Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
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Hi Mark
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i have a question about Intent and pendingIntent
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i launch an activity with a pendingIntent and AlarmManager and it works very well
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but when my activity finnish (with finnish() method) i have the previous Activity but i want to see the Android desktop
Mark M. |
your PendingIntent is creating a new instance of the activity
Mark M. |
that is going into the same task as some earlier instance of the activity
Mark M. |
depending on what you want, either launch the second instance into a separate task, or use Intent flags/manifest entries to not create a second instance of the activity, but instead bring the first instance back to the foreground
Mark M. |
you will see material on this in the chapter on tasks in the book
Mark M. |
(the chapter begins on page 1791 of Version 7.1, for example)
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Thank you very much Mark i will see this chapter, bye