Mar 15 | 7:20 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mar 15 | 7:25 PM |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Mar 15 | 7:30 PM |
Moe | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, Moe!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Moe |
Hi Mark
Moe |
I was the one asked the Retorfit 2 question in SO
Mark M. |
um, I recall there being a Retrofit question
Mark M. |
but, I see a *lot* of questions
Mark M. |
Moe |
I'm sure
Moe |
I'll post the url
Mark M. |
was this the synchronous versus asynchronous one?
Moe |
Not that one
Moe |
View paste
Mark M. |
ah! that one!
Moe |
So my last comment was
Moe |
Shall I move the getItem() method from the pojo Item to VideoResponse? and for this matter all the getters for the other JSON elements? my thinking is in Retrofit VideoResponse knows about VideoInfopojo which knows about the Item Objects list that knows about Rendition list, where it gets the URL of the video
Mark M. |
well, the problem is that I can't really answer those questions
Mark M. |
you have some JSON
Mark M. |
that dictates what the POJOs should look like
Mark M. |
you have a URL to get that JSON
Moe |
Mark M. |
that dictates what the Retrofit interface should look like
Mark M. |
but since I don't know the JSON, I can't advise you on moving stuff around in your Gson-annotated classes, because I don't know what that will break
Mar 15 | 7:35 PM |
Mark M. |
now, part of this may stem from your use of JSONschema2Pojo, which I haven't seen, let alone used
Moe |
sure, but I was hoping if you could look at the 3 POJO I posted at the question
Moe |
so basically I have the VideoInfo POJO, that has a list of ITEMS
Moe |
then I have Items Pojo , that has a list of Renditions
Mark M. |
Moe |
the last one has what I need, the IDs and the videos url
Mark M. |
Moe |
all the examples I've seen , just call the getters directly
Moe |
in the implmentation
Moe |
I honestly don't fancy creating new getters for all those elements
Mark M. |
um, they already have getters
Moe |
when my POJOs already have all the getters
Mark M. |
those were code-generated
Moe |
Mark M. |
"Shall I move the getItem() method from the pojo Item to VideoResponse?" -- no, because you can't
Mark M. |
VideoResponse does not have an Item
Mark M. |
VideoResponse has a List<VideoInfo>
Moe |
yes that has a list if ITems
Mark M. |
VideoInfo has a List<Item>
Moe |
Mark M. |
a VideoInfo could have a getItem(int) method, for retrieving some item, though I don't know what that gains you over getItems().get(int)
Mar 15 | 7:40 PM |
Mark M. |
the only way VideoResponse could have a getItem() method would be if it were getItem(int, int), with one being the index of the VideoInfo, the other being the index in that VideoInfo of the Item
Mark M. |
and I cannot imagine any modern programming scenario where that will be useful
Mark M. |
part of my problem is that I have no idea how you are using these objects
Mark M. |
suppose you make your Retrofit call, and you have a fully-populated tree of these objects
Mark M. |
what are you doing with them?
Moe |
Ok, so the JSON contain Items that contain Rendition , here I have all I want , the video ID, the video title , url , etc
Moe |
so I'm looking to get the thumb nails, urls, titles etc, to build a video app
Mark M. |
well, I would imagine that you need to present the rest of the tree to the user as well
Moe |
Thumb nail, title, yes
Moe |
so the thumbnal url, video url , title
Mark M. |
you will need more than that
Mark M. |
Item has List<Rendition>
Mark M. |
I don't know much about this API, or where this data is coming from, but I would have to imagine that the user will care about Item and all the renditions
Mark M. |
or at least the subset of renditions that Android can play, based on filtering by codec and stuff
Mar 15 | 7:45 PM |
Moe |
The renditions I believe have all the info
Mark M. |
they do not have the title, for one
Mark M. |
that is on Item
Moe |
View paste
(20 more lines)
Moe |
this is an item with it's Renditon
Mark M. |
for a particular Item that has only one Rendition
Mark M. |
what if there are two? or three? or twenty?
Moe |
yes there are 2 , but I'm only intrested in the one called Rendition
Moe |
there's an IOSRendition that I don't care about
Mark M. |
:: shrug ::
Moe |
most of what I need to present thumbnails and videos with titles should be in the Rendition
Mark M. |
if you think you can come up with an algorithm to suss out the One True Rendition for an Item, then create an ItemAdapter for your ListView/RecyclerView/whatever
Mark M. |
your model is the List<Item>
Mark M. |
where you add some code to Item for the find-the-rendition logic
Mark M. |
whether that is getTheOneTrueRendition(), or getThumbnailUrl() and kin, is up to you
Mar 15 | 7:50 PM |
Moe | |
Moe |
So this is a screenshot from a Retrofit 2 video tutorial
Moe |
you see the part where he's calling the weather
Mark M. |
Moe |
his query is structured exactly as the weather API he's calling
Moe |
as the JSON
Mark M. |
his JSON doesn't have collections, then
Moe |
let me check
Mar 15 | 7:55 PM |
Moe |
I think it does , will upload a screenshot
Moe | |
Moe |
I think Result is a collection
Moe | |
Mark M. |
results is an object, so getChannel() is a regular getter
Mark M. |
channel is an object, so getItem() is a regular getter
Mark M. |
I suspect that you will find that item is an object, so getCondition() is a regular getter, and that condition is an object, so getTemp() is a regular getter
Moe |
So Retrofit 2 can't traverse the collections
Mark M. |
sure it can
Mark M. |
mostly because Retrofit has nothing to do with it
Mark M. |
Gson is *giving you the collections*
Mark M. |
Gson has no way to know what those collections will look like
Mark M. |
and so it gives you getters to retrieve the collection
Moe |
yes, I have Gson as the parser
Mar 15 | 8:00 PM |
Mark M. |
you're welcome to write your own methods for getFirstRendition() or something, if that's what you want
Moe |
so my dream method is impossible? response.body().getItem().getID().getRendition().getUrl() :-(
Moe |
or somethign to that tune
Moe |
method call I meant
Mark M. |
well, again, it comes back to what you are doing with the data
Mark M. |
for example, earlier, I said to create an ItemAdapter, wrapped around a List<Item>, for your ListView/RecyclerView/etc.
Mark M. |
you would need to write code, yourself, to aggregate all Item objects into a single list, from across all the VideoLists
Moe |
Mark M. |
again, Gson isn't going to do that for you, because Gson is general-purpose, and most developers don't need that
Moe |
ok, then from the items of the list I get the Rendition elements ?
Mark M. |
yes, though you indicated that there is only one rendition that matters
Mark M. |
you would have a method on Item to find that Rendition
Moe |
and another to find the url and title inside the Rendition
Mark M. |
so, between the Item (title, etc.) and the Rendition (duration, etc.), you would have the information to present
Moe |
Mark M. |
whether you write a getUrl() on Item, or you just have getRendition().getUrl(), is up to you
Moe |
yeah, the first one sounds more to the point
Mar 15 | 8:05 PM |
Moe |
Ok, so in your example in github I see that you use eventbus, my question is a general one, when do you feel you need to use eventbus , parecelable in your POJO?
Mark M. |
Moe |
or when to use non
Mark M. |
an event bus is mostly for communications between components, such as services -> activities
Mark M. |
while POJOs might be part of an event payload, they otherwise are not involved in an event bus, IMHO
Mark M. |
Parcelable is only needed if the POJO needs to go into a Bundle, Intent extra, or something else that calls for a Parcelable
Moe |
so I think in my case, Intent Extra to play the video, I should be using Parcelable?
Moe |
list -> media player
Mark M. |
when you say "play the video", are you writing the video player yourself (e.g., MediaPlayer, ExoPlayer), or are you launching the user's chosen video player app?
Moe |
ExoPlayer, built into the app
Mark M. |
do you need anything other than the video URL?
Mar 15 | 8:10 PM |
Moe |
for the list yes, for the payer no
Moe |
Mark M. |
then you should not need to make it Parcelable
Mark M. |
just pass the URL, whether as the data portion of the Intent, or as a string extra
Moe |
Moe |
One last thing
Moe |
Expoplayer need to extend a class
Moe |
but i want it to be inside a fragment
Moe |
is there any tricks to get around extending 2 classes
Moe |
int his case the player class and the fragment class?
Mark M. |
well, the player class itself should be some form of View, right?
Mark M. |
if so, a fragment manages Views, but it is not itself a View
Moe |
View paste
Mark M. |
if they need a magic activity class, whether you can use fragments would depend on what that activity does and stuff
Moe |
at least that's in their sample application
Mark M. |
I have looked over ExoPlayer a bit, but I haven't used it
Mark M. |
regardless, you cannot have a single class be both a fragment and an activity, even if Java would let you (which it won't)
Mar 15 | 8:15 PM |
Moe |
yeah, they keep updating the player SDK frequently, so probably will have to dig into that
Mark M. |
since ExoPlayer is open source, look at BrightcovePlayerActivity, see what it does, and see whether you can create your own MoePlayerActivity fork that puts some of the guts into a fragment
Moe |
I'm sure I won't be the first one to attempt that, most video playing apps have a list fragment
Moe |
will be looking into that
Moe |
so you might've noticed I'm new around here, I love your book and the way you're available from time to time for questions
Mark M. |
thanks for the kind words!
Mark M. |
BTW, barring problems, a book update should be out early next week
Moe |
Moe |
eagerly waiting
Mark M. |
Moe |
the apk will update the book automatically
Mark M. |
Moe |
or will i need to redoanload?
Moe |
Mark M. |
you will need to download a fresh APK
Moe |
that's easy enough
Moe |
thanks again Mark
Moe |
those are all my questions for today
Mark M. |
you are very welcome
Moe |
have a great evening
Mark M. |
BTW, the transcript will be posted to shortly after the chat ends
Mar 15 | 8:20 PM |
Moe |
Moe |
will it be possible to make the transcripts searchable
Mark M. |
Moe |
I mean at some point int he future, saves you repeating questions, and could be a very valuable reference
Mark M. |
(for example_)
Moe |
oh, ok
Moe |
Mark M. |
I mean, I could roll some search thing myself, but I'm not sure what value it would add
Moe |
as long as it's crawled by google, it should be fine
Moe |
great chatting with you, have a great evening
Mark M. |
you too!
Moe | has left the room |
Mar 15 | 8:30 PM |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |