Aug 5 | 8:55 AM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Damian | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello Damian!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Damian |
Hi Mark
Damian |
I was going to ask you about animations. Give me some time to write a proper question, please
Aug 5 | 9:00 AM |
Damian |
I would like to create a layout with ListView, where first item is special. Initially, special item will be bigger presenting an image, when user scroll down first item smoothly change into regular item. When it is collapsed to regular item view, the list view scroll further normal way. Scrolling up should revert transition. How would you proceed with this?
Mark M. |
I have absolutely no idea
Damian |
Mark M. |
it's possible there is an existing library that offers this sort of "hero element" aspect
Mark M. |
if there is, I'd use it
Damian |
ok, i will look for it
Damian |
by the way, did you try RecycleView from support library?
Mark M. |
I have not yet played with it
Mark M. |
from all reports, it is rather skeletal
Mark M. |
requiring lots of additional code to get anywhere
Aug 5 | 9:05 AM |
Mark M. |
(at least, for some definition of "lots")
Damian |
true, that's my opinion too
Mark M. |
my focus this month is on getting my book moved over to cover Android Studio
Mark M. |
that, and some camera library updates, are consuming all my time
Mark M. |
I won't be poking at "L" too much until late this month, at best
Mark M. |
so, RecyclerView is probably going to be a Very Good Thing over time
Damian |
do you think there will be beta release of L before offical release?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
there were hints that Google might do that, when this was all discussed at I|O
Mark M. |
most of the screams of anguish appear to be tools-related (e.g., can't build for L and test on older environments)
Mark M. |
that would seem to lessen any extrinsic pressure for a beta
Mark M. |
it may be that they are adding enough new stuff than an L2 will be warranted
Mark M. |
but I wouldn't be surprised if what we have is all we get before the next Android release
Mark M. |
considering that it's more than we normally get before an upcoming release
Damian |
another question just come to my mind, there is a lot of talk recently regarding Card UI, there is also new Cards view from Google. Is it not just another pattern? Why would they create separate view for that?
Mark M. |
mostly for the drop-shadow backport, as I understand it
Aug 5 | 9:10 AM |
Mark M. |
on "L", that's all being handled natively in the GPU, as I understand it
Mark M. |
but CardView will provide a similar, if not as slick, shadow on older devices
Mark M. |
given the library name, the backport should work to API Level 7
Mark M. |
the whole elevation-and-shadow thing is a big part of Material Design (motto: We Change Our Design Instructions More Frequently Than We Change Our Socks)
Damian |
i see, so in the future I could is it once and it will work nicely on older versions, instead handling version prior to L with additional if statements
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
basically, the if statements are baked into the CardView
Damian |
I like new Design but i am worried that my code will get messy, probably Google will not provide support for all aspect of that design, there will be similar situation like with ActionBar for example
Mark M. |
Aug 5 | 9:15 AM |
Mark M. |
though the picture should become a bit clearer once "L" turns into Android 5.0 (or whatever number they use)
ming | has entered the room |
Damian |
I prefer wait longer for L release but get it with full backport for older versions
Mark M. |
hello, ming!
ming |
Mark M. |
Damian: I am not certain that the availability of a backport is necessarily tied to "L"'s ship date
Mark M. |
Damian: let me take a question from ming, and I'll be back with you in a bit
Mark M. |
ming: it's your turn! do you have a question?
ming |
yes, i have a question about fragment and backstack
ming |
so I have activity A that is hosting fragment A
Damian |
I have to leave now, my daily meeting starts in 3 min. Thanks for talking, bye
ming |
inside fragment A, i have a take picture button, it invokes the camera app, capture the picutre, and save it inside the PICTURES file
Mark M. |
Damian: see you later!
ming |
once it finishes the task, it returns to the fragment A and sets a preview which is an imageview that was not visible until the image is captured
ming |
now i hit back button, go back in to the fragment A, the preview image is gone.
Aug 5 | 9:20 AM |
ming |
I want it to show the preview image, i tried setInstanceState(true) but it does not work
Mark M. |
if the user pressed BACK, there is no instance state to save, as the instance is being destroyed
Mark M. |
you will need to consider that the photo you took is part of your model data
Mark M. |
and when the activity and fragment are created, see if the image is available, then use it if it is
ming |
where do i save it?
ming |
do i save it in onSaveInstanceState()?
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
you already saved it
Mark M. |
"save it inside the PICTURES file"
ming |
oh yes, the actual image is saved but the uri is not saved
ming |
i dont want to save it to database, since the preview is only supposed to show the last image taken
Aug 5 | 9:25 AM |
Mark M. |
:: shrug ::
Mark M. |
I cannot really help you with your business logic
ming |
ming |
I always come up with some weird ideas...
Mark M. |
the biggest question, from a core implementation standpoint, is how long you need to remember about the "last image taken"
Mark M. |
let's suppose the user runs your app and takes a picture
Mark M. |
then the user leaves your app via BACK, as you described
Mark M. |
hours pass
Mark M. |
your process is terminated to free up memory for other apps
Mark M. |
then the user returns to your app and brings up fragment A again
Mark M. |
should you be showing the "last image taken" to the user in this case?
ming |
hmm, i guess not hours
ming |
minutes probably
Mark M. |
ming |
since I want to preserve the state for user if they hit back button accidently
Mark M. |
in that case, you will probably wind up keeping a lastImageTaken static data member
Mark M. |
if that static data member is null, you start over from scratch
Mark M. |
if that static data member is not null, that's your Uri of the last picture taken, and you use it
Mark M. |
this means that you will remember the last picture taken only so long as your process is around
ming |
how does "static" make a difference
Aug 5 | 9:30 AM |
Mark M. |
your fragment and activity are being destroyed
Damian | has left the room |
Mark M. |
which means either you are caching this data in global scope (i.e., static in Java) or you are writing it to disk
Mark M. |
you cannot just save the data in a non-static data member of the activity or fragment, as they are being destroyed and will no longer be relevant
Mark M. |
BTW, I am assuming that the activity is being destroyed upon pressing the BACK button, as you did not indicate that the activity has any content other than the fragment
ming |
Aug 5 | 9:45 AM |
ming |
i gtg now
ming |
Thanks a lot!!!! See you next time!
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
ming |
you too thank you !
Damian | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello again, Damian!
Mark M. |
do you have another question?
Damian |
Damian |
Damian |
are you planning to add to your book chapter about AsyncAdapter?
Mark M. |
Aug 5 | 9:50 AM |
Mark M. |
there's nothing by that name in the Android SDK
Mark M. |
is this some library?
Mark M. |
or do you mean SyncAdapter?
Damian |
sorry, yes SyncAdapter
Mark M. |
yes, I hope to cover it by the end of the year
Mark M. |
assuming that I can work out some implementation of it that is not inextricably tied to the AccountAuthenticator system
Mark M. |
or at least does not require a pile of icky permissions
Damian |
great, I like to see your point of view
Damian |
recently I have went through video training from Udacity by Google, have you seen it?
Mark M. |
I know of it
Mark M. |
I haven't watched any of it
Damian |
it' really well prepared, I have to watch last part about SyncAdapter :)
Aug 5 | 9:55 AM |
Damian |
by the way, I am wondering how do you find time for learning all this stuff, writing book, running webinars and writing answers on stackoverflow :)
Mark M. |
well, that's my job
Damian |
time is running out, i will stop asking :) thanks again for talking, can't wait to see your opinion about SyncAdapter
Damian |
Mark M. |
the chat transcript will be posted to shortly
Damian | has left the room |
ming | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |