Apr 27 | 7:25 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
PPartisan | has entered the room |
PPartisan |
Hey Mark
Mark M. |
hello, PPartisan!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
PPartisan |
Ohh, just me :)
EGHDK | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, EGHDK!
PPartisan |
I have a question that I put up on Stack Overflow a couple of days ago regarding ways to improve edittext performance
Mark M. |
ok, got a link?
PPartisan |
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29801232/edi... Here's the link - essentially I wondered whether you could offer any tips to improve load times and/or performance whilst scrolling
Apr 27 | 7:30 PM |
Mark M. |
well, on the whole, EditText is not designed for multi-KB prose
Mark M. |
beyond that, you would need to look at Traceview results and see if they give you clues
Mark M. |
I am somewhat baffled by your GPU results, though
PPartisan |
I know - results vary wildly per device as well. I've noticed that when using GPU profiling on a Nexus 7 2013, the "blue" bars representing draw time have massive spikes, although performance is fine, whereas lower spec hardware doesn't show this. It's difficult for me to interpret them.
Mark M. |
the downside of the GPU profiling bar chart is that it does not, on its own, give you a lot to go on
Mark M. |
Traceview or systrace is likely to give you better results
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
though I find systrace to be very difficult to interpret
Refael O. | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
with respect to your toggling on/off HW acceleration, you could play with setLayerType(), though I'll be surprised if this is the right answer for your real problem
Mark M. |
(BTW, hello, Rafael -- I will be with you after EGHDK!)
Apr 27 | 7:35 PM |
Mark M. |
PPartisan: let me take questions from the others, and I will swing back to you in a few minutes
Mark M. |
EGHDK: your turn! do you have a question?
Refael O. |
Hello Mark, no problem no rush :)
PPartisan |
I'll look into it. And sure :)
Mark M. |
EGHDK: your turn! do you have a question?
Hello Mark. I'm trying to follow the testing tutorial on android tools site. "Our gradle plugin will compile source code found in src/test/java" So I put my junit4 tests in there, but I can only test the public methods though. So I want to test one of my utility classes but I have some private methods and such, but I'd still like basic junit cases for them. How would I go about it?
Mark M. |
either test the private methods via public ones, or change their visibility
Mark M. |
for example, package-private (i.e., no public/private/protected keyword) could be tested by test cases that you put into the same Java package
Mark M. |
I am not aware of a way to test private methods from outside classes
No way to change the visibility of a method just for a test case though... correct?
Mark M. |
though it's possible there is some standard JUnit4 trick for that
Mark M. |
IIRC, you can bypass private restrictions via reflection
Mark M. |
it's not something I have tried, as I usually am testing my API, not doing white-box muck-with-the-private-innards testing
Mark M. |
but, again, there may be something in JUnit4 for it -- I haven't looked
Apr 27 | 7:40 PM |
Mark M. |
let me take questions from the others, and I will be back with you shortly
Is it standard to put test cases inside of an actual package? Like, if I wanted to test my private methods...
No problem.
Mark M. |
Refael: your turn! do you have a question?
Mark M. |
(EGHDK: Java classes are almost always in a Java package)
Mark M. |
Refael: your turn! do you have a question?
Refael O. |
Yes I do, ok, so basically I have a little UI problem, I'm download a file using the DownloadManager class. now, I got a listener that sends the total bytes downloaded to my adapter so I can update a downloading bar in the my listview item. 2 problems I'm having is.. 1. if I quit the fragment by moving to other fragment or by going to the background, when I come back I don't see my download anymore, but it's still downloading in the background.
Refael O. |
problem 2, if I scroll down and load more items, also, same problem, the adapter refreshes and I lose my "connection" with the download
Refael O. |
once again, it's still downloading and all, just the UI isn't working as expected
Mark M. |
IMHO, DownloadManager is really for "fire-and-forget" scenarios. If you want to measure bytes-downloaded and such, why are you not downloading the file yourself?
Apr 27 | 7:45 PM |
Refael O. |
what do you mean by downloading it myself?
Mark M. |
using HttpUrlConnection, OkHttp, etc. and downloading it yourself, perhaps via an IntentService
Refael O. |
it's the first time I work with downloading files, it's the most common way I found arround the web..
Refael O. |
hmmm, you think it would be better?
Mark M. |
well, if I were writing it, and I wanted that fine-grained degree of knowledge/control, I would be downloading it myself
Refael O. |
but wait, if I do so, the download will still go on in the background?
Refael O. |
aw you said Service so ofcourse it will
Mark M. |
if you do the download in the background, yes
Refael O. |
ok i'll give it a try.. thanks Mark!
Mark M. |
FWIW, there are several samples in the book that show downloading a PDF via an IntentService
Mark M. |
PPartisan: back to you! do you have another question?
Refael O. |
ow ill check those samples out then, thanks for the hint
PPartisan |
Sure, I was just looking into setLayerType. I think it could prove useful, although really I would need to know why switching HW Acceleration on/off in the first place improved performance on setText, so I could only target those devices. I know we touched on this before, but can you think of why disabling HW acceleration in this way may help?
PPartisan |
only target those devices where it provided a performance boost*
Mark M. |
off the cuff, no
Apr 27 | 7:50 PM |
Mark M. |
I put a comment on your SO post: you might want to toss together a sample app that reproduces what you are seeing
PPartisan |
Ok, I think I will. I noticed someone else on SO was getting alot of attention with a similar problem too.
PPartisan |
Until ten though, is there a more common method on android for dealing with large amounts of editable text?
PPartisan |
aside from EditText I mean.
Mark M. |
use smaller text? :-)
PPartisan |
Mark M. |
I mean, you can go with a WebView and something that does editing in it
PPartisan |
Mark M. |
that may be a "whack-a-mole" situation, fixing some problems and causing new and exciting ones
PPartisan |
Ha - is there anything in the book on using WebView in this way?
Mark M. |
no, sorry
Mark M. | |
Mark M. |
that's a rich text editor that uses a WebView for its implementation
Mark M. |
I have not tried it, so YMMV
Mark M. |
let me take questions from the others, and I will be back with you in a bit
PPartisan |
Thanks. I have another question, but it's pretty broad, so I'm happy to wait
PPartisan |
Mark M. |
EGHDK: back to you! do you have another question?
Apr 27 | 7:55 PM |
I'm reading a patterns book and they toss around the word interface a lot, but it's not a java specific book. So I don't think they mean interface in the "implements Interface" kind of way. What does interface mean in programming? Just because the first principle in the book is "Program to an interface"\
Mark M. |
um, well, it's a word that has multiple uses and meanings
Mark M. |
hence, I cannot really answer your question very well
Mark M. |
from that heading, I would assume that they mean "interface" along the lines of a Java interface
Mark M. |
IOW, try to program to have the possibility of multiple implementations of X for any X that is bigger than a breadbox
Mark M. |
which implies that X, X', X'', etc. all implement a common interface that you code to
Mark M. |
let me take questions from the others, and I will be back with you in a bit
Mark M. |
Refael: back to you! do you have another question?
Apr 27 | 8:00 PM |
Refael O. | has left the room |
Mark M. |
OK, I guess not...
Mark M. |
PPartisan: back to you!
PPartisan |
I had a go at using the ARC welder Chrome app today, and as it's quite new out I was hardly able to find any tutorials or information about it beyond the short google documentation. I wondered whether you'd had any exposure with it and knew of a good place to look for more info about optimising Android apps for use with ARC etc?
Mark M. |
you mean, besides the extensive chapter that I have in the latest version of the book?
PPartisan |
Ahh...I missed that! I may not have the latest version
PPartisan |
Mark M. |
it's in Version 6.6
Mark M. |
came out a bit less than two weeks ago
Mark M. |
ARC is definitely rough around the edges
Mark M. |
but, it has interesting possibilities
Mark M. |
the chapter is a tad short of 30 pages
Mark M. |
starts at page 3066 of the PDF
PPartisan |
That's brilliant news
Apr 27 | 8:05 PM |
Mark M. |
beyond that, keep tabs on the google-chrome-arc Stack Overflow tag
Apr 27 | 8:05 PM |
Mark M. |
Google is providing halfway decent support there
PPartisan |
I had a quick look today, only around 50questions so far - and I've just updated to v6.6, so I'll take a look
Mark M. |
let me swing back to EGHDK, and I'll be back to you in a bit
Mark M. |
EGHDK: your turn! do you have another question?
I'm going back to my http client question I asked a little while back. I've decided that I'm going to have a single http client in the Application class. I have two questions though regarding this design decision. First question. Should I make the Client static, because I know the application class is a singleton so it shouldn't really make a difference if the client is static or not?
Mark M. |
a regular data member of an Application subclass will have the same lifetime as a static data member of any class
Mark M. |
so, it should not much matter
Mark M. |
at least from an object lifetime standpoint
So static at that point would just make it easier to use if anything?
Mark M. |
what is your second question?
Because I can do MyApp.globalClient
Mark M. |
it will be easier to reach, yes
Mark M. |
anything with static scope needs to be used carefully, to avoid memory leaks, manage thread safety, etc.
2. What are the advantages or disadvantages to creating the object inline where I'm naming the variable (e.g. HttpClient globalClient = new HttpClient) or should I just do HttpClient globalClient and use Application.onCreate() to do globalClient = new HttpClient()?
Mark M. |
they are equivalent
Apr 27 | 8:10 PM |
Mark M. |
in fact, I would expect the compiled bytecode to be identical
Mark M. |
now, that's because you are not referring to superclass methods, but are just instantiating an object
Mark M. |
for Android classes with onCreate()-style semantics, you would want to do it your second way
Mark M. |
and do the initialization after super.onCreate()
Lost me at "now, that's because you are not referring to superclass methods, but are just instantiating an object"
Mark M. |
let's look at a different scenario
Mark M. |
you have an Activity
Mark M. |
you want it to have a WebView for its UI
Mark M. |
rather than inflate a layout, you're just going to use the WebView constructor
Mark M. |
from a Java standpoint, private WebView wv=new WebView(this) as a data member in an Activity is perfectly legal
Mark M. |
however, you'll crash
Mark M. |
because Activity is not yet ready to be used then
Mark M. |
so, you use private WebView wv; as your data member declaration
Mark M. |
and you use wv=new WebView(this); sometime after super.onCreate()
Mark M. |
another variation on the theme is developers trying to use findViewById() from a data member initializer (e.g., private WebView wv=(WebView)findViewById(R.id.browser);)
Mark M. |
that's doubly wrong, as not only is the Activity not yet ready, but you have not called setContentView() yet anyway
So no real difference then as long as my implementation doesnt crash?
Apr 27 | 8:15 PM |
Mark M. |
in your case, there should be no difference
Mark M. |
now, I would like to point out that, for the record, using Android's HttpClient is your worst possible choice for HTTP API, as it is deprecated in Android 5.1
Mark M. |
if you're using Apache's separate Android-friendly JAR with their HttpClient, that should be OK
Mark M. |
and with that, let me switch back to PPartisan...
Mark M. |
PPartisan: your turn! do you have another question?
PPartisan |
I'm fine now Mark, thanks, I just found the chapter you were referring to
Mark M. |
I'm using okHttp, but apache has a separate android jar for httpclient?
Mark M. |
yes, somewhere...
Mark M. |
though the OkHttp HttpClient-compatible API may be better anyway, as you get SPDY support and such
Mark M. |
ah, here it is: https://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-4.3...
Mark M. |
(BTW, PPartisan, if you come up with another question, let me know)
PPartisan |
and http2!
Mark M. |
yes, that's the continuation of SPDY in official form
Apr 27 | 8:25 PM |
Mark. One more question. Is there any best practice to make sure that other members on my project only use my globalClient and don't create another httpclient somewhere else?
Mark M. |
not really
Okay. Just wanted to make sure.
Oh actually one more question. Anyway to only compile a class in for a specific build variant?
Thinking about looking into annonations for this maybe
Mark M. |
well, you can just have the source in that variant's sourceset
Mark M. |
however, if the main sourceset refers to that class, you have a problem
Okay. That's all for me. Thanks Mark
Mark M. |
Apr 27 | 8:30 PM |
Mark M. |
you're welcome!
Apr 27 | 8:30 PM |
Mark M. |
that's a wrap for today's chat
Mark M. |
the transcript will be posted to https://commonsware.com/office-hours/ shortly
Mark M. |
the next chat is tomorrow at the same time, 7:30pm US Eastern
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
PPartisan |
you too
PPartisan | has left the room |
EGHDK | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |