Nov 11 | 7:20 PM |
Mark M. | has entered the room |
Mark M. | turned on guest access |
Nov 11 | 7:40 PM |
EGHDK | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
hello, EGHDK
Mark M. |
how can I help you today?
Hey Mark. So I'm still reading my intro to java book combined with watching some tutorials online and I just have a java question that I think you can explain to me.
Nov 11 | 7:45 PM |
Mark M. |
Nov 11 | 7:45 PM |
So I was watching an android tutorial on how to do network calls. And the tutorial showed the pre honeycomb the network call worked on the main ui thread, but post HC you need to do it off the main thread.
The first thing the tutorial shows (before he goes into an asynctask) was he showed how to create a new java thread.
I understand that I use asynctasks in Android, but I want to learn "threads" as well.
And I guess I just don't get how that code above actually compiles.
Mark M. |
how does the compiler know what "new Thread()" means. I feel like I've never encountered that. Thread myThread = new Thread(); makes more sense to me.
Mark M. |
first, on the Android front, the tutorial should have indicated that it was a really bad idea to do the network call on the main application thread, and that they just started beating you on the head for it with API Level 14
Mark M. |
now, onto the Java
Mark M. |
let's take a simpler scenario
Mark M. |
int i=1;
Mark M. |
this assigns 1 to a variable (or data member) named i
Nov 11 | 7:50 PM |
Mark M. |
and you usually see numbers used in situations where it is part of a larger statement, like as a parameter to a method (e.g.,;)
Mark M. |
however, the Java statement 1; is perfectly legal
Mark M. |
it doesn't do much
Mark M. |
and perhaps would be optimized away by the compiler
Mark M. |
oh, wait
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
that doesn't work with primitive values like ints
Mark M. |
scratch that
Eclipse complain about `1;`, but maybe that's just eclipse.
oh Okay. Cool Eclipse: "The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable"
Mark M. |
let's try this again from the top
Mark M. |
String foo="bar";
No prob. If anyone is gonna make sense out of this to me... it's gonna be you.
Mark M. |
"bar" here is a literal String object
Mark M. |
which we assign to foo
Mark M. |
but the key is that "bar" is an object
Mark M. |
all we do with String foo="bar"; is give the object a name by which we can reference it later
Mark M. |
(and create a reference, of relevance for garbage collection, but beyond the scope of this explanation)
"bar" is an object? or is foo an object?
Or both... technically.
Mark M. |
"bar" is an object
Mark M. |
foo is the name of a variable
Mark M. |
in conversation, we will say that foo is an object, but that's a bit of shorthand
Mark M. |
the more accurate thing would be: foo points to an object, initially "bar"
Crystal clear.
Mark M. |
now, "bar"; is not a valid Java statement on its own
Mark M. |
just as 1; wasn't
Mark M. |
(for which I again apologize -- in some languages, it is a valid statement, just not Java)
Jeff | has entered the room |
Mark M. |
but "bar".length(); *is* a valid Java statement
Quite alright.
Nov 11 | 7:55 PM |
Mark M. |
we are calling the length() method on the "bar" object
Mark M. |
(hello, Jeff, I will be with you shortly!)
hmm.. Did not know that.
Mark M. |
EGHDK: now, in this case, nothing much happens, because length() does not modify "bar"
Mark M. |
nor does it have any other side effects
Mark M. |
which is why you do not see Java statements like "bar".length(); in use, even though they are legal
Mark M. |
now, suppose we have a statement: new Restaurant().open();
Mark M. |
this too is a valid Java statement
Mark M. |
we are creating an instance of a Restaurant instance, and calling open() on it
Mark M. |
depending on what open() does, this may be useful, even if we are not assigning the Restaurant, or any return value from open(), to a variable
Mark M. |
for example, open() might stick the Restaurant in some static collection of Restaurant objects
Mark M. |
so you will see that construction a bit more in Java, though it is still relatively uncommon
Mark M. |
one of the few places where you will see that more often, ironically, is the scenario that caused you confusion: new Thread() { public void run() {} }.start();
Mark M. |
because calling start() on a Thread starts the OS thread
Mark M. |
now, if we needed to refer to this Thread later on, we would be well advised to hold onto it somewhere
Nov 11 | 8:00 PM |
OS thread?
Nov 11 | 8:00 PM |
Mark M. |
operating system thread
Mark M. |
threads are a construct of an operating system
Mark M. |
just as files are a construct of an operating system
Interesting. Didn't know that either.
Gotcha. So last thing about Thread that I don't 100% understand, and I feel like I've seen it in other places too. new Thread(){ public void run(){} }.start();
Mark M. |
languages *expose* threads and files to programmers
Why is it not new Thread().run()?
Mark M. |
actually, let me take a question from Jeff, and I'll return to your run() vs. start() question in a moment
Mark M. |
Jeff: do you have a question?
No prob
Jeff |
Jeff |
2 quick ones
Mark M. |
OK, give me the first one
Jeff |
1. about a month you and I swapped some email about a problem with the new Droid mini crashing the camera code. I might be presenting camera code to the NYC Android meetup so I wondered if you looked into it more
Jeff | |
Mark M. |
that device demands activation on the Verizon network
Mark M. |
I bought one from Amazon, then couldn't do a damn thing with it, so I returned it
Jeff |
ah - I got it working with rotation after the picture
Jeff |
but the garbage collection takes several seconds which sucks
Jeff |
question 2
Mark M. |
yes, I'm looking into switching my own rotation code to NDK (or perhaps Renderscript) for similar reasons
Jeff |
I don't like post-rotation but it seems unavoidable in some circumstances
Jeff |
question 2
Nov 11 | 8:05 PM |
Jeff |
I'm using ProgressBar and SeekBar now. Is there some enhanced version with increments on the bars, etc?
Mark M. |
you mean, tick marks?
Jeff |
yea, like an old school number line
Mark M. |
nothing in the SDK
Mark M. |
possibly there's a third-party one that offers it
Mark M. |
try and see if one shows up there
Jeff |
I can build it but feels like someone should have solved it
Jeff |
Mark M. |
EGHDK: back to you
So my question isn't really run vs start, more of a "Putting brackets after a new Object() doesn't make sense to me. To me that shouldn't work".
Mark M. |
Or does that type of thing have a name that I don't know. Because if I can pin a name to it... then it would make more sense to me I think.
Mark M. |
hold on one moment while I look up something to help with the explanation...
Mark M. |
OK, let's imagine that we had: new Thread().start();
Mark M. |
start() starts the OS thread, and arranges to call the run() method of the Thread on that OS thread
Okay. Makes sense.
Mark M. |
the problem is that the built-in run() of Thread is not that useful on its own
Mark M. |
so we need run() to do something meaningful
Mark M. |
one approach is to create a subclass of Thread, with a better run() method
Mark M. |
e.g., class MyThread extends Thread { public void run() {} }
Nov 11 | 8:10 PM |
Mark M. |
then, new MyThread().start(); would run my overridden run() method
Got it
Mark M. |
in addition to regular Java classes, using the extends keyword, Java supports "anonymous inner classes"
Mark M. |
these are effectively throwaway classes, designed to be used to instantiate just one object of that class
Mark M. |
the syntax is a mashup of declaring a regular class ({ public void run() {} }) and instantiation (new keywoard)
Mark M. |
er, keyword
Mark M. |
so, new Thread() { public void run() {} }.start() is saying:
Mark M. |
first, we are creating an anonymous inner class, extending Thread, we we override the run() method
Mark M. |
second, we are creating an instance of that class
Mark M. |
third, we are calling start() on that instance
Mark M. |
this is not especially newcomer-friendly syntax
Mark M. |
but it works
Okay, yeah. It does make sense though.
Mark M. |
note that you can create an anonymous inner class that implements an interface, instead of extending an existing class
Mark M. |
you will see that in a lot of Android examples, particularly with listeners
Mark M. |
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener { public void onClick(View v) {} });
Mark M. |
View.OnClickListener is an interface, not a class
Mark M. |
but the same syntax works
Yeah... well that's what I was gonna say. This "new Thread" thing reminded me of OnClickListeners, and those confuse the hell out of me.
Nov 11 | 8:15 PM |
View class "implements" onCLickListener?
Mark M. |
let me take another question from Jeff, and I'll come back to you in a bit
Mark M. |
Jeff: do you have another question?
Mark M. |
OK, back to you, EGHDK
Mark M. |
OnClickListener is an interface
Mark M. |
it is implemented inside the View class
Mark M. |
much like how a regular inner class is implemented inside of another class
Mark M. |
and so, View here is serving as a bit of a namespace
View paste
Mark M. |
Mark M. |
OK, I misused "implements" a bit earlier
I'm guessing KeyEvent.CallBack is onClickListener?
Mark M. |
let's try this again
Mark M. |
OnClickListener is an interface
Mark M. |
it is *defined* inside the View class
Mark M. |
KeyEvent.Callback is not an OnClickListener
Mark M. |
nor is Drawable.Callback, nor AccessibilityEventSource
Mark M. |
those three, and View.OnClickListener, are all interfaces
Mark M. |
View *implements* those three, meaning that View must have methods fulfilling all their contracts
Mark M. |
View *defines* OnClickListener inside of itself, and so other pieces of code can reference that interface as View.OnClickListener
Interesting. I didn't know that you could define a interface inside of a class. I thought you had to define them in their own file.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Nov 11 | 8:20 PM |
Mark M. |
you can define classes and interfaces inside of other classes (e.g., "inner classes") as well as in separate files
Mark M. |
Jeff: if you have another question, chime in
Okay. My last question before times up. I am basically drawing two circles (Think ven diagram). I have 50% transparency on both. Right where they intersect... the image is darker (50% +50%). Is there anyway to stop this?
Mark M. |
beats me
Not sure if that makes sense.
Mark M. |
my guess is no, and that regular color blending rules, including the alpha channel, will apply
Heh. Okay. I thought I saw a video with Romain about doing that with Bitmaps... but I don't remember where I saw it.
Mark M. |
but that's just a guess
Yeah, I know ROmain showed a way to do it with pictures. Because he had 4 pictures cascaded on top of each other. All transparent. But the blended in with each other. And he said that that wasn't the desired outcome. And he did something, and it layered the pictures... but still had transparency.
Oh well. Guess it's time to look at old google i/o videos again. Thanks again mark. That finally makes sense to me. "Anonymous inner classes". Learn something new every day.
Mark M. |
you are not the first to complain about anonymous inner classes
Mark M. |
you probably won't be the last
Yeah. I guess it wasn't a complaint. Just more of a "doesn't make sense because that's almost never ever used" type of thing.
Nov 11 | 8:25 PM |
Mark M. |
every language has its set of "power coder" syntax
Mark M. |
this happens to be part of Java's
I guess I'll take it as that.
I'm becoming a java power coder. Hahaha
Nov 11 | 8:30 PM |
Mark M. |
and that's a wrap for today's chat
Mark M. |
the transcript will be posted to shortly
Mark M. |
the next chat is Thursday at 10am Eastern
Mark M. |
have a pleasant day!
Jeff | has left the room |
EGHDK | has left the room |
Mark M. | turned off guest access |