Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
José G. |
I need to use the loaders and Sync Adapter framework and I realize that I need a Content Provider. Currently the project is using an ORM (GreenDAO) but I think that it's redundant to have a DAO layer and a Content Provider, because I'll have two data access layers (The GreenDAO's DAO and the Content Provider) and that will generate some inconsistencies. Should I continue to use GreenDAO and connect it to the Content Provider (I think that it'll be a Rube Goldberg machine) or should I use another solution like a hand made access layer with the Content Provider and SQLite (or a library like provigen)? What is the way to go if I want to use the Sync Adapter framework for data sync with my server?
Mark M. |
I have never used SyncAdapter
Mark M. |
I would assume that some people have put a ContentProvider layer over GreenDAO
Mark M. |
a ContentProvider is merely a facade, after all
José G. |
But I think that it'll be redundant
José G. |
What do you use if you want to sync your data with a server? A hand made service?
Mark M. |
SyncAdapter is poorly documented and is tied too tightly into the equally poorly-documented authentication stuff
Mark M. |
now, eventually, I'll spend the time to get my head wrapped around SyncAdapter, at least enough to write a book chapter on it
José G. |
It is not recommended to use it?
Mark M. |
but probably not until 2017 at the earliest, unless Google decides to make SyncAdapter a priority in Android N or something
Mark M. |
you're welcome to use it if you want
Mark M. |
if you have another question, go right ahead -- it's a quiet chat room today
José G. |
Yeah I think that I have another question, let me remember =)
José G. |
That was my only question for today Mark, I'll prepare more for the next office hours, thanks again!