Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Mar 10 | 8:10 PM |
bobr1013 | has entered the room |
bobr1013 |
Hi Mark
Mark M. |
hello, bobr1013!
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Mar 10 | 8:15 PM |
bobr1013 |
Do you do anything with banner ads? I'm looking everywhere to try to get some advertising on my apps. Do you have any instruction in this specific area with adding xml/java into existing apps?
Mark M. |
no, sorry
bobr1013 |
Can I ask why. I thought that you would implement that into your apps.
Mark M. |
heavens, no
Mark M. |
I have zero interest in ad networks
Mark M. |
for apps, sites, whatever
Mark M. |
so I do not use them, nor do I intend to cover them in a book
bobr1013 |
OK. I thought this would be a great avenue to generate some income.
bobr1013 |
bobr1013 |
Just checking. I'
Mar 10 | 8:20 PM |
bobr1013 |
I've been running into a brick wall with this.
Mark M. |
what specifically is the problem?
bobr1013 |
I thought a small banner ad at the bottom of my app could be a great form of advertising
Mark M. |
AFAIK, ad networks provide instructions for integration
Mark M. |
AFAIK, they ship libraries with custom views that you can add to your layouts
bobr1013 |
Mark M. |
"as far as I know"
bobr1013 |
Earlier today I tried adding a Webview to my Listview and I couldnt get the listview to work. Process froze
Mark M. |
putting a WebView in a ListView is unlikely to work well
Mark M. |
if the WebView is for your ad banner, put it below the ListView, via a LinearLayout
bobr1013 |
Oh, I guess I learned the hard way
Mar 10 | 8:25 PM |
bobr1013 |
My Listview is wrapped around a relative view. Are you saying that I should put it withing a linear layout at the end?
rmcore | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
well, LinearLayout was just a suggestion
rmcore |
Mark M. |
one way or another, put the ad WebView outside the ListView
Mark M. |
rmcore: hello!
bobr1013 |
Mark M. |
rmcore: the chat is nearly over -- do you have a question?
bobr1013 |
rmcore |
I have a question about the Action Bar.
rmcore |
I am implementing the filtering action item from the example in the book.
rmcore |
But it appears that onClose is not being called.
bobr1013 |
If you dont use ads networks how do you advertise with all the apps that are available
Mark M. |
bobr1013: I don't advertise
Mark M. |
rmcore: onClose() of what? which example, specifically?
rmcore |
ok...hold on a sec...
bobr1013 |
Thanks Mark, Have a good night:)
rmcore |
I am looking at the chapter "Other Advanced Action Bar Techniques"
rmcore |
There is an example "SearchView... And Filtering a ListView"
rmcore |
it goes through the interface that is required to implement setOnCloseListener
Mark M. |
OK, I'm with you
rmcore |
I am testing on a 4.1 device
rmcore |
it seems like onClose never gets called
Mar 10 | 8:30 PM |
rmcore |
Have you seen this?
Mark M. |
I have not looked at this in some time
rmcore |
I found this on SO
rmcore | |
Mark M. |
are you clicking the close X in the SearchView?
rmcore |
But I am not sure exactly what the proposed solution is.
rmcore |
rmcore |
I click the close X
rmcore |
I set a break point in the onClose function
rmcore |
My breakpoint never gets hit
Mark M. |
I'll have to take a peek at it sometime
rmcore |
rmcore |
well it is frustrating
Mark M. |
I'm sure it is
Mark M. |
if you join a chat closer to the beginning, I can run some tests live, to see what I see
Mark M. |
and I'll try to take a peek at this before the next book update
rmcore |
ok...I thought this started at 7:30?
Mark M. |
US Eastern Time
rmcore |
am I in the wrong time zone or something?
rmcore |
Mark M. |
(and don't forget the US changed clocks this past Sunday)
Mark M. |
(gotta love daylight savings time..._)
rmcore |
yes I know....I'm in Centeral time zone
Mark M. |
anyway, that's a wrap for today's chat
rmcore |
another question about the list view
Mark M. |
the transcript will be posted to shortly
Mark M. |
the next chat is tomorrow at 4pm US Eastern Time
rmcore |
Mark, thanks for the book and all the code samples.
Mark M. |
you are very welcome
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
bobr1013 | has left the room |
rmcore | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |