Dec 11 | 3:55 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Dec 11 | 4:05 PM |
Brent | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, Brent!
Brent |
Hey Mark
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Brent |
Hi. I have an SO question I tried to get bumped, but got a message saying I'd already requested a bump within the past week.
Mark M. |
yes, there's a one-bump-per-week limit
Brent |
but I've never asked for a bump before.
Brent |
let alone in the past week
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
what is your Warescription user ID?
Mark M. |
er, that's odd
Brent |
hgross4 (I think)
Brent |
maybe a weird browser thing? I put in the url in the box, went to another page on your site, then came back to the bump page and hit the button
Mark M. |
it shows that you did an SO bump today, slightly over one hour ago
Mark M. | |
Mark M. |
and I already chimed in on it
Mark M. |
perhaps you accidentally submitted it twice
Brent |
oh, didn't think to look after i got the message about the limit
Brent |
maybe i did submit it twice
Brent |
not realizing (of course :))
Dec 11 | 4:10 PM |
Mark M. |
I'm revamping the Warescription site, for a January 1st rollout, and it may help here
Brent |
ok. thanks for the answer.
Brent |
weird that it's so hard to do what I'm trying to do there. it doesn't seem like some sort of far out way to lay things out.
Brent |
another question?
Brent |
not on SO
Mark M. |
go right ahead
Brent |
i want to put grid lines over a camera preview. it seems that the prevailing wisdom online, as far as I can tell, is to override SurfaceView and draw the lines in onDraw.
Brent |
which seems reasonable. just want to see if you agree, or think there's a better way to do it.
Mark M. |
well, ideally, you're using something other than SurfaceView, at least on newer devices (e.g., TextureView)
Brent |
well... no, I'm already using SurfaceView.
Brent |
so TextureView is the updated View to use?
Mark M. |
yes, it works for camera previews by 4.1 IIRC
Mark M. |
has the benefit of being a real View, not the screwy "punch a hole in the window" thing that SurfaceView winds up doing
Mark M. |
so you can animate TextureView and such
Mark M. |
with respect to the lines, I have never looked into doing that, so I do not know the best technique to use
Brent |
4.1 IIRC? do you mean Android 4.1, i.e., JellyBean?
Dec 11 | 4:15 PM |
Mark M. |
Brent |
i need to support down to ICS
Mark M. |
in my CWAC-Camera library, I use TextureView where I can and fall back to SurfaceView
Brent |
Android Camera is driving me nuts, btw. you probbaly dont' remember, but we chatted a few weeks ago about it. i was trying to stuff CWAC camera in a square box.
Brent |
you had some sympathy for me, but not much more ;)
Mark M. |
CWAC-Camera does not like to be stuffed in a box
Mark M. |
Brent |
nobody puts CWAC-Camera in a box!
Brent |
Brent |
(rip Patrick Swayze :)
Mark M. |
to clarify, I use TextureView if the API level is 17+ and I have no sign that we're running on CyanogenMod (due to some old compatibility issue with CM)
Brent |
wow. you can check for CyanogenMod?
Mark M. |
View paste
Mark M. |
which is crude, but apparently it worked well enough
Brent |
oh, it's in the OS version. i guess that makes sense. and i thought that trying to support different "official" versions of Android was hard enough
Mark M. |
yes, writing camera apps is not for the faint of heart
Brent |
whatever "official" means, since i guess Cyanogenmod isn't much less official than what the manufacturers do to Android.
Dec 11 | 4:20 PM |
Brent |
so back to my camera--if i have to support ICS, can I use TextureView, or am I stuck with SurfaceView? it doesn't seem that in this case doing a vesion check and executing different code would be very easy if we're talking about using different classes.
Mark M. |
in your specific case, if you wind up subclassing to do your drawing, it'll be a headache
Mark M. |
in my case, since I am not extending either class, I was able to hide all of it behind a strategy pattern
Mark M. | |
Mark M. | |
Mark M. | |
Brent |
i see. so you're using both, TextureView when possible.
Mark M. |
Dec 11 | 4:25 PM |
Brent |
different question: i have a field the user types into and is then shown items in a list showing whatever matches what he's typed. What I've first implemented is an AutoCompleteTextView with an adapter and filter set up the way i want.
Brent |
It works fine, except that the desired design is for one item in the list to always appear at the top, even when the list is scrolled.
Brent |
i assume i can't do this with the list built into the ACTV (autocomplete...)
Mark M. |
correct, as you don't control it
Mark M. |
it would require either a subclass (if you're lucky) or a fork (if you're not)
Brent |
so I'm probably going to have a TextView above a ListView, with the item always to be in view in the TextView and everything else in the ListView.
Brent |
and no more ACTV, just an EditText and a textwatcher that will make the adapter properly filter the list based on what's entered in the TextView
Mark M. |
while there are sticky/pinned options for ListView available on the Android Arsenal, I don't see one for ACTV
Brent |
oh, so maybe i don't need the separate TextView, just the EditText and the ListView?
Mark M. |
depending on the rest of your UI, you might consider a SearchView in the action bar vs. your EditText
Dec 11 | 4:30 PM |
Mark M. |
Brent |
I don't think SearchView in the action bar is acceptable design, but good to know about SearchView
Mark M. |
with regards to the sticky/pinned options, see
Mark M. |
in your case, you'll only have one "section"
Brent |
not familiar with Android arsenal before now.
Mark M. |
#1 catalog of available Android libraries
Brent |
so the libraries are from whomever
Mark M. |
for various values of "whomever", yes
Brent |
yeah, that's what I meant. at first i thought it was one group producing everything under the Android Arsenal name. how do you know which are reliable?
Mark M. |
word of mouth
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
issue tracker
Mark M. |
references on Stack Overflow
Brent |
issue tracker?
Dec 11 | 4:35 PM |
Brent |
is there one on the site?
Mark M. |
most of the libraries are open source, and most of those are on GitHub
Mark M. |
see if the code is being updated, see if issues are piling up, etc.
Brent |
Brent |
ok. well, i don't think i have any more technical questions. i have one about the book.
Mark M. |
um, OK
Brent |
sometimes page breaks are a bit of a nuisance. is there a format in which the content is more continuous?
Mark M. |
anything but PDF
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
Brent |
ok. maybe i'll try the Kindle or epub versions. thanks.
Dec 11 | 4:40 PM |
Brent |
i think I'm done. if i think of something else before the hour is over, I assume i can come back into the chat room (i won't get a message saying I've hit my weekly limit ;).
Brent |
thanks for the assistance.
Mark M. |
no, so long as the room is open, you can return to it
Mark M. |
you are very welcome
Brent | has left the room |
Dec 11 | 5:00 PM |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |