 PM |
Ken B. |
IF I leave out the "onSUpportNavigationUp", the back button deletes the old MainActivity and starts a new one (with null instance state).
Ken B. |
That means I can't restore the configuration of MainActiivity, of course.
Mark M. |
presumably, that behavior is coming from your manifest configuration
Ken B. |
let me show you.
Ken B. |
View paste
(32 more lines)
Mark M. |
OK, that more or less fits my expectations
Mark M. |
however, your code has overridden onSupportNavigateUp(), and you are calling finish() there, returning true
Mark M. |
personally, I find Google's "up" stuff to be a train wreck, and so I avoid it
Ken B. |
Yes, if I do that, it does what I want-- it restarts my MainActivity.
Ken B. |
Mark M. |
OK, so... what's the problem?
Mar 22 | 4:15 PM |
Ken B. |
If I leave out the onSupportNavigateUp(), it acts wierd, as I described above.
Mark M. |
it's working pretty much as I would expect
Ken B. |
It creates a brand new virgin MainAcitivy and deletes the old
Ken B. |
from the stack, Imean
Mark M. |
that's not surprising
Mark M. |
back != up
Mark M. |
unless you do what you are doing with finish()
Mark M. |
your manifest configuration says "when the user presses up, create an instance of this activity"
Ken B. |
Why wold I ever want the default behavior?
Ken B. |
Mark M. |
perhaps the "up" activity != the "back" activity
Ken B. |
Ken B. |
Okay, next q
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
let me take another question from Ron, and then I'll swing back to you in a bit
Mark M. |
Ron: your turn! do you have another question?
Ron |
Is there any way to search through your old chats?
Mark M. |
use as a qualifier in a Google search
Mark M. |
now, that'll pull in my blog posts as well
Ron |
Great! We just found this bit academia regarding HTTP to multiple connections:
Ron | |
Mark M. |
that's a little long for me to read right now
Ron |
We are going to signoff, THANKS!
Ron | has left the room |
Mark M. |
you are very welcome!
Mark M. |
Ken: back to you!
Ken B. |
Mar 22 | 4:20 PM |
Ken B. |
View paste
(83 more lines)
Ken B. |
Again, I start this with a specific intent.
Ken B. |
It doesn't do anything except return the text result, embedded in a URL.
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
oh, wait, there's setResult()
Ken B. |
Ken B. |
View paste
Ken B. |
Note the voiceSearchMode
Ken B. |
As long as I type the query, everything works as planned.
Ken B. |
If instead I speak the query, the recognizer accepts the input and then a new copy of SearchActivity is pushed on the stack and opened.
Ken B. |
It will keep doing that -- I can make the stack as deep as I want, with multiple copies SearchActivity.
Mar 22 | 4:25 PM |
Mark M. |
that's in part because SearchActivity isn't really the vision here
Mark M. |
the idea behind Google's search system is that you have search options elsewhere in your app, that lead to a search results activity
Mark M. |
having a dedicated "this is where the searching shall be done" activity, that fills both roles, isn't really what they had in mind
Ken B. |
Yes, I thought there was something confused about that.
Ken B. |
Ken B. |
What is the second role again?
Ken B. |
You say both roles.
Mark M. |
first role: collecting a search query
Mark M. |
second role: showing search results from processing said query
Mark M. |
now, android:launchMode="singleTask" may be sufficient to allow you to implement both roles in the same activity
Ken B. |
MainActivity shows the search results. It shows the database items that have the key. This thing only collects a query (so far).
Mark M. |
um, OK
Ken B. |
MainActivity displays the items with the collected key.
Mark M. |
Android thinks its the activity that is showing the search results
Ken B. |
It's funny that it works fine with typed input, but fails mysteriously with voice input.
Ken B. |
Ken B. |
But only for the voice input...
Mar 22 | 4:30 PM |
Mark M. |
that's because that's going through Google's search framework, versus your own SearchView
Mark M. |
and you are advertising that this activity is the one doing the search, via your <intent-filter>
Ken B. |
The light is slowly dawning.
Mark M. |
android.intent.action.SEARCH says "I exist to show search results"
Ken B. |
I am little confused by the nomenclature "searchable"
Mark M. |
yeah, well, in part that's because I nuked my chapter on search, as it's such a mess
Ken B. |
It seems to mean "searcher" rather than "searchable"
Mark M. |
Ken B. |
anyway, searchable is an adjective. Why not use a noun to name a thing?
Mark M. |
Ken B. |
Okay, so I have fallen in to another one of these holes where Android provides bizzare behavior in lieu of an error message.
Mark M. |
from Android's standpoint, there's no error
Ken B. |
So then, I am right that a
Mark M. |
it's just trying to follow instructions
Mark M. |
and in your case, your instructions don't line up with what you're expecting
Ken B. |
"searchable" is something that does searches, rather than something that can be searched (for something).
Ken B. |
Is that right?
Mark M. |
I'd phrase it more as saying "this is how I can be searched, using Google's device-level search system"
Ken B. |
YOu don't need to stand up for android.
Mark M. |
good, because I'm sitting down right now
Mar 22 | 4:35 PM |
Mark M. |
I do need to dive back into this again and see if I can try to help people make sense of it
Ken B. |
Okay, I am going to use the ActionView on the same Activity that displays the results. That makes more sense anywat.
Ken B. |
Ken B. |
ONe more?
Ken B. |
Same text.
Mark M. |
go right ahead, since there's nobody else here
Mark M. |
I try to rotate between chat participants, which is why I interrupted you earlier to give Ron another shot
Bryon | has entered the room |
Ken B. |
When I reconfigure to landscape, the appearance of the query input widget changes. It no longer appears over the app bar, and instead fills the entire screen with a big white space with a keyboard at the bottom.
Mark M. |
such as now, since we have a new chat participant -- let me take a question from Bryon, and I'll be back with you shortly
Ken B. |
Mark M. |
Bryon: hi! welcome to the chat! do you have a question?
Mark M. |
(Ken: what you're seeing sounds like standard EditText behavior in landscape)
Ken B. |
Bryon |
Looking for advice on calling REST services
Mar 22 | 4:40 PM |
Mark M. |
at a high level? use Retrofit and HTTPS
Mar 22 | 4:40 PM |
Mark M. |
did you have something more specific in mind?
Bryon |
We currently us loaders. I'm wondering is there is a better more up to date approach
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
I'm not an especially big fan of the loader framework, though you're welcome to use it
Mark M. |
what you use with respect to dealing with Web service results depends a *lot* on the nature of the app
Mark M. |
if you're asking what else to use instead of loaders, retained fragments are another option, and the one that I tend to use
Mark M. |
at least, for activity-level result caching
Bryon |
What kind of threading would you usein that scenario?
Mark M. |
often, I'll just use a plain thread, but an AsyncTask can work
Mark M. |
it depends a bit on what else you need to do once you get the Web service results
Bryon |
What kind of considerations?
Mark M. |
the fact that you're using loaders suggests that this is a Web service call whose scope is a single activity
Bryon |
Mostly, yes
Mar 22 | 4:45 PM |
Mark M. |
in that case, if you need to have the activity (or a UI-based fragment) do something with the Web service results, an AsyncTask in the retained fragment is a reasonable approach
Mark M. |
as you can trigger the post-call work in onPostExecute()
Mark M. |
but, if the Web service is not really downloading anything (e.g., we're just posting something), a plain thread might work
Mark M. |
and, more often than not, I'm not doing this sort of network I/O in the UI layer anyway, but instead am using an IntentService, some persistent backing store, application-level caching, etc.
Mark M. |
and in those cases, you're looking more at threads coupled with an event bus or something like that
Mark M. |
there are also many fans of the RxJava approach, though I haven't gotten into that yet
Mark M. |
Helen of Troy is said to have had "the face that launched a thousand ships"; threading in Android is the problem that launched a thousand solutions
Mark M. |
let me return to Ken's question from just when you arrived, and I'll swing back to you in a bit
Mark M. |
Ken: as I parenthesized, what you're describing sounds fairly normal
Mark M. |
android:imeOptions can help manage this, at least for EditText
Ken B. |
So, is there anyway to get the same single-line query on landscape as is provided in portrait by default?
Mar 22 | 4:50 PM |
Mark M. |
ah, and android:imeOptions exists on SearchView as well
Ken B. |
Okay, I'll look.
Ken B. |
Thanks. That's all for now. I am sure to get in much more trouble soon.
Mark M. |
look at flagNoFullscreen
Mark M. |
as an imeOption
Ken B. |
Mark M. |
OK, that sounds fine
Mark M. |
Bryon: back to you! do you have another question?
Bryon |
Thanks for the help. My employer blockscampfirenow so I'm trying to interact on my phone. This is my first time in your office hours. Just wanted to check it out.
Mark M. |
that's an odd site to block
Mark M. |
anyway, if either of you come up with another question in the remaining few minutes, chime in!
Mark M. |
BTW, if you missed the announcement, Version 7.2 of the book was released yesterday
Mar 22 | 4:55 PM |
Bryon |
I saw that. Looking forward to the updates
Ken B. |
Ken B. | has left the room |
Ken B. | has entered the room |
Ken B. |
Bryon |
Will the new N network config replacesome of your security library capabilities?
Ken B. |
a short one.
Mark M. |
Bryon: somewhat, for the SSL configuration
Mark M. |
I'm actually chatting with the NetCipher maintainers -- one of them suggested implementing a quasi-backport of the network configuration options
Mark M. |
Ken: go right ahead
Bryon |
OK, thank you.
Ken B. |
View paste
Ken B. |
from VIewPhotoDetails, that I sent you.
Ken B. |
What is the difference?
Mark M. |
presumably, it's a question of whether you are using a Toolbar as your action bar/app bar, or whether you are using the default implementation
Mark M. |
but, I'm not an AppCompatActivity expert by any means
Mark M. |
this has been an epic chat in terms of questions that hit upon things in Android that I don't like... :-)
Ken B. |
Okay, next time.
Mar 22 | 5:00 PM |
Mark M. |
the next chat is tomorrow at 7:30pm US Eastern
Mark M. |
and that's a wrap for today's chat
Ken B. | has left the room |
Mark M. |
the transcript will be posted to shortly
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
Bryon |
You too
Bryon | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |